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Everything posted by roietfortress

  1. as expected, cannabis isn't in the top 50 priorities... good list for a progressive movement.. #
  2. as i told my wife, there's only a very few govt issues that affect me: 1. immigration laws 2. the electric bill (18k last month!) 3. ganja prohibition nothing else is any of my business, and #3 is only an interest. it didn't stop me before ???? listening to farangs argue about Thai politics is interesting, but maybe a bit sad. isn't there enough political fighting and greed for power back home? why stress yourself? #
  3. yea its a tough place to grow. outdoor is inhospitable, with weather mood swings and insects, and indoor is expensive, especially with recent electric rate hikes. the brick being sold is mostly Thai strains, not the laced bricks from Laos we used to smoke. 10 years ago we had no idea what was in the brick lol. i think its a little better now, but its probably a good idea to see the grow the brick came from. there's some good clean brick out there. we might all be back to brick in a few years. #
  4. when California legalized medical 20 years ago, i got my card from my eye doctor for glaucoma. everybody i know had a card, many from their psychiatrist. if they legalize medical, they will likely make a list of applicable diagnosis, then any doctor who treats that illness/handicap/affliction can prescribe medicine. then its a simple matter of going to any pharmacy and fill it. #
  5. if it goes medical, there will be a lot of new clinics and 'doctors'. it won't be restricted to the hospitals. in Thailand there is always a way around everything. 300 baht for a medical card at your neighborhood clinic. there's so much weed in the country right now, it would take a decade to get rid of even half of it. the flower will last a couple years, but the seed stock is immeasurable. seeds were the issue back in the day. #
  6. so i am posting misinformation? but the CDC is all good and trustworthy? its all good bro. i'll stop posting on this thread. no big deal to me. me and mine are healthy. DM me if anyone wants more info about soursop. #
  7. yea its probably a game of words going on here. i have yet to see a study that proves cannabis use causes cancer? so if these "carcinogens" haven't been proven to cause cancer in people smoking 50+ years, then its not a carcinogen? i dunno lol i haven't really focused on cannabis and cancer much. there's a lot more videos about it than soursop tho. #
  8. there used to be a lot of videos and articles about it, even in Thailand. not too many left tho in English. you can't go against big cancer. if you search graviola or soursop + cancer on youtube, half of the links talk about pharma cures. its mostly being used in South America so a lot of videos are in Spanish. #
  9. so you stopped at the introduction. have a good night buddy! #
  10. i should have been more accurate for you. no carcinogens linked to cancer. no proof cannabis use causes cancer. this is an interesting SCIENCE article as background to my opinion. i'm not a doctor or scientist, just an enthusiast. https://norml.org/cannabis-smoke-and-cancer-assessing-the-risk/ that study even says there's some "significant antitumor activity" in mice from CBD. any cancer risk is more than enough reason to drink soursop tea 1-2x a year ???? #
  11. it wasn't the weed. there's no carcinogen in weed smoke that could cause cancer. that being said, dry herb vape or water bong is better for you than a joint. you don't want ash in your lungs. #
  12. yea the tumor disappeared and she had no other treatments. no guarantees but it can't hurt. full disclosure, i'm not a Doctor ???? in Thailand we order these from Lazada: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/50-100-ari-dried-soursop-leaves-50-grams-100-grams-i3552316525-s13270437621.html? they call it Soursop in Asia and Graviola in South America. you can order the trees on Lazada too. i got 3 last year and they all survived. when we sold the leaves in the states i made little cards to pack with the teabags. see attached. we sold a lot of it and then got banned by all the ad networks. we closed the site down a few years ago. #
  13. you could at least google it before making things up? age restricted video about real Thai sticks. click watch on youtube.. #
  14. the site said they are heat pressed. quality looks pretty bad. yea on Thai stick. a lot of Thai growers seem to call all the Thai strains Thai stick. i watched a yt special on the old Thai Stick. i'd like to see those in the markets lol #
  15. on this topic there is only one right answer for me. hope that helps you. #
  16. mimosa cake from Lampang farm is great for back pain. it clears up my neck and back pain. https://shop.line.me/@baan_kru_samun_pri i reviewed it here. very cheap..
  17. i love these anti-cannabis threads. it helps me get all the prohibitionists on my block list. yea you can't make something legal, let an industry start up, then cancel the thing very quickly. as mentioned, the new govt will have a lot of other priorities ahead of a weed bill. nothing will happen this year. i would guess the owners of a lot of those BKK shops are also valet parking their Mercs all over town. there's some struggling startups, but its most likely the elites with the largest investment. how did they import so much weed from the US and Canada without issues? backpacks on mules? if the elites weren't involved, for and against each other, they wouldn't care. they don't care about daily drunk driving deaths or yaba. follow the money if you want to make a prediction. #
  18. USD is unstable right now because of a worldwide recession. its not doomsday, its just extended credit. maybe you don't understand credit in your country, but Americans understand credit and leverage. America is by far the number 1 group of consumers in the world. the buying power of Americans will always keep the dollar strong. you just can't replace the amount of spending power produced on a daily basis. the value of a currency comes from spending not debt. even Buffett will tell you that. every country will keep buying those bonds as long as Americans are going to work every day. stop watching so much mainstream TV news. its not based in reality. its based on what they want you complaining about on social media. every doomsday thread like this tips USD and XAU in the elite's favor. you play against the dollar and they buy more. my wife made a small fortune on XAU this week betting against mainstream news. #
  19. last year we bought some 3 month old squirrels in June (lol) and let them grow wild outdoors. they had some rough times but they were big bushes by harvest in October. that's the natural light growth cycle in Thailand, although the climate and weather don't cooperate. we grew under lights successfully in a spare bathroom, but huge overhead and maintenance for a few plants. the prices in Thailand are cheap enough to buy instead of grow, so we probably won't grow this year. we've got about 500 seeds just in case the new govt makes unfavorable decisions ???? #
  20. he wasn't hundreds of miles away. he went above and beyond to stash his bike. they questioned him professionally (all night) and got a confession. i can send you a dozen Western interrogations on YT that went for days. they got confessions too. was it torture? no food, no water, no cigs, coming down off drugs, trick questions all night. maybe lol the evidence that torture doesn't work is warzone related, not RTP related. they didn't just pick up the nearest somchai. that happens mostly in the US. #
  21. obviously effective, they caught the killer. #
  22. they still need answers. torture would be better. that's how they got the confession.. edit: redacted. i can't remember if torture is legal... #
  23. just to go sideways for a sec, since it is a thread about Chinese cars. the Haval do look sharp and solid. not bad for around a million. the problem with Haval and the Ora Cat is parts. my wife has friends who have had both of these GWM brands and they waited 6+ months for parts after fender benders (yes she knows a lot of bad drivers). the maintenance and service network isn't there yet. MG seems to have an established and numerous dealer network. if they don't shut down, like my beloved Chevy (RIP), then they are a good choice. half the auto show was Chinese cars and so many EVs. some of the new ones coming out are pretty interesting. the Chinese auto marketshare is growing fast. #
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