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Everything posted by Northstar1

  1. Exactly, the people I met were all great! They actually seemed happy to have me visiting their country. Where I stayed in danang, there were over a dozen different kinds of international dining within walking distance of my room. the food was great! mever had a bad moment in Vietnam. I find myself and others spending more time there than in Thailand.
  2. It’s something they aspire to, why work and get a job when you can party everyday and lay on your back? it’s the Thai way!
  3. Why would Chang nobyl be on his itinerary? Tell him to bring his gas mask! You really know how to ruin his trip!
  4. There is talk of refusing entry of all people from the UK! problem solved
  5. It negates the need for people jumping. 3 foot rail will do nothing, they will get over that easily to do a Swamy! can’t stop someone from committing suicide!
  6. It only happens in Thailand, never in other Asian countries! the high flyers club I believe!
  7. You can sit in front of mikes mall and gaze out to sea with a thousand yard stare! Like the rest of them
  8. Can never recall it being 500 for ST! not for young beauties! maybe Bob likes the big gals?
  9. My friend rents in a project, half the units are empty, the place looks like a bomb shelter in bahkmut! Very few pay monthly bills, it’s a totall mess! can’t sell, he’s kicking himself in the arse for buying!
  10. Great place to retire!🤦🤦🙅🏼‍♂️🙅🏼‍♂️😱😱🤮🤮
  11. I can understand that, my bank, my country, and easier for my inheritors to obtain. it’s a pain in the arse for them to get it and certainly saves them so much hassle WHEN the time comes.
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