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Everything posted by brianburi

  1. Who mentioned state pension, oh I think it was you. He may have inherited a trust fund early in his life. No one has any facts even you from your Suk bar stool.
  2. https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/petitions/121267 were you one that signed this. Try and keep up with the times........
  3. tut, tut, everyone knows they are just guidelines.....
  4. Not many condo's in Phetchabun, 18 years now in the same Soi & house. anything you need to ask about living here in TH, just ask.
  5. It's on par with their geography, most believe that ''irony'' is a country in Africa. Every time I meet an American over here in TH I am reminded of that old joke about 93% admit to having sex in the shower, the remaining 7% say ''they haven't been to prison yet''
  6. I was up early and listened to his live speech on Sky News this morning, I gave up after the ''windmills segment'' He is bonkers and I cannot believe Americans voted this chump in. I can see a coup happening in the US, the Generals must remove him.....
  7. https://www.perplexity.ai/search/can-you-follow-people-on-faceb-CZ_TrM25RPep3TcmK0jYVw
  8. Agree, right up there with the ''I have been here {insert years.......} and it's never happened to me threads.........
  9. Just done my certificate. The last one I did the Bangkok Bank manger of my local branch signed it off. This year, a big ''cannot'' . They (bank) provide a confirmation letter saying you have an account with them. Cost 100B, The new branch manageress was quite insistent on not signing or stamping the certificate. I have sent it back with a covering note explaining and will await any outcome from DWP. I use Thai post office registered mail (longtabien), 270 B. P.S speaking to a fellow Brit OAP and he gets the Doctor in his local clinic to sign POL and charges 200B.
  10. Really? Two iPhones in the last ten years, iPhone 6 and now daily driver iPhone 13. Bullet proof and appreciated by those deep in the Apple eco system. Might just wait for the 17, expected later this year.
  11. I'm only here for the Thai bashing and the replies from Lou and your likes just make it more entertaining.......
  12. That's what I had too, plus my recent P60 showing Thai home address and TDL as back up. New Passport only took 17 days to come back.
  13. Some good info so far..... https://www.runnersworld.com/nutrition-weight-loss/g20795984/13-foods-that-have-more-potassium-than-a-banana/ coconut water and potatoes with skins from now on. We can get lovely spuds up here in Phetchabun.
  14. Last few hospital checkups, my blood test result's show very low potassium level. The Doc doesn't recommend using supplement's, instead improve my diet. I always thought what I eat was fairly good, varied food intake and have been a steady 68Kgs for several years. Any recommendations while I am consuming my 13th banana....... I read that coconut water is very high in potassium.....
  15. Bro maybe from Brixton, argy bargy with the Law is the norm......
  16. I give in, please tell me..... Maybe as they are handling my claim and their authorised local repairers told me it would only take a few days to get a new mirror. No need to worry your aging bin licker mind, its been sorted.....
  17. Normally I would agree, but now been waiting a month for new offside mirror to replace the one that was knocked off my Revo while parked up. Just posted an email to Roojai expressing my concerns.......
  18. No, it's not. This is not a big bike country, no need for them at all. Far too dangerous.......
  19. Doc suggested it was a better medicine to Amlodipine which I have been on for several years. I have PAH, AF and enlarged heart, and do not produce enough O2. If my pulsometer reads above 92 I consider that a good day. I have a O2 bottle in the house to keep my levels up when required. Main medicine is Sildenafil, Furosemide and Lanoxin, all relatively small dosages. The Furosemide is an extremely good med for getting rid of fluid but needs regular kidney checks. Also take Edoxaban. Cardiologist says my lungs have been scarred due to a previous incident in my life which has myself baffled. Not a smoker etc... In '91 I was doing the grand tour of Iraq and plenty of weird stuff in the air then. Currently use a good private hospital and the heart centre are excellent.
  20. Just had my four month review at the heart centre Vibhavadi Hospital (Bangkok) and Cardiologist has taken myself off Amlodipine 10mg and switched to Nifedipine 5mg, take one tablet 4 times a day. He says it is a much better medicine. Read up on it with drugs.com and gets terrible reviews.
  21. Liebour don't give two hoots about negative publicity as many UK pensioners are about to find out.....
  22. They will under Herr Starmtrooper, checking of individual benefit claimers bank accounts will get the green light......
  23. They can suspend it, it informs you of that on the ''proof of life letters''
  24. you only need 10 years of contributions for the new pension scheme, clearly the pension will be a lot less than the full amount......
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