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Everything posted by Bobthegimp

  1. With a handle like "transman" ?
  2. Two pages of replies from the pearl clutchers and hand wringers. Face it boys, what we were spoon fed as children (equality etc.) was a crock of <deleted>. There never has and never will be the type of equality you're hoping for. Accept how the world has always worked and make a donation to your favourite Thaksin charity. Hell, why don't we here on Asean Now send him a "Get Well Soon" card and a Starbucks gift card. Maybe Thaksin will waive our visa fees or give us citizenship.
  3. It is a car ferry.
  4. The guy was 5'3" and 145 lbs. The trinkets were aluminum and titanium because he couldn't bear the weight of real gold.
  5. Does this mean that you sugar your own churro?
  6. I was there twice today and it's still a nightmare. Major upgrades take time, not much can be done about it.
  7. Like the Phuket taxi mafia. I feel for the Win guys because Bolt is a race to the bottom for already low wage work.
  8. Boats are incredibly expensive to operate, maintain and certify. Busses are dirt cheap to operate in comparison and don't require surveys, sea trials and Lloyd's inspections.
  9. "my pet is different " 555
  10. If the OP is working in a call center, living in Thailand on 40k baht plus 9 million in the bank will be easy street. Is 40k baht per month enough to keep the OP in shrimp and goon bags? Wine is quite expensive here.
  11. I remember how Transport Canada was with changing rules and regulations over the last 25 years, and the cost of compliance with those rules. The system here must be even more byzantine. Maybe set up a service in the Philippines, where they pack 4500 passengers onto a 300 passenger ferry.
  12. The owners don't appear to be strapped for cash and have a long term vision for the service. The fellow posting on their behalf seems like a decent fellow with a good understanding of the industry. I don't see how it can become profitable but I wish them well and all success with their endeavour.
  13. They happily shag and date them, just don't introduce them to the family.
  14. The shutters were still down on the bar I thought it was, so no confirmation yet, but I'm quite sure it's one of the bars close to Mike Shopping Mall. Do you want to find out if she's still going with customers? Maybe Stickman is in Pattaya and feels like doing some gum-shoeing.
  15. It looks like a bar that's close to Mike Shopping Mall on Beach Road. I'm heading over in that direction for breakfast so I'll double check on the way back.
  16. I gave 3 million baht to a girl because her buffalo was sick, only to find out that she lived in an apartment and didn't own a buffalo. I've still got a picture of someone's buffalo in my wallet, beside the pic of my deceased ma. Can I get my money back?
  17. He moved back to Wembly many years ago.
  18. I saw that plenty of times when the £ was close to 70. There's no upper age limit, either. Back in 2009 I was sitting with a couple of German guys outside a small bar at VT1. We were discussing Canada's massive oil and gas reserves when the British codger found his long awaited segway into our conversation. "You had enough gas to kill the f ing Jews, didn't ya?" Screaming at the top of his lungs with a horrible accent. One of the Germans was a cop who didn't drink. His reply was "be quiet old man, drink your alcohol and talk to your prostitute ". That kicked things off, but thankfully the 40 year old Germans didn't beat up pensioners so the old clown made quite a show before his prostitute dragged him indoors. The £ was falling and the poor guy was being forced back to a council flat in beautiful, balmy, blighty.
  19. There's quite a bit of that on this board. Perhaps it's the trap that the "old Asia hands" typically fall in to. I've got a friend like that; a crusty old codger who has done the same thing, in the same place, for thirty years. When a go go dancer told him that many dancers pay young men for sex (so do rich old ladies on Khao San) his brain nearly melted and he called her a liar. Same pattern: "I've been drinking on the same soi for X number of years and never seen it, so you must be lying". If there's an ignore function, use it, because you'll get nothing but the same old from that gang.
  20. I have seen it, as an exception as opposed to a rule. World Wide A Go Go. 4 Indians, 1 bottle of coke with 4 straws and 8 swart hands groping the girls. I laughed, my high roller friend was very bitter. The girls weren't complaining. A more recent incident was at a small hotel with a bar on Soi 12. There were 4 young Indian guys sharing a 400 baht room and slowly sipping small bottles of water. The bargirl I was sitting with told me about them sharing the room and that they had no money. They were nice enough looking young men, so I played a hunch and told the bargirl that "the lady over there says you sleep with the Indians when the bar closes". The "lady" hadn't said anything to me, it was a fishing expedition and I reeled in a whopper. The bargirl got very flustered and said "she's lying! She is the one sleeping with them, so are the other bargirls", most of whom were old slappers with high libidos. Money or no, youth is a valuable commodity in bar areas.
  21. Maybe they should let Thaksin decide his fate. He knew what to do with drug dealing heathens.
  22. "Chained Heat" comes to mind. There are some pretty hot women in Thai prisons. Maybe the prison exit gate would be the best place to meet my next ex tirak. Do Thai jails have a conjugal visiting room?
  23. Probably working with the information he got from the officials.
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