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Everything posted by Gknrd

  1. I am taking advantage of the 5.5% T Bills. Finally sold off all my toxic China assets. I am feeling pretty good. Now Thailand is betting on China to revive the economy when China is in a death spiral financially. It will keep strengthening , Won't be long before I am enjoying 180 days of 40+ to the dollar days in Thailand. Thank goodness for the great Thai government. And the elite running the country. Could not of planned it better for me.
  2. What ever you say Miss KannikaP
  3. Bout like China, What a $hit show that is for investing.
  4. Should've of written Should HAVE? Got it.. Thanks
  5. Should of just dropped all charges instead of this clown show. He has an ego bigger than his bank account. For getting no jail time, I bet his role will be to whip his Issan followers in line with the current government. That should pretty much stop all protests in the future, and ensure many many years of "happy" military control.. I figured he would be exempt from politics, boy was I wrong..
  6. This is undoubtedly one of the most horrible things I have read in my life. He is a mass murderer of Children.
  7. I am already taxed 10% on my dividends from the country where I own the stocks. It is deducted every time I get a dividend from the country. Also I am taxed on the dividends in the US. So, I assume if I bring that money over from the US then I will not be taxed again?
  8. I am curious to see the results of the free visa from China.. Should give a decent picture of how their economy is really doing!
  9. Keep on dropping big "B". I may come for my 180 day visit... Ohhh, and hurry up and get the 90 day tourist visa taken care of. Over and out, and Thanks heaps..
  10. Doesn't matter, you will be required to have a tax ID number and file a tax return. Just because you are not Thai and not wealthy does not mean they will not want their pound of flesh if owed to them. No way around it now. Personally I don't buy the idea it is the wealthy Thai's that caused this. China is loosing it foothold on manufacturing and thousands of company are relocating. Thailand is one country that is reaping the rewards of this. Now this comes into effect just at the right time. Yeah right...
  11. Wow, that guy "Doctor Tax" is in the right place at the right time. Cha Ching... Bet he and his staff are on cloud nine about now. Steak and lobster every night now boys... hahaha 10-1 they won't leave anyone out now.. The 67K monthly will be a blanket tax. And your amount that has to be brought in will go up to cover the tax.
  12. Here we go again, Thailand is a mini china for investing. Military have set themselves up for lifetime rule. Personally I don't see the difference in this and a one man dictatorship in China.
  13. I funded it for the card, it has saved me thousands over the years. Not only that but that 25K after I started investing is not to be laughed at anymore.. You are tying up 25K in a Thai bank, you are investing and earning money in an investment account. But, everyone has their own priorities. Live and let live. I have had that account for so many years now I cannot even remember when I started it. I was walking down the street today in Colombia and was running low. I popped in to the local bank ATM pulled out 1,500,000 pesos. Checked my account online 5 minutes after the transaction. I got the exact daily exchange rate and all fees are refunded once a month just like clockwork.
  14. Kills me, people can conjure up 25K to put in a Thai bank. But, cannot come up 25K to fund an investment account. And you wonder why a lot of people are in such bad financial shape..
  15. Came in to serve a 10 year sentence! He will never see the inside of a cell.
  16. https://home.treasury.gov/system/files/131/FATCA-Agreement-Thailand-3-4-2016.pdf Another web site I looked at said Thailand was not able to see the US records. But, the US could request the Thai banks or what ever to see their records. Many countries are set up for free exchange between countries. How Thailand implements its collection of information will be interesting. May mean all retiree's will have to show a W-2 at immigration on extending their visa. Or, Thailand could want to be added to the list of countries that have information transfer both ways. Knowing Thailand it could mean you have to go to a certified Thai tax advisor or attorney each year to have your finances looked at on your on dime, and have them approve it ( either pay taxes owed to Thailand or no taxes due ). That is what I think might happen. That way immigration will not be involved. If approved by the Thai tax people then you proceed to the immigration office for the usual money in the bank and what ever else.
  17. Looks like this is going to be as bad or worse than Colombia. Even the so called tax experts here disagree. It's a sh$t show over here. I just stay my 180 then leave.
  18. They are doing it because of China loosing its manufacturing Jobs that are being relocated to other countries. IMHO.. Doesn't have much to do with retiree's. The problem is the retiree's will get caught up in it as a by product. Thailand will squeeze all they can get out of the people and companies coming into Thailand. The retiree's are a throw away non essential part of this equation. With rich companies and employees in Thailand the coffers will top up and the retiree's will be pushed out. Win , Win for Thai elite. Won't be long now, a few more years and 95% of all retiree's will be pushed out or driven out because of discrimination and fearful of their lives.. Just like China..
  19. Not as bad as China but still pretty bad of what I have read. In a few years the factories will be moving out of Thailand in mass just like China. But, agree. Families cannot afford kids. They are an unwanted very expensive luxury in the urban setting.
  20. Actually I am looking to see how the turn out goes? I can just see the Thai propaganda now. Photos of thousands of Chinese tourists arriving at Swampy waving their new Huawei P60 Pro... hahaha
  21. The screws keep on tightening, won't be long now.. Like the old saying" what are treaties good for". to be broken. Or in Thailand re-written.
  22. So basically each year if from the US. You will have to show 800K in the bank. Or 65K monthly coming in each month. Then show a current W-2 or what ever showing all income and where your income is coming from. I wonder how the agents are going to get around that one... hahaha
  23. Yes it is very complicated and even the tax attorneys cannot figure it out in many cases. But, you don't need to be extremely wealthy. Quite the contrary. My dealings with the tax guys , even with my pittance has put me off from retiring here full time.. It is very dangerous. Not dangerous , but costly. You guys will need to wait and see how this plays out. Hopefully they will spare most of the retiree's?
  24. My guess it will play out like here in Colombia. If here for over a certain amount of time you pay tax period. That includes any pension. And the tax rates are much more than in the US. Most guys here with assets stay the minimum time allowed then either move to another country until the clock resets or they hire a tax attorney to do their taxes. Basically it has stopped all wealthy or even anyone with a decent retirement income to consider retiring here full time. If Thailand cracks down on it, and I believe they will. They will only allow you to have a retirement extension with a proof of tax filing in your home country. Thailand is set up for it now. No expat will escape it. Over here in Colombia they give permanent residence and you don't have to go to immigration again. But, they require you to submit a W-2 or what ever each year. Even if you don't file because you don't make enough to file in your home country. It is required that you now have to file and show proof of income. The problem for you guys in Thailand is that you have to go in for a yearly extension. So there will be no escaping it. And no way to just wait until you are flagged for not filing a tax return like here in Colombia. Here it is under funded and many slip threw. In Thailand it is a done deal with the yearly extension. Basically you guys are scre$ed.
  25. Just goes to show you how much nonsense the US company will endure for cheap labor.
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