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Everything posted by Jackbenimble

  1. does it matter? is one gun pointing at your head acceptable but multiple ones unacceptable?
  2. Do you genuinely think the Thais are bad at customer service?
  3. you clearly haven't spent years building a business - unjust bad reveiws are infuriating. If your not happy speak to them before you leave......dont scurry home rubbing your hands together with bad intentions. Deal with it right there and then and who knows you might have your bill "taken care of" on top of receiving an apology.
  4. your post is only valid because you used the word "if" - which indicates that you are aware bad reviews these days can be received for no toher reason than some self-entitled idiot getting the hump because there butt wasn't kissed. But the fallout from a bad review can be huge. Reviews are never fact checked which makes it easy for idiots to "wield" their power unjustly.
  5. he was found guilty in his absence and as such he is enttiled to have the case re-heard which means the verdict wont stand. Running away from a lynch mob btw is not cowardly........had he stayed in Thailand he knew he had already been found guilty ahead of any trial. Yingluck too knew the courts had been instructed ahead of the court case. hardly just dont you think? but instead of questioning that you sling mud at someone you only know through the censored medias. Says more about you than it does about him I think. Baa aaaa baaaa.
  6. (Your reply) You think living expenses in the USA are the same as Thailand? The OP wasn't making a comparison to Police forces in America. Thai Police are paid a pittance when compared to just regular Thai office workers or even Uni Grads. You didn't know that? Really? The problem isn't a financial one, it's a cultural one. Many Thais like to make as little effort as possible. Just plain wrong and only demostrates your lack of knowledge regarding Thais. Yes some are lazy......just like they are in your country. But it's innaccurate to tar them all with the same brush and ill-informed. whereas most police in the USA take pride in doing a job well. That is just not true. And that doesn't apply only to the police force. This also is untrue. Most people in "the west" do not love their jobs nor do they take pride in what they do. The law of averages tells us that there will be some who do but to insinuate that it's the norm is not true and disingenuous.
  7. it isn't an idication of incompetence? How did you draw that conclusion from someone paying for a more senior position?
  8. sad butt rue. Many of the wars have been instigated by the banks - wars create opportunity and a need to borrow both for the hardware and the post-conflict reparations.
  9. how would you even know if that were true? You had neevr heard of him until you read this.
  10. that's one of the most ill-informed posts I have seen for a while.
  11. why can't you focus on the actual positive to this? R u permanently set to Thai-bashing mode and follow the crowd OR can you actually think for yourself?
  12. They did that in the lead up to the financial crisis in'97 and then when the storm hit they literally overnight closed scores of banks and lending institutions effectively shafting the IMF. That's the prime reason why the Thai banking sector is ring-fenced from the wests. They dont behave properly or professionally even in business and is why they only really do business with other Thais. Very few are up to doing business internationally.
  13. mine tend to be chinese looking singaporeans - they get blocked without a response.
  14. so true...........i still clealry recall paying cash for car hire and all manner of things. I also recall being asked by the same companies "can you pay by card?" and then being told paying by card was the only payment method accepted. The problem here in Thailand is the whole society lives for today.......lending to people like that by definition means they haven't planned how (or even if) they can make the repayments in the future. The banks are their own worst enemy as well as the enemy of the average Thai but what other options do they have? Lend and be damned I suppose...........responsible lending surely isn't the answer..............at least not without educating the masses (which isn't going to happen anyrime soon)
  15. Take over? if you mean win an election and take their seat then yes. The last time Thailand enjoyed a bouyant economy and good relations with the the leaders of other countries was under Thaksin. If anyone can set this country straight, get the economy moving again and sort out these dinosaurs on the senate it's him. And they know it!
  16. not with Burmese. Its a sfer bet that someone has been working her like a dog and she was exhausted and trying to get home to her family.
  17. was glib really necessary? this girl had died..........she might have a husband here and kids, she'll have parents.........maybe has siblings.....................but you thought trying to be witty was the appropriate retort. Sums up too many of the members here unfortunately.
  18. you're mistaken or uninformed. Almost 10 years of military rule has ruined what was a buoyant economy...............you think that has nothing to do with OI that was previously earmarked for here going elsewhere? Or the former PM not being a politician and used to giving orders not making compromises? Or the former PM going back on his word to other countries so often nobdy wants to do business with Thailand any more? The Army needs to step aside and the Senate must be shown sense.
  19. Thailand has a knack of shooting itself in the foot - to such a degree we have come to expect it and even make jokes about it. This situation is far from a joking matter though. The army coarried out the Coup on the premise that they would only be in power for 6 months and would address the widespread corruption. here we are almost 10 years later and they're still clinging to power with every last ounce of grip. This despite a rigged election, a doctored constitution and the threat of life to anyone who disagreed with them. If Thailands Senate doesn't do the right thing at this juncture and respect the result of the elction - as it promised it would pre-election - it will have far more things to worry about than 250 senate members keeping their jobs and their lavish lifestyles. This is a sliding doors moment for Thailand and how it is (and will be) perceived by the rest of the watching world. They can show the world that they are serious players or that they are archaic and untrustworthy. The outgoing PM has already tarnished the reputation of Thailand from a global perspective, I genuinely worry that they dont care one iota what the rest of the world thinks. And as history has shown time and time again, that usually ends badly for the regime in power. I hope someone can talk some sense into them otherwise it could be a case of "last one out turn the lights off".
  20. Dear me. YouTube views and "very moving memorials"............as opposed to not moving memorials? Some of us dont get our information from the media or from the bar.........but you carry on. Its a wonder the press go anywhere else for their stories with you around. Chin up!!
  21. you sound like a Man Utd fan.......living in the past
  22. this is much closer to whats actually going on. His request to reform the Lese Majeste is a smoke screen - the senate dont want to remove their noses from the gravy train "without good reason".......and why would they if we're being honest? The lifestyle it affords them is coveted, they want to be assured they wont suddenly be left high & dry. Banning Pita isn't a long term solution to the more pressing issue of how to allow the winners of the election taking up their rightful position without losing everything. There is also the spectre of a certain former PM lurking in the background, they fear him and with just cause. He has some scores to settle.
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