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Everything posted by Gknrd

  1. In "economics" If aggregate supply falls but aggregate demand remains unchanged, there is upward pressure on prices and inflation. As soon as you put enough pressure on buying demand falls and you curb inflation. The only tool the reserve has , is to raise rates. Off subject a little, but IMO we will have inflation for the next several years because of companies scrambling to leave China. Demand will remain in the US, but until the supply chains are re-established elsewhere then a little inflation will be the norm. My opinion anyway.
  2. Maybe millions from your part of the world. But, I am a westerner and I would not go if they paid me. I used to fly through and lay over in China. I felt like a criminal just at the airport. No thanks.....
  3. Got covid last year on a visit to Thailand. Showed my vax card. They gave me some pills and told me to go home. Couple of weeks later I was running the streets..
  4. Pretty sad when the second largest economy is doing a "Thailand" to try and get tourists. If the economy is that bad in China then something is seriously wrong. I live in the US and the government is raising interest rates trying to get people to stop spending. Wages are going up like crazy and there are not enough workers to fill the positions.
  5. The old days of Thailand have been over for a long time. I will say it was so much fun while it lasted. But, it's over.
  6. Few years ago I got food poisioning up north. Very bad. I had to stay the night with a drip in my arm. Cost me 3400 baht for the stay and medicine in a Thai hospital. This is an example why I keep my health care card active in the US. In the US with only medicare the 7000 dollar bill would have cost me the deductible , about 250 (unless already met)+ 20%. Much cheaper in the US. Same with dental work. I am in Colombia getting dental implants. I got a price in Thailand and it was very expensive. I came to Colombia and am saving about 60% of the US and about 45% of Thai prices. I like Thailand and lived there for years. But, the hype is just that, hype. Amazing to me how many people believe the internet and YouTubers..
  7. Back when I was riding I bought a trailer to pull behind my HD Ultra Classic. I had the Bandido's do a custom paint on the trailer. Superb work, but I was always a little uncomfortable. Definitely would not cross them... that would be extremely unhealthy.
  8. I have forgotten my ex's name, added a few year on to my life I imagine.
  9. I'm in my 70's, I mine says 89 now. If chocking in Thailand I would bet it would take a few years off that. Conclusion is if retiring at 66 in the US and move to Thailand or SE Asia to spend the rest of your life. Probably shave 5-6 years off of that.
  10. Lucky for you guys if the reports I am hearing are true, China is in a 10 year death spiral. If true the old Thailand may be right around the corner.
  11. xenophobic 3 year olds running the country. Anyone else see the decline of China and Thai tourism on a linear scale. That should answer all the questions about the direction of Thailand. Other countries are filling the gap.
  12. She said, "Sex! Sex! Sex! Free sex tonight!" I said, "Wow!" Then her friend said, "She means 666-3629."
  13. I was there during the protests in BKK, Crazy times.
  14. Must of cleaned up the garbage before police arrived.. Looks clean to me.
  15. The US economy at record highs, the Chinese economy, which Thailand is joined at the hip with is at record lows! No other way to put it but a very poor business decision. Which is not going to go away in my lifetime. Basically from a US expats point of view, Thailand is dead.
  16. With Thasksin if you are politically Ill you are physically ill.
  17. 40-45 baht to dollar, 90 day visas , Here is hoping.
  18. I am in the US, and it is about that you posted here.
  19. I keep a home in the US . My electricity bill has doubled in the last year.. Almost cheaper for me to live in a hotel in Asia or SA than pay the utility bills back home.. Same with food prices.
  20. As a proud alcoholic I resent that.. I know I have had enough when crawling down the road on my hands and knees, and hit a speed bump... If I can get over it then I head for the next bar.. If I cannot I hail a cab...
  21. I am also convinced my wallet will grow larger when I visit Thailand.. I would make a perfect TOT employee...
  22. Now if they just give me the 90 days and can extend another 90 day's I will be one happy western tourist spending in Thailand. Chop chop Thailand..
  23. Don't worry, the BIR project will bring the Chinese back.. Chop chop.. A billion baht loan here , a billion baht loan there.. no time at all China will be flooding back..
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