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Everything posted by Gknrd

  1. Great news, now he can go back to prison share a cell with his fellow convicts..
  2. Thailand a retirement destination? Is this the joke of the day.. Haha, More like a holding cell until they can extract your pension and bleed you dry..
  3. It' just the people that cannot leave that stay there. Wife, family, all their money tied up in land and home. The government knows it. Easy pickings.. Kinda like credit card companies, once they get you in then they raise the rates to bleed you dry.
  4. Pulled three teeth , I picked him because of his credentials. On the board of dentistry in BKK. Just a joke really. Again just after the money.. After the extractions I was presented with pics of foreigners with implants and how great he was.. I am in Colombia now having implants done.. Just over the top professionalism. And I told them the story. About the teeth being pulled.. After X-ray's the specialist again said it was totally unnecessary. Doctor in the US was floored. He saved my teeth and then referred me to Colombia to an implant specialist in Cali. Thailand is a joke...
  5. Just a heads up. I came to Thailand as a tourist and decided to get my teeth cleaned and one of my teeth was hurting. I went in and the 3 teeth were loose and he said there was nothing to be done but pull them. I was not thinking and said ok.. He pulled it and then started the implant talk. I got suspicious.. Long story short I quit going and left the country. I went to my dentist and he said the extractions were completely unnecessary . I had several loose teeth and he did a deep cleaning and went into the root system and stopped the disease. All my teeth tightened up and now I am 100% except now I need an implant where the idiot in Thailand pulled the tooth. Do not go to Thailand for Dental work.. period is my advice. Just a heads up..
  6. Hard to believe just a few years ago I was living there, basically with no hassles and stress free.
  7. Thailand mirrors China so much it is almost predictable. China says it wants to reassure foreign investors that are fleeing at staggering rates that it is safe and will help them.. Then starts raiding foreign companies and passing laws that target foreign firms.. Thailand, we want tourists, and will do everything possible to bring them in and help them.. Then proceed to make living and traveling to Thailand a nightmare. What a joke.
  8. I would say if a foreigner and in a war zone you would probibly want to leave... ?
  9. I lived in George Town for a while.. Best food I have ever eaten bar non . I stayed for months just because of that. Used to drive into Cambodia and found pretty quick to bypass Siem Reap.
  10. Bet there are thousands roaming around just like him..
  11. Doubt if anything changes even if it does it won't make a difference. Politically Thailand and China see eye to eye.
  12. Wonder if they did this in the Deep South. I bet not.
  13. I think I will come in and retire there... I want to deposit 800K in the Thai bank, also I want to visit immigration every three months to let them know where I am. I also want to pay them extra so I can leave the country and come back in . I also want to go threw this process once a year so I can see them and just say hello, Pay them a few thousand extra. Sounds like the nice thing to do... Just a shout out to Thailand for making my retirement relaxing , simple and making me feel loved.. See ya soon... Thanks Thailand
  14. Haha, reminds me of my trip to Vietnam many many years ago. Nice hotel in Hanoi.. I returned after breakfast to fine about 5 hotel employees going threw my things. They quickly left after telling me they thought the room was empty... Valuable lesson, I lost 10,000 baht in cash I had in my bag..
  15. This guy looks like he has had his snout in the trough way to long..
  16. Had to be inherited money, hard to believe anyone that had to work to make that money would be stupid enough to let her take it..
  17. Same in the US and the rest of the world... next
  18. The PM’s seat fell instead to Move Forward’s former ally, Pheu Thai, which displayed ruthless efficiency in the political games that followed the election. Starting to sugar coat what really happened.. TCP at it's best..
  19. Hope he passed the sniff test from wiffy...
  20. Good news, I hope they buy the Chinese fighter jets.. I saw a documentary on them.. The most unreliable and useless planes being sold on the market.. I don't remember what country that bought a bunch of them now , but they were saying they were all but useless pieces of garbage.
  21. Must be nice to not have to put 800K in a Thai bank and not worry about future taxes..before they changed the rules for westerners I used to do the same. But, even then if you travel and get caught out of your zone then the 90 day and TM are an absolute nightmare. For someone like you that never goes anywhere and never travels then it must be heaven. I get this mental picture of you sitting on your porch in your rocker thinking you are the luckiest guy alive...
  22. Really a shame but Thailand has turned into another Autocratic run country. With the same chest beating of any other autocracy. Time to move on..
  23. Typical politician talk.. Nothing new here. Before long you will see him actually in the plane with the Chinese tourists leading the Karaoke sing along.
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