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Everything posted by khagai1

  1. Almost every time I have paid at Bumrungrad with a credit card, I have been asked whether I wanted in dollars or baht. I have always paid in baht because the exchange rate, if you pay in dollars, is terrible and you lose quite a bit of money if the bill is substantial.
  2. Supposedly she already has a replacement hip and is doing well.
  3. Zuckerberg, Bezos, Cuban just to name a few more prominent ones. In addition, both sides had their share of hedge fund managers and other lesser known billionaires, and let's not forget Oprah.
  4. I use an olive oil basting and put fish sauce in the pan. Yeah sounds crazy, but it's delicious and replaces any need for salt. Works great on hamburgers as well.
  5. Have you never logged on to the Schwab website? There are a lot of tracking tools on there, more so on the Windows version. You can go to any date and time. You can project future income, Schwab has a whole area on that. I would call your Schwab agent and tell him what you want, there are probably additional tools to do that. When you say tracking, what exactly do you want?
  6. Not always true. I traced a Swift transfer that was slow and it went from Schwab Bank to Wells Fargo and then on to Bangkok Bank. I could trace the stops and the timestamps along the way with the help of Schwab.
  7. If you go near Siriraj Hospital there is a cluster of pharmacies they are that my Thai friends where are the cheapest around. Some of them are chain pharmacies, like Fascino, and are all over town. However the chain pharmacies are not all the same size and do not carry the same drugs. Attached is a photo from the fascino in the Siriraj Hospital area. Jardiance is sold in 10 pill clusters dependent on the dosage, so in the photo you have the 10 mg and 25 mg dosage and their prices. The price at the end of the column would be your price for a one month supply.
  8. I have transferred USA to Thailand bank using Swift from Schwab brokerage. You can only use Swift from The Brokerage side not the bank side. I assume if you can go one way you can go back the other way. In my case it was Bangkok Bank and the last transfer that I made was for 1 million baht. I have used SWIFT often for much larger sums, but I was surprised with this one which I did last June it only took 5 hours from Schwab to Bangkok Bank. My other Swift transfers usually took a couple of days. Recently I have only used Bangkok Bank but approximately 10 years ago I transferred a large sum of money to Kasikorn as well.
  9. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 64 seconds  
  10. I use Charles Schwab Bank which reimburses your ATM fees at end of month. The standard maximum is $1,000 per account withdrawal in one day. I have been told that you can negotiate a higher amount if needed. If for any reason I need additional money in a single day I maintain multiple accounts so that I can withdraw 30,000 Baht from each account. Of course this means separate ATM cards and an additional bank charge on each withdrawal, but you get the money back at the end of month. I only use this approach when I want to make larger cash purchases. Do not have a Thai bank account even though I have been a 6-month expat in Thailand for over 20 years.
  11. In my 20 years of experience in Thailand use of a foreign credit card is squirrely. For example,Macro accepts Citibank credit card. However when I ran my us-based Citibank in Bangkok it was not accepted, but ran the same card a month later in a Macro in Phitsanulok, no problem. Another weird example, The Lion Air online application would not accept foreign credit cards to purchase flights, yet I could go to their window in the airport and purchase the same flight with the credit card they refused online. No rhyme, no reason, just keep track of where they are accepted and where they are not.
  12. Bewilderment and disappointment for myself as well. Foster daughter and mother went for tourist Visa with following: College education $800,000 worth of property, free and clear, no mortgage 1 million baht in Bank Owns her own business, a bakery, in her own commercial building and employs four other people. Visa denied, not enough reason to return. Mind boggling since their net worth is quite a bit higher than average net worth of average family in USA. (Per internet stat) Maybe the guy had a fight with his Thai wife that morning?
  13. Too bad, he should have gotten his ass kicked and put that up on his video. The Thai guys got to be quicker and really beat this guy's ass maybe he won't do it again.
  14. S**t. Now Synctoy doesn't work in Windows 11! Another good functional product sunsetted, forcing you to the cloud (don't trust security or robustness of backup) or a potentially inferior chargeable SW offering. Too many good things are disappearing.
  15. Mushroom Travel. They have offices at Central Bagna. www.mushroomtravel.com
  16. GF and daughter just took a trip to Japan for 6 days with a tour company. Had a great time, no issues no problems, no problems. Only issue was the weather, very cold since they went in League November early December. You're still interested a prayer food along with the tour was quite good, 45,000 baht per person for 6 days including hotels and airfare.
  17. My experience (but I am American, the exception). Last year, I wired $175K via SWIFT to my "foster" daughter (I have been taking care of her for 20 years--as a daughter, her mom has been GF for same time) to buy a commercial building and start a bakery. We used Bangkok Bank. I used Krungsri for the initial down payment, but their conversion fees increase dramatically as the funds transferred increased. Bangkok Bank had a flat rate (super inexpensive) and a good TT exchange rate. No reason was required, and transfer took 2 business days. Additional funds were needed as improvement/maintenance/equipment were also needed to prepare the building as a bakery (painting/cleaning/electrical upgrades/commercial oven/shelving/furniture/refrigeration/AC, etc.). Over a couple of months I provided an additional $20K which I did by simply funding an ATM account thru Schwab on my side and them withdrawing the money on 30K Baht increments/day and placing it in a Thai bank for cash payment to Thai workmen. Schwab refunds the Thai Bank service charges each end of month, so no charges for use of ATM. A lot of the furnishings/kitchen equipment/etc were purchased via Credit Card. I find that using the bank account transfer for lesser amounts is easier and faster, but has to be timely as the Schwab max is $1,000 per account/day (you can have multiple accounts), and the Thai banks limits are either 20K baht or 30K Baht/day depending on which bank ATM you use. Your $3,000 transfer would have taken 3 days to get it out of the bank. The bakery has been doing quite well to the point that they are expanding to the second floor of the building for more dining/lounging space so I sent additional money (not much) for purchase of tables/chairs/security doors/workmen expense last week again using the Schwab ATM for transfer rather than SWIFT or WISE. So, in my experience, no hiccups or problems in all these transactions at various times over the last year.
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