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  1. Don't do it. Perpetual dry eyes and night halo's sound like fun to you ?
  2. Conor is 100% correct, who in Ireland thought it was a good idea to let all that filth in ?
  3. what do you pay per shot ?
  4. It's 2000 baht to move the license plate / green book to a different province
  5. Excellent work , stay the F out of USA if you possess so much hate and disdain.
  6. Mossad should have a few words with him once off the prying eyes of US soil
  7. Search Labs | AI Overview Learn more Columbia University's endowment reached $14.8 billion by the end of Fiscal Year 2024, reflecting an 11.5% return on its assets, with $648.4 million distributed from the endowment in support of the university.
  8. How big was the cement cock you bought ?
  9. They are seen all the time around Pattaya, really look like total Dorks talking to themselves in front of their own phone but hey Whatever Floats Your Boat
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