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Everything posted by brianburi

  1. 'incoming. standby all EV owners', and of course Laughing Lou.........
  2. Guess a lot of us should be thankful we can get a retirement extension decision on the day. It's a 240 km round trip for the boonie ones.......such as myself. Repub of south Phetch.....
  3. 'The High Court in Glasgow ' Try reading the OP and u won't come across as a complete chump....
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/16/fewer-than-200000-britons-living-abroad-apply-vote-uk-election seems like a load of ballots....
  5. Research and wiki......oh I do like an early morning joke with my coffee........
  6. Good info on the pick up times, doing mine this September. Last time was done at the Trendy in '14. Hardly a chore, once every ten years...... Miss out on two run ashore's and away from the dragon for two nights, bring it on....
  7. I have a Honda Click 110, bought when I came to live here in 2007. Thought about replacing it with the new one, but it just keeps going on and on.........
  8. meanwhile back on planet earth and not Plebon....... Last time I got a re -entry permit at the airport one of those really good looking female immigration officers took me to the front of the queue to get stamped out. I put it down to one of those 'hansum man' experiences.........
  9. Success..... we had the aircon people around the house to service one of the aircons and I knew the man in charge was married to the lady who runs a pharmacy in town. He told me to go to a disability shop about 12kms away. They filled my bottle up for 80 Baht. Living with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is not easy and any others who have this condition, you have my best wishes...
  10. As a blue, I will pass..... I can still recall the day old square jaw wanted to buy Liverpool for the country. Ended up with City and made a fat big profit ..........
  11. Good suggestion and will follow up. I have stopped using Google/wiki etc as my wife knows everything. Around my neighbourhood there are several elderly folk and I suspect some may be on 02. I am on the case. Not sure why somebody would put a sad sticker on my location post. I have lived in the same Soi for 17 years, nice area and people....
  12. I can always tell our American friends on here as they like to use the word 'gotten' in posts. A decently educated Brit would never use that word. My old English teacher would have a fit. I am a 1960's educated secondary modern school boy as well.......
  13. Wichian Buri, Phetchabun.
  14. I am living with low oxygen levels as have PAH/CHF etc and now especially in the mornings my readings are 85-88 range. Cardiologist told me to buy oxygen equipment. I have an oxygen concentrator (Lazada) and its good but noisy I find. Recently I have bought a portable Oxygen bottle and ancillery equip from our local pharmacy. It is much quieter and I prefer it over the concentrator. Finding a refill service is proving difficult so far, I asked at the pharmacy and they didn't know as did another two pharmacies in town. There are two local hospitals and I will go ask about getting the bottle refilled. Anyone have any sensible suggestions?, much appreciated.......
  15. What a load of horlicks,,,,,,, just show your passport.
  16. If they have an i-phone 17 those wives are well ahead of the game..... software update 17.5 due in May some time....
  17. Agree, the ones I miss are the hi-so university girl friend posts. They were hilarious on the old ThaiVisa........
  18. What you were told in the bank is correct. Transfer the funds to your main saving account and when you get here go and transfer the funds to your fixed deposit account. Fixed deposit accounts are strange beasts with their own rules.......
  19. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/agEfLSFlq6M Plenty of similar vids on the tube.........
  20. Result of being in a landlocked country...........unlike the bonkers Brits who have plenty of coastline....
  21. Clearly this is all getting out of hand, two incidents of female Thais being verbally and physically abused by foreigners living here within a few days of each other. I expect some robust action from Thai Immigration Police soon and am waiting for a ' Big Joke' press conference, along with all those shiny plastic boards etc..... Why just stop at just one deportation?, I suggest any future incidents 100 random farangs rounded up and sent packing. Starting with all those 'Phil Mitchell' look a likes, one sees in Pattaya. Closely followed by the nutjobs who live up in Isan, most of them are on 5 second fuses waiting to go off any minute and annoy or damage our delicate Thai neighbours........ Righto, back to my Daily Mail.......
  22. It's not a problem, having just found extra money for Ukraine munitions and body guards for female Members of Parliament. AN Daily Mail readers club out in full force today......... always good to hear the right wing nut jobs pov.... Farage for ever.....
  23. Ask your cardiologist on switching to Lixiana 60mg (Edoxaban). I was on Rivaxoaban and in 2022 I went back to UK NHS hospital for treatment and they changed it to Lixiana. I order it it from Medisafe in Bangkok and its 3100 Baht for 28 tablets. Best to use the Line app when ordering and its delivered to the house by Thai post office EMS. On my last cardio appointment the Doc suggested cutting the tablet in half so to save myself some money! I am on other meds for CHF and I purchase them all from Medisafe and I live up country in Phetchabun. https://www.drugs.com/uk/lixiana.html
  24. That's no way to talk about our ex poster of the year....... Trans... I have watched several of their vids on Tube, the partner wife or GF rarely appears, plenty of him doing the farmer routine. Bit iffy, some jealous bod will drop him in the do do........
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