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Everything posted by Gknrd

  1. Every one in Thailand will be a " draft dodger " ;)
  2. Wish they would lure one of my Thai neighbors back. Lowlife , filthy , bargirl married to an ex GI. She would not go back to Thailand if you paid her. Of course Thailand would not want her either. So, guess it is a wash.
  3. Phuket , Pattaya should be in Wiki , defined as tourist and expat rip offs. Definition: Phuket, Pattaya are slangs used to describe tourist or expat rip off's. As in, I was Phuket'ed last night. I was out last night and got Pattaya'd.
  4. Well, Thailand should open up and give them 90 day free visa's. Free retirement visas . Be able to buy land and businesses in Thailand. The south of Thailand should be granted it's independance. And free for all Muslims to enter.
  5. I am from the US. I used to go when things were easy for me to bang up a retirement visa. Now? Flight prices have gone crazy 30 days and then 30 day extension. I went through that a couple of times. Now, Thailand is on the bottom of my travel destination list. Thailand was always , if from the US you were a walking ATM. I personally did not mind it. But, after the government got involved it took it to a whole new level. Passsss Thailand shot themselves in the foot. Before Covid China was booming and the Thai government was like China in West out. Now, Po bear, has decimated the economy and Thailand is scrambling to adapt.. My opinion is S@rew em. my money goes elsewhere. Not only that but you can have the little Russia mafia that has taken hold.. Fond memories but things change. Luckily I don't have to put up with it..
  6. Debt saps savings and retirement. It is a plague on modern society IMO.
  7. Thai people that run the government don't want western tourists , or expats IMHO. Unless they bring in bags of money to hand over. Then they are considered suckers. Thailand wants Chinese.. Thailand thinks the Chinese are going to be the rulers of SE Asia. Maybe they are right , at this point it is pretty much do or die.. At this point with the Chinese economy in the toilet I imagine the PM and others are starting to have second thoughts. But to late to turn it around IMO.
  8. Really the only way to stop it is do like China and don't let anyone post any negative comments. China does it now. Looks like Thailand will be next. Doubt if Thailand cares if any democratic countries complain at this point. The will just start censoring all comments or banning web sites like Facebook, X, anything that someone can post a negative comment on.
  9. Read today this will affect all condo purchaches, house purchaches, bringing in large sums to buy land in wife's name. That will be easy to tax. Banks will turn that in. Also read that with this tax they could start nabbing sponsors and illegal land ownership thru companys.
  10. Again shocked, I would of thought China would fill that gap.
  11. Agree 90 days and extend for 90, I will be there.
  12. I'm shocked. Never thought the government would do an about face on this... I was wrong...
  13. The ex spy chief, and police in general can moan and groan all they want ,until they are told to be quiet or else. This government is not a democratic elected government. And, it is clear the Chinese and this group are in step. People here are talking like the government in Thailand was elected, and the people have a choice. I don't see where the people of Thailand have a choice in the matter. And I doubt the government cares what they say. Until they decide to come down on them to keep them quiet. The rest of the world is waking up to the fact that Thailand and China are one in the same. Expats and tourists from the west are in for a rude awakening. Lots of broken families and expats leaving with nothing more than their shirts. Just threaten these guys with a loss of pension and they will fall in line faster that you can say " cat in a hat ". As far as western expats go they will keep adding things where it is basically impossible to stay if a westerner. And with a little propoganda, the general population will turn against anyone from the west . That has been in the works for a few years now but quietly. All they would have to do is start a massive anti western campaign and the Thai people would get rid of the expats.
  14. It was stupid on their part. Just goes to show there is basically no leadership in China any more. Chinese diplomats and others don't know what to say or do. Total chaos. Unfortunately that is when it gets dangerous. What is interesting is the Chinese say things like this and Thailand falls in line. Which shows the rest of the world the Thai leaders are in step with the CCP. I personally would not want to be there as an expat or a tourist at this point.
  15. And the leaders are inviting Chinese police into the country. Hope Asian Now can find a buyer before the bottom falls out.
  16. Haha, there will be a line of taxi's at every bar. Worse than the Airport..
  17. If a broadway show the head line would be "Kingdom of Thailand". And right under it would be "written and directed by China"
  18. Ok, break it up. Who started this. Where are you from.. The US sir.. Lock him up... Where are you from.. China sir. Now you guys calm down and have a nice time with your stay in Pattaya..
  19. Curious to see what the landscape is like in Pattaya, and other hot spots in a few years. I am heading to the Philippines in the next few months, think I will pop over just for old times sake just to see this.
  20. Basically just a change of guard. Where before it was mostly westerners now it is Chinese tourists. I just don't see a happy ending for you western expats... Discrimination and hating westerners is fixing to go to a whole new level..
  21. Thailand government is already run by Chinese supporters and backers. Nothing new here. the farang will be out before long in Pattaya, Puckett ect.
  22. Those volunteers can do pretty much anything they want to. They all run with the Thai Police.. Up north the Swiss and Aussie's were in charge of the biggest narco ring in Thailand when I was there. Hired by the government and worked with the police.
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