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  1. Please let us know if any of your other attempts succeed,
  2. I received no reminder, but then I have not done a 90 day report for ages. I only got the rejection email. I only applied once. No reason for rejection given.
  3. My online reporting was rejected so I have to go in person. I am getting conflicting information from the internet about what documents I need to take along. Has anyone recent experience at Jomtien that can help. Thanks
  4. I can imagine that there are quite a few in authority who would like to see him return to Dubai. A problem exported is a problem solved.
  5. The heading says that tax will be levied even if not brought into Thailand. The last paragraph of the article talks about regardless of when it is brought into Thailand. The heading seems to be scare mongering.
  6. It is about time they bought in ApplePay. It is quicker and more efficient than QR codes
  7. OP please let us know how you get on. I am sure that a lot of people will be interested.
  8. Why would the bank keep the old book? I have got all my old books. (Bangkok Bank)
  9. OP you ask a good question. If you get answer please let us know. Thanks
  10. A tenant with a rental contract is a "possessor" and has an obligation to do TM 30 when required. When I put a new tenant in a condo I do the TM 30. No problem. For me to be responsible for a TM 30 when a tenant comes and goes during the tenancy is ludicrous. How would I know his movements? Even if I did what happens if I am not in Thailand at the time? I understand that some IO's are a bit pedantic about requiring an owner to do TM 30, but tenants can do the TM 30 with a copy of the house book and rental contract. I know because I have tenants who have done it
  11. Anyone know the timing so I can avoid Beach Road?
  12. Get your lawyer to apply to court to get your passport back as a special case. The court might refuse, but it is worth a try. Good luck.
  13. If OP is correct this would be totally illogical even by Immigrations standard. Every day they would face dozens of long stayers fronting up with cancelled reentry permits. It would cause chaos.
  14. Why a picture of the Bank of England? What has that got to do with GSB?
  15. Quite right. Israel wants to eradicate Hamas; instead they are on a Hamas recruitment drive.

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