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Everything posted by aublumberg

  1. Lol ... yes of course it does because you're setting up the app for the first time
  2. First item in the screenshot posted earlier ('User ID') as per latest app
  3. Yes that was the case for me. I only had the account for a year and never signed up for the iBanking (browser based online banking) account because the app is just fine. But without the iBanking account (which is the first option in the mobile app registration screen I posted above), it doesn't work. So last weekend I went to the branch and they explained to me that I can actually do it myself at their ATM, there's an option to register for iBanking account. It gives you a temporary ID (some x long digit number) and you set a 4 digit password. Then you can use that to activate the mobile app, and you can use iBanking where you can change the password to something more complex and also change the random digit string to a new user name. So strictly speaking 'branch' visit (with associated waiting time) not needed, can do self-service at an ATM. But it requires obviously that (a) you're in the country and (b) you still have the same mobile number that they have on record for your account.
  4. Thailand Foreign Source Income Personal Tax - SHERRINGS
  5. Here are the 3 options (plus credit card option)
  6. Same issue here, new iPhone. Kasikorn, SCB, UOB no worries and works fine to register on new phone. Bangkok Bank app big drama. All latest app already. Branch visit this weekend ...
  7. What makes you think it would be retroactive? Any indication in any announcement or regulatory changes? Their announcement says effective 01 Jan 2024.
  8. At long last we may see a rapid rise in LTR visa interest if the tax exempt benefit for LTR-T/P/W categories remains (and no indication for any changes).
  9. Yes it works as advertised, you can use the Fast Track lane both for arrival and departure. Saves some time when the airport is busy. Immigration officers are also now more familiar with the LTR visa and processing of immigration formalities is generally quite quick.
  10. FYI some tax perspective in relation to LTR-T visa. Navigating the tax implications of working remotely in Thailand | International Tax Review
  11. Works as you described, easy to open. Go to the Bangkok Bank headoffice (333 Silom Road) if you can.
  12. Coby, I don’t think this will work. The fundamental construct for WFTP is that you’re employed by a qualifying company outside of Thailand. Not aware of any EOR setup that will satisfy WFTP, but happy to stand corrected. if you were to get a basic reference letter form your overseas employer then that may satisfy the WFTP visa requirement. Once approved you could then discuss with your employer the logistics to make it work, but it then creates many questions about legality, and the EOR may also need to fulfil certain requirements including a local work permit which conflicts with WFTP, plus potential income tax implications. I assume your employer is concerned about the risk of permanent establishment in a foreign jurisdiction hence their EOR request and then ‘offloading’ the overseas obligations to you and the EOR. Different visa type in my view (local work permit, unlikely LTR unless in a specified target industry).
  13. Cathay Pacific, just as an example, allows you to hold a fare for 3 days. You could book that, print out the reservation, and just let the booking expire.
  14. SCB brought on the former CEO of AIA a while ago. Pressure is on perhaps.
  15. Both Singapore and Hong Kong are attractive (no capital gains tax etc.), some geo-political risk with Hong Kong, plus currency risk if the US dollar peg goes in future. Singapore has seen a lot of inflow (including from Hong Kong) in recent years, so their 'entry ticket' has gone up. I think the minimum nowadays may be SGD200 - 250k, and up. The three local banks in Singapore (DBS, OCBC, UOB) are good and you have international banks (Citibank, HSBC, Standard Chartered). The latter three common in Hong Kong as well. If you bank with any of these currently, they offer 'global' account views and options to move money around within their respective locations easier. There is plenty of material online if you google 'opening a bank account in Singapore', also on YouTube. I can't comment on your US SSN situation and the potential US tax implications.
  16. Thank you for everyone's vote of confidence and support. Bank of the Year 2023 (scb.co.th)
  17. FC is a Fixed Deposit Account. SC is a Savings Deposit Account.
  18. Already the case as per general T&C to use their app …
  19. See separate thread here
  20. Totally. Part of my considerations who will get my banking and investment business going forward. I expect further developments from most banks on this topic over the coming 6 - 12 months. This is not the end of it yet.
  21. Went to Siam Paragon in Bangkok to cover all my banks in one go wrt the 50k limit. Here’s a brief rundown of my experiences: 1. Kasikorn Bank: Transfer limit was not enforced before going there. “We have no policy for non-Thai, no need to do facial scan, no limitations, no plans, not aware of any plans, no forms to sign, nothing.” Am able to change daily limits and transfer. Let’s see if it stays this way or if there is more to this story in future. 2. UOB: There was never a limit enforced, tried again just before visiting them. All working normally. They still took a photo of me and did the registration and said it will take 2 - 3 days to process. Let’s see what happens next. 3. Bangkok Bank: Transfer limit was enforced prior to going there. Registered, took a photo, and it worked right away. Able to raise daily limit, able to make larger than 50k transfer. Efficient staff, friendly service, five mins all done. Impressed. 4. SCB: Transfer limit was enforced prior to going there. For foreigners they provide no means to scan. Instead they offer the option to raise a request to waive the requirement for facial recognition. The form is attached for info. They said it takes 2 - 3 days to take effect. For reference, none of my ‘home’ bank branches are located at Siam Paragon. So it works across branches and one should be able to go to any branch to get it done. Well, in theory at least. All staff across the four banks at Siam Paragon were very knowledgeable about the process, as would be expected for a place with extensive foreigner traffic.
  22. Exactly, you didn't change the phone. That is the reason. Once you have done the initial setup of the banking app using a Thai SIM then afterwards any internet connection from any country should work. I travel between Bangkok (AIS) and Hong Kong (CSL) all the time and it works seamlessly for Bangkok Bank, KBank, SCB and UOB apps. Same for a recent trip to Germany (Telekom SIM), WiFi also. If you change the phone, or if you re-install the app for whatever reason, then you will need to use the Thai SIM again to register.
  23. HKD100,000 to Kasikorn and zero such encounters. Just FYI. So may be location / user specific?
  24. Am on the new 3.25.1 and can’t change beyond 50k. Haven’t registered yet at a branch.
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