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Everything posted by SenorTashi

  1. Did you get everything you wanted from it though? Did all the illegal immigrants stop coming from Europe, as promised?
  2. I added her but that's as far as I got. I've had three similar offers from different agents so I imagine her's would be similar. I've still got time to contact her though but I'm up to my neck in other stuff at the moment
  3. Any other directives or orders you'd like to give me?
  4. You're getting way too deep into this. I suggest you smoke a few bongs and forget all about me.
  5. Didn't say there was. But just for the record, I have no problem with taking advice from stoners. I was talking about my own personal experience. Just like if I'd said I'd fallen out of an airplane and it had hurt and you replied, there is no evidence that it hurt you. That's just the way the internet is.
  6. He could probably get on a dinghy in France without his passport, pretend he doesn't speak English and get put up in a 5 star hotel for years, all expenses paid. 'Job's a good un' as they say
  7. Not really. You gave me a mental health evaluation over the internet and with a name like stoner, I think I'll choose to ignore your diagnosis. Thanks all the same.
  8. Please excuse my ignorance. I thought this was a forum for communicating.
  9. You seem quite determined for your theory to be true... so, not much I can do about that ????
  10. I have just married a Thai lady but only in a traditional sense and to be honest, that's good enough for me. I thought the amount needed in the bank was higher if you were married. Must have got that mixed up.
  11. What does this mean in layman's terms?
  12. Also, women with beards! ????
  13. Can you say who and where? I don't know why all my quotes are high
  14. It's happening while we speak. Digital currency is being forced on us whether we like it or not...e2a... (that might be a conspiracy theory)
  15. What baffles me about crypto is people saying 'it's worth x amount of dollars' If it's an alternative to cash, why do we need to know it's worth in dollars and if cash gets wiped out, what will crypto be worth then, a bag of potatoes?
  16. they'll grow no problem, but you wouldn't get a decent yield unless they had more light. the first few weeks are crucial. I probably grew about 100 autos in natural light in france over the years and the lowest I ever got was 1 gram (because I grew it in February to see what would happen) In mid summer, they normally yielded between 10g and 40g. I heard you can get much more under lights.
  17. Thanks to everyone's tips on here, I'm currently chatting with 4 different agents and they're all quoting me 34-36k for 3 months o visa plus 12 months retirement.
  18. I know it's a hotly debated subject but I've read lots of times that 16-8 is the best. I'm using 18 hours light at the moment and they seem to like it.
  19. I agree with everything you said there and I was saying the above to my missus last night. I also said, just because the Buddha didn't enjoy the ganj, doesn't mean it's not sacred. It's very important to me that the plant is respected at all times. I've felt like that since my first experiences with it in the 70's. I've never ripped anyone off or ever sold any mouldy weed etc and if anyone ever rips me off, I get more upset me that they've disrespected the plant, than the fact that I've lost some money. I agree that it's very difficult to police THC levels. I just think it's a shame that they increased the power of it in the first place because as you say, it's been used for millenia without any problems. Most of my older friends don't want to smoke the newer, stronger strains because it does their heads in. Like you, I used to enjoy the stronger stuff for the buzz but I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole these days. I've been making my own edibles for years and almost every time I'm making cakes, I end up eating too much by licking the spoon and I've had some very intense and frightening experiences over the years. During one of the worst episodes, I honestly didn't know what life form I was for a while then when I'd calmed down a bit, I couldn't work out which hotel or town or country I was in, then I got very paranoid that I could be robbed at any minute. I ended up totally naked and pouring with sweat, crouched in the corner of the hotel room and holding a large knife, which I'd been cutting the fudge into squares with. Suddenly the door swung open and the hotel manager said "And we have this room....' saw me crouching there, looking wild eyed and naked with a large knife, then quickly shut the door, saying, 'My mistake. Someone's in that room' ...lmao I went back there several times over the years but we never talked about that.
  20. To be honest with you, I don't even feel comfortable talking about it because it took me a long time to calm it down. But lately, it mainly manifests by me feeling pretty chill after a smoke, then someone says something I don't like and I bite their head off. I know I'm doing it but I can't stop. I've smoked with my adult son on and off over the years and even he said I should lay off the weed.
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