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Everything posted by NickyLouie

  1. And you're pleased with Biden stumbling around while his handlers gave over 100 Billion to Ukraine and just started WW3 for oil and military armaments profit. You are part of America's downfall, but you think those illegal invaders on the southern border are all well and deserving also. History will prove what a bunch of dolts the Democrats where during this time history.
  2. only a Democrat with a lobotomy would vote for Biden again.
  3. wish they would not allow these ppl in TH seeing way too many now
  4. Anyone get the nice diarrhea from ingestion of filthy Songkran water ?
  5. Must be utter chaos there today, April 11
  6. Seems like Iran is the next customer.
  7. 28,000 BTU set on 26 tho Nice 7/11 feel
  8. A good locksmith / key cutter will have a blank that will fit that Vespa with the chip in the head portion that can scanned to match your existing model.
  9. Thai's alreadys collected that 10K , even some very wealthy ones I spoke with took it.
  10. pay rent is called lost equity, unless you're a bum who doesn't have nice cash to buy and own
  11. Hi Sherm, it's the best used bookshop in Pattaya and it's frequented by those of us who actually live here.
  12. Good Lord! that bloke was in need a of shave to help with the feminine look.
  13. Protocol or etiquette for being butt naked on the balcony ?
  14. It's actually quite tasty if you're able to eat real Thai foods. Pad sator is another great southern dish.
  15. Was a pickup full of of hired military contractors and some fake AID workers, what did they expect?
  16. owned by same group.
  17. Most Thai's are horrible alcoholics, this should be addressed also. Treating the populace like children banning sale of alcohol during the middle of the day further goes to prove how those in charge view their subjects.
  18. Yes , received after leaving flight with a guide who took me directly to the VIP lanes..
  19. Hope it's not the same service I've used b4 with great success.
  20. This what MMA has turned boxing into. Go with the flow ...
  21. Lazada has Kirkland brands if you search, only problem for me is they are huge bottle of like 400 often.
  22. When you roll thru the hood, do you say to yourself 'hey let's get out and mingle with these savages' ? Nope. Here is another point, there have been millions of planet Earths in the universe where the existing life forms fizzled out in due time before attaining the technology to explore the 9th level and thus joining in on the understanding . It's probable humans (savages) will meet the same fate as well.
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