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Everything posted by Gknrd

  1. The Pollution Control Department Joke of the day!
  2. If GeoPoliticial people are right China will cease to exist as a functioning Nation in 10 years. Then decline from there. Definitely not a power to be worried about. Of course Thailand will still be dragged down with them to some degree, again if the GeoPolitical people are right. All I do know is I pulled out of the Chinese market, and will never return to that cluster F&ck. Even it they came back to rule the world I would never put a dime back in that total mess.
  3. Quality Malay tourists. flooding over the border for a quickie for the weekend.
  4. Then when I would cross the border preach to me about living in sin not being married to my Thai GF. If not for the Thai hookers Malay's would be strung tighter than a cork. You haven't lived until you head to Kolok for the weekend and watch the Malays come in.
  5. I think you are confusing facts with the crystal ball TAT uses for their predictions.
  6. As a single guy that live in Thailand for years. Pattaya is the last place I would head for a good time...
  7. Thailand sucking the last Yuan they can out of the China economy as fast as they can. Hahaha. Keep up the good work Xi, that guy has turned China from a powerhouse in manufacturing to a laughing stock in the west. Enjoy your ride Thailand.
  8. I want to go see the ghost city...
  9. About 12 years ago I saw a motorcycle get run over during the holiday. The motorcycle was sitting in the median trying to cross. A truck came running down the middle lane passing everyone. Killed the guy on the motorcycle before he knew what hit him. I pulled off the road , rented a room for then rest of the holidays. They are crazy.
  10. The young US tourists will visit. 30 days is enough. The good news is the long term expat money will never return. Anyone with a few bucks that looks into retirement or long stays in Thailand just laughs and heads south for the winter... Maybe once just to look, then after chocking to death on the polluted air, putting up with the government immigration rules you say. Well that was fun, now where do I spend my money and time without the nonsense and can breath the air.. Thailand is a joke.
  11. Time to buy some food and hold up where ever you are until the carnage passes.
  12. 30 day visa is a joke if from the US. Pass. Just returned from South America, same prices, same rip offs, same same but different. Round trip 500 bucks. 90 days on arrival and 90 day online extension if you want. Nice winter get away. Flight time with one layover was 8 hours, no jet lag, same time zone. Screw S.E. Asia. I can get ripped off elsewhere without the extra government zenophobic rules. Best thing Thailand did for me was tighten the rules, start waving the red Chinese flag. My money will never pass from me to another Thai as long as I live. And I make sure everyone that asks or mentions Thailand knows the score. And I have had many ask as I travel.
  13. Depends what you want, you want an easy hooker , then easy. And about the same as Thailand. All over the place here and beautiful. You want a decent woman, not like Thailand for sure. In Thailand every woman from shop worker , teacher, what ever will hop in be with you in my experience. In SA not so.
  14. I have been to many place for long time stays. My first was Thailand. Then Mexico, Then S.A.. All over SE Asia. For the last 16 years. I have finally picked Colombia (for now). Thailand, easy women.. over the top. But, visas and dealing with immigration is not my cup of tea. Air pollution is extremely bad. S.A., crime is bad here. Need to be careful especially at night. Women are not easy like in Asia. I finally chose a country with good air, cheap, and easy to get back home as a US citizen. I now spend six months in S.A. and 2-3 moths in the US each year, then I try to spend 3 months in a new location each year.
  15. Same in all of there foreign third world countries. Credit card or no service.
  16. I am getting them done in Colombia now as I speak. I tried the clown show in Thailand. Over priced IMO. Over priced here but the quality is much better . As soon as they see you are foreigner the price goes up in all these countries.
  17. Best touring bike I ever owned. the BMW GS Adventure. I had one decked out just like that in the states.. Owned a Harley Ultra same year and after getting the GS Adventure sold the Harley. No comparison. The Beemer ran circles around the Harley.. What a great ride this guy had.
  18. My only safety concern in Thailand was the word NO. Hardest thing I ever had to learn. As soon as most land in Thailand the word NO disappears from your vocabulary.. And the most costly mistake tourists and expats will ever make is the word NO in Thailand.
  19. Yea, I personally quit pumping money into the market about 8 months ago. I will ride the high now. And I am at all time highs ( in regards to my small investments compared to others). In the US it is just a way of life. Boom and bust. Personally I love it. It is a ballenced and transparent market. Market gets out of hand and you have a bust. It levels it's self out naturally. Right now it shows you where the world is dumping its money. And as the stats show it ain't in China!
  20. Ah, it is like the stock market. Smart investors have a well rounded diversifid portfolio. What does that do you ask? It insulates you against the potental downturn of one market or stock. The idiots in Thailand picked one market and shunned the others. Betting all on the Chinese! Now the Chines are in trouble and it is to late to diversify it's portfolio. It burned its bridges. Strickly a poor management decision. Nothing more.
  21. China is in a recession. Households are keeping their money in the bank. This whole discussion is getting boring, TAT knows the score. Typical nonsense.
  22. 90 days or suck it. Not interested in an outdated 30 day stay. You want my money it is 90 days or nothing, so nothing.
  23. I am always amazed at the magazine and internet articles that always put Thailand in the top 10 of retirement destinations. 3-4 months a year it is un livable.. How do you rate a country that kills countless thousands yearly with polluted air, especially young and old as a retirement destination.. Usually if you are retiring you are considered old... which in that case Thailand would be one of the last places you would want to be.
  24. The air is unbreathable there, if an expat traveling from the west as soon as you get off the plane you start to feel the difference. 30 day visa for a long flight from the US is a joke if an expat. They can whine all they want to. But, their actions show a different story. Pass To many other countries offering 90 day visas on arrival. Have clean air you can breath. The rip offs are the same everywhere if a traveler from the west. So, why go to Thailand?
  25. Possibly the hospital thought he was Thai, if so probably standard operating procedure for the hospital.
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