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Everything posted by Jackbenimble

  1. one would assume a retirment visa..........they qualify once they're 50 anyway.
  2. Cue double-glazing sales boom ^_^
  3. If they still own their property and haven't sold it to pay for care back in UK then they can liquidate their assets, retire here and live out their lives in stress-free bliss. I'm sure the kids and grandkids wont be too miffed about visiting. They could even buy a condo - they're cheap enough compared to home - and hire a live-out maid to wash, iron, clean and shop for them. Domestic staff here are not expensive compared to home help in UK.
  4. his "crime" is operating covertly, not paying his dues and keeping it all to himself.
  5. where is the accountability of the previous regime?
  6. I think you need to grow up and/or educate yourself a little more on Thai culture.
  7. I'd wager its the tourists that you mention that cause these eruptions of anger......
  8. Thais deal with death very differently than westerners do.......they assume the dead are crossing over to a better place and a new life which is something to celebrate whereas westerners consider it a tragic end to life and it's highly upsetting for us. Thai emergency services even take selfies with the dead. It's neither wrong or right.........it's just different. Being in a position to help someone to NOT die and not doing it - choosing instead to film them drowning - is not a Thai thing, it's something that happens now all over the world and I blame social media. Our "click" driven society have lost touch with reality.
  9. I think including Thailand in a list of "civilised countries" is a bit of a stretch..........Thailand is still feudal and steeped in traditional hierarchies.
  10. It had to happen one day......it almost happened before the coup took place. There is a downside to Casinos that people like to play down understandably. Racketeering, drugs, prostitution.........and that's just the RTP!!! lol. It will bring a huge boost to the economy though. Hotels, bars, restaurants, the girls........it will be interesting to see who is given the Licences.
  11. you advocating reading about what happened to find out the truth tells me all I need to know about where you get your facts from. Did nobody ever tell you not to believe everything you read?
  12. is this going to be the next drum to beat?The red bull drum has been worn out so let's try this one? Do you even know who the people were who were "murdered" & why they were "murdered"? Let alone who carried the murders out, where, how and who gave the order for it to be done? No. You just spout bar room BS and drivel you've read somewhere that was scribed by a censored media anyway. What do you care anyway about what happened? Seriously, what has it got to do with you?
  13. I've driven in numerous countries around the world including Thailand (for 16 years) and there are some things you must learn very quickly here:- a) there is very little in the way of road safety education in Thailand and a substantial number of drivers have never taken (let alone passed) a driving test. Some of those that have a Licence paid someone to take the test for them. Agencies actually advertise that they can provide this service! b) Thais dont care about anything that I said in a) and that applies to the "law enforcement officers" too c) the situation is not going to change any time soon so suck it up (or shut up). d) this guy needs speaking to but these fast-food delieevry drivers are far more dangerous and nobody does anything about them - they need reigning in and the companies they deleiver for need fining big time to make them educate their drivers.
  14. The UN? More corrupt than Thailand ever was or will be. It's like having a dog and barking yourself - The UN needs bringing to book about it's finances and where all the money actually goes. Using them for credence? Not the best idea you've ever had.
  15. The breakfast at The Black Swan in soi 19 is excellent.
  16. How longhave you been in Thailand? The fines are derisory (or non-existent) because an ability to actually pay the fine has to be taken into consideration. Hence the paltry and monthly splurges fining people for not wearing a helmet - it has to be affordable and of an amount that isn't going to create another problem. Most Thais dont have "disposable" income and either cant pay or simply wont. How much do you think these ladyboys earn?
  17. who is "we"? Would that be The Royal we or you and your drinking buddies or...........have you assumed the role of public spokesperson for the masses? And, how do you "know" that?
  18. the customer never was always right, business etiqutte allowed them to be obnoxious and get away with it. Thankfully that is less so here and is waning in many other countries too. There is no excuse for behaving like a spoiled brat in a restaurant or anywhere else. It costs nothing to be nice.
  19. I really think this should be optional for a bar owner.........if they want to sta ipen til 4am they should be allowed to but apply for a 4am Licence beforehand. This could be valid for either 1 night (special occasions) or a month or 6 months with a sliding cost scale. That would generate oncome for the RTP plus they would know where the late night revellers are going to be. Telling a bar owner they can't stay open past 2am will just encourage some of them to break the law anyway. Make the Licence affordable and everything should run smoothly. It should be available to restaurant owners too.
  20. Thailand is NOT going to adjust to you..............or anyone else. They were slightly runny eggs, get a grip ffs. You're not on daddys yacht now. ^_^
  21. just stop fretting over the small stuff or you'll go mad.............your eggs were hot I presume and edible and tasted fine?
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