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Everything posted by DudleySquat

  1. If you hurry, you might be able to catch the first wife.
  2. Well then, that makes it alright. Carry on .....
  3. That's the way it is written. I don't hear about Thais getting fined.
  4. I don't know what that means.
  5. I am curious, what is your goal and expectation for getting this "booster?"
  6. By law, isn't this defined as kidnapping or false imprisonment?
  7. Prove it. So many of you are faster than a speeding train to tell any foreigner they have no rights here. So prove what you say.
  8. I saw the same video and forgot it. It is good advice, but I will likely forget it again unless I write it.
  9. The problem with your nonchalance is that it often spills over to the passenger as well.
  10. I have full custody of my son, and that's what it says on our Divorce Papers. This will be the last time you will have to have both parents.
  11. Did you mean they hawk extensions to visas?
  12. Someone, please confirm for me that they wanted to return non-eaten durian. Hey, loud Chinese Durian buyer, are you wanting a full refund on the stems? Where is the Durian?
  13. Ju, T. J., Boisvert, L. N., & Zuo, Y. Y. (2021). Face masks against COVID-19: Standards, efficacy, testing and decontamination methods. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 292, 102435. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cis.2021.102435
  14. I burned out 2 Otto air fryers in 3 months.
  15. For that price, he could have used a Cialis for a day and a half.
  16. I can take back the curse if you want.
  17. Do you have a link to this? I'll check their prices against Fascino + my discount.
  18. Fascino Pattaya Nua. I haven't been inside there for 16 years, but my drugs get delivered when I want. I pay them bank to bank and have Grab pick up and deliver.
  19. Please don't post pictures of the spike protein; it makes me scared.
  20. Why is the alleged criminal wearing a mask in the photo?
  21. Why does it have to be online? I order my drugs from Fascina on Pattaya Nua and have Grab pickup and deliver to me. Would you like the LINE account for the Pharmacist?
  22. I don't believe the numbers. Two hundred twenty-six people on ventilators due to Omicron Variant? Where are these people?
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