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Everything posted by Gknrd

  1. They just keep rising from the ashes. As long as the old man is alive they will never stop..
  2. Great for shopping, if you want western copy's. If you want to see what Thailand will look like when the line is finished go to Laos. That is truly amazing. I have never seen so many cloths with name brand western names on them in my life. Thailand will turn into a dumping ground for China goods.
  3. Haha, I always liked going to immigration. I always meet allot of different people..
  4. Change of subject , but I loved Penang. Best food I have ever eaten in my life.. I used drive down from Thailand and stay for a month at at time.
  5. Sounds like a lot of you guys know the score. I lived down there for about a year.. Yes, it gets crazy down there. Was up and down the border there for a long time. Living there you get to see some pretty hairy stuff.
  6. Down on the border with Malaysia, thousands come in. Hat Yai for shopping and Kalok for the hookers. South Thailand is mostly Muslim , Malaysia Muslim.. And Thai hooker hit the border area to service the guys coming in. They come into Thailand to get their groove on then head back to Malaysia.. Kinda like a mini Pattaya..
  7. I drove in and spent a few of months last year, right before Christmas. Great time. The roads are the worst in Aisa... My goodness. The Belt and road from China has bankrupted the country. But, I loved it there...
  8. I stayed in Pattaya and Phuket last year. What a mess.
  9. They need to get the 90 day tourist visas for the West going before it is too late..
  10. 20 years ago I had a serious problem, surgery for 12 hours. Part of my stomach removed and 52 staples from my the top of my chest to the bottom. Three days later I was sent home.. Even if you are dying and don't have but a few weeks to live they sent you home with pain medicine and hospice. They must be having to revive him every few hours for him to be in the hospital for that long.
  11. Hi-So, humm. I know one night I was "So-Hi" I lost everything I had..
  12. Ok, do you want to risk military invasion , kidnapping , and possibility of being murdered. Or go back to Thailand... And the Thai thinks for a half second.. Says I will stay, and wanders off into the market...
  13. I was there last year during the new year... Don't know when the closing time was but watched the sun come up and the bar was still open and serving... had a great time.
  14. I expect TAT to be elevated to deity status next year by tourism authority of all nations. Statues will be built, weeping hordes of Thais laying roses at the statues feet. And of course a 100% mark up in price to see the statues if a foreigner..
  15. I am coming to Thailand and opening a noodle shop. I see a huge gap in the arena. Don't say I didn't tell you before the big boom.... Forward thinking business people like myself will pull Thailand out of this mess..
  16. Bottom line here is this. As the money dries up because of fewer working class Thai's. Ratio between retired and working Thai's will increase dramatically. Government spending will go up due to the aging population. But, the government tax base revenue will decrease. So what happens?. The government will not have a choice but to increase the tax base to try and pay for the aging Thai's. What does this mean for expats in Thailand. 1. Create a tax all policy to include all expats in Thailand, and tax all income from abroad. 2. Increase the tax rates across the board. For the expats and foreign companies doing business in Thailand 3. Increase Retirement threshold 's and close all loopholes. These policies have begun, and will slowly be implemented as government funds dry up.. You guys are the last of your kind in Thailand. It's over. Only thing you can hope for is you will be worm food before all of your resources are exhausted. Hopefully China will be able to help Thailand. But, that would mean giving China almost complete control over the government. Either way existing Western expats are in a lot of trouble. And, Western expats will no longer exist in the near future.
  17. And Thailand is betting on China which is in worst shape than Thailand so far as population crisis.. If you look at these metrics what do you have?
  18. Only way this will happen is if "Big T" has made a deal with the current leaders. Which looks like it has happened.
  19. I believe I read Indonesia is having a record high because of the burning. Thailand , Malaysia, and others may be in for a tough time of it. I lived threw that a few years ago, if that is the case they could offer me 1 million Baht to visit and I would not come. Let the Chinese and Russians cut their way threw the smoke while choking to death..
  20. Give me a 90 day free entry stamp with an option to extend another 90 days and I will give you a boost.
  21. And yet Thai workers still do not want to go back to Thailand.
  22. Haha, prime stomping grounds for the Chinese B&R project.
  23. I see it as a good move by China. Nothing more. China is moving allot of the big manufacturing out of China. Question is can China make the transition from manufacturing based economy to consumer based. The US made the transition years ago. At the cost of manufacturing jobs. China is trying to do the same. Japan did it yeas ago. Lots of economists are looking at the Japan model and comparing it to China. The 24 trillion dollar question is whether China can do it. If they can then Thailand is in like flint.. If not Thailand will be flipping sides again if they can. Most think the days of flip flopping and riding the fence is over. The US and it allies are taking the stance, are you in or are you out. Thailand is clearly not in, that has been apparent for years. So, for Thailands sake lets hope China can make the transition. Luckily politics are pretty easy to read. Now it's just wait and see. Since this is mainly an expat site, I would say this is the worst thing that could happen for western expats. If China starts gaining ground then the purge will continue to increase to point where it is basically like China. If China fails then it will be the westerner's fault and the purge will continue. IMHO, I don't see a Rosie outcome for western expats. No matter how it turns out.
  24. To be expected. First China then Russia. Next will be 180 days.
  25. He had a hang nail removed, it was touch and go for a while...
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