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Everything posted by DudleySquat

  1. I'm surprised no one challenged me on my reference to Minnesota. During the time of Obama, he moved all the Somalis to Minnesota, which is why we have that piece of <deleted> Ilhan Omar as a representative in Congress. Some Somali doctors, yes, real doctors in America, were performing genital mutilation on young Somali girls in Minnesota. Cultural enrichment, folks. It's a tradition. Offer up your children if you are so LEFT inclined, and maybe the nice Somali MD will use some lidocaine when surgical removes your daughter's clitoris. Lovely that.
  2. Traditions? Italy has a tradition of Mafia that moved to America. So what if it is a tradition? It's a bad one.
  3. I am still waiting for the Rome answer from @Neeranam
  4. Utter nonsense. Take your young teenager to a country in Africa (Or Minnesota) where they still practice genital mutilation on girls. GIRLS. Now tell me all about being in Rome.
  5. Understanding and accepting their BULL<deleted> is something else.
  6. Everything you just wrote, with the exception of using Linux, was horrible advice.
  7. you stated you were retarded when it comes to technology. Buy yourself an inexpensive Chromebook.
  8. Why do you care about how they respect or disrespect you? Teach your wife where her real family is. I get so tired of hearing about "my family" from the Thai GF. The truth is that the "family" never did <deleted> for her and always had their hands out. Slap those hands and tell the louts to keep it to themselves. The good news is that most of them will probably die soon. Problem solved.
  9. Step up to the front. Tell the relatives to <deleted> themselves. End.
  10. It rights the wrong that never should have been done to him. The SOS from Maine is a partisan scumbag. It will all blow up in her face.
  11. Order from Ikea.
  12. If they allow "buggery," as you say, they are gay.
  13. That is what happens when one partisan stupid woman takes it upon herself to issue a decree. A decree isn't law. It's not close. Now she looks stupid, which is good because she is.
  14. Think all you want. I should celebrate an SOS (Secretary of State) with no law degree, no legal background, taking it upon her corrupt self to interpret the Constitution? I think not.
  15. For those who did not read the article, they also want to close duty-free shops in all airports. Great idea. Not.
  16. Trump stays on the ballot. Boo Hoo to the haters. "Former President Donald Trump challenged the Maine secretary of state’s decision to disqualify him from the state’s primary ballot, appealing on Jan. 2 to the Maine Superior Court. He made several arguments, including that Maine Secretary of State Shanna Bellows was biased and should have recused herself, that she had no authority to remove him from the ballot or adjudicate the issue, and that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment doesn’t apply to presidents. “The Secretary made multiple errors of law and acted in an arbitrary and capricious manner ... and President Trump will be illegally excluded from the ballot as a result of the Secretary’s actions,” attorneys for President Trump wrote. The Kennebec Superior Court has until Jan. 17 to make a ruling. With the appeal, President Trump will stay on the Maine ballot despite the secretary’s decision until a court rules otherwise." Source: Epoch Times article linked at beginning So foolish are most of you to celebrate what is already a dead strategy.
  17. It's 2024. Where is your head buried?
  18. Regardless, it requires a conviction. There is none. The Constitution is quite clear that you are innocent until proven guilty. Who proved Trump guilty? This loony secretary of state? The media? She made a legal determination and has no law degree or legal training. She is a fraud.
  19. Were there strange things in that restaurant? Yes. I have no proof anything there was afoot. With that said, there are pedophile rings in the US government as well as the British government. So YES, maybe not there, but they had the same strange paintings on their walls as John Podesta.
  20. It's an add-on to make money. Is it necessary for dental work? No. Eye testing, probably yes.
  21. Until you get cancer, then all bets are off. I agree with you, having diabetes and high BP insurance pays for nearly nothing.
  22. I have had my Samsung 6 for two weeks only. I am still discovering what it can do. It's from the USA, so most functions are enabled.
  23. I never said the watch is a replacement for proper tools such as a real pulse/ox I have one, and the watch accurately matches the pulse/ox. It is capable of giving an early warning for afib even during sleep. Then you place your finger for a more accurate view of things as they stand. That is the role I wanted.
  24. I am always amazed at the ignorant statements made so easily when I give you a YouTube video that goes over this feature in detail.
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