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Everything posted by Gknrd

  1. When I was there a few years ago if you complained in Cambodia you were killed. Now with the autocracy government in Thailand you will be deported back to Cambodia to be dealt with. What a lovely country to call home.
  2. Anybody want to see what Thailand was like 75 years ago go to Cambodia. The forests are burning day and night. After the forests are gone the real burning starts with crops. So he is going to say, Do with we say not what we do? Joke of the day!
  3. Depends on the time of the year for me. If not the burning season 90 days is perfect. If burning they could offer 10000 baht and 180 days and I would not come to Thailand.
  4. Tell that to the poor people that cannot drive on the roads now because the government is servicing the debt of the railway and sending all its money to China. The infrastructure is falling apart in Laos because of the debt of the railway. There is basically no maintenance to the infrastructure in the country. I have never seen anything like it. Too late now, hopefully Thailand will be forward thinking enough to see what is going on. But, I have my doubts.
  5. Thailand’s appalling record of air pollution offers hope that the decades-long threat to public health posed by PM2.5 smog could soon be curbed. Joke of the day!
  6. "Early repayment penalties" Wow, kinda like the early withdrawal penalties here in the US. Banks in Thailand have had a field day for years now. What's around the corner is yet to be seen.
  7. And people want to retire there. It boggles the mind. No rights, no property to own, pay the government for the privilege to live there. And choke to death. Makes the saying "stupid farang" make perfect sense. Ahhh, ok now it makes sense.. Haha
  8. And EverGrand being liquidated never hit the news.
  9. Was in Laos for several months last year and all the people talk about is the debt of the railway and how it has hurt the country. Although all the knock off products from China were stacked high in all the stores. And cheap as chips. That whole SE Asia corridor is one huge mess.
  10. Common knowledge here? Only the scum want in the US. Most migrants are stopping in Mexico now. Yesterday I was at Home Depot . First time for me to see migrants wanting jobs in the parking lot. From Venezuela . They are overrunning Colombia. At first Colombians hired them, most let them go. Saying they were worthless. Now, seems they are coming to the US for free hand outs. Hard working and talented , skilled workers are not coming to the US. Mexicans love their country. Contrary to the media portrayal. Mexico is the new China, China is history.
  11. "No person shall exercise rights or liberties to overthrow the democratic regime of government " Joke of the day
  12. Proactive as in brown envelopes did not hit on time.
  13. Under statement if there ever was one. That area is a ticking time bomb IMO. China is sitting on the side lines letting this happen. Loco IMO.
  14. Odd how TAT and the social media runs 180 degrees to the actual truth of the economy in Thailand.
  15. It's a set up, Burma migrant workers did it.
  16. I have a friend that flew in from Santiago de Querétaro Mexico last night. I have not been to her place in a few years and the first thing out of her mouth when I asked about Queretaro was... Get this! Chinese and South Korean's are taking over. She said they are building factories every where and opening businesses. There is so much work and construction it bringing in thousands of migrants. She also said she hates it. And all the big cities around that area are flooded with Chinese, Koreans, opening factories and businesses. She also said they don't want to leave, they are marrying the women doing everything possible to stay in Mexico and not go home. Thailand is dropping off the map. It could have been a hub of commerce but it favored China. Now that whole region is in a downward spiral. Even the Asian business people with money don't want to live and invest there anymore. They want out! I keep a home in Southern Texas and it is the same here. One of the richest areas for commerce in the world at the moment. That whole area in SE Asia fragmenting and China has dragged down the economy and will continue to drag it down IMO. No one wants to live there and put up with an Autocracy not even the Chinese. And Thailand is to far gone to ever recover at this point.
  17. Personally I throw away those air miles BS , and go with the lowest fair. I know a guy the fly's on business and his company pays for the same airline for him to travel ,and he cashes in on the air miles when he goes on vacation with the family. Me, I fly allot and go with the cheapest fair and forget the air miles. I used them once and it was a royal pain. Not worth it for me.
  18. Thailand neutral hahaha, politically they shout neutrality, but march to the beat of Beijing. Actions speak volumes. Thailand is a "mini me" of China in many ways.
  19. There is no upside! Not sure about the rest of the countries. But, for US retiree's it is ridiculous. I am thinking buying some land and building a small house in Mexico or Colombia. I own it there. Not only that but with residency I have local health care and all the perks. I lived in Thailand for years. But, not somewhere I would ever consider for retirement. Haha, 80 and up doing a 90 day report, Yearly retirement visas. Nuts. Here I can have a resident visa and forget about it.
  20. You would be surprised at the people that have saved all their lives that don't know a thing about taxes. Capital gains taxes alone in Thailand will bring in billions in taxes from stupid westerners. The Thai's know how this will play out, the same as the 800K rule change for the rich western countries. That showed them that westerners will do anything for ..., period. It's not rocket science. They will push it as far as they can. I would to if I were in charge. It's a windfall, free money.
  21. This tax is for the 99.9% of foreigners that never leave their front porch in Thailand. Business people that follow the law etc. They have made staying in Thailand without a retirement visa so difficult, that many will pay and not say much.
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