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Everything posted by Jackbenimble

  1. 1 visa agent...........calm down you silly person. The visa agents provide a good service overall.
  2. no education, no plan, no accountability, no parenting skills, law enforcement that is available to the highest bidder........and nobody cares. This poor kid deserved more. The sick <deleted> who did this needs psychological assessment - he's not right in the head.
  3. Eh? Are you're one of those who read other peoples posts but not really & see things that aren't there just so you can be contrary, appear knowledgeable and join in? Where did I minimise whatever you say I did and when did I mention a 14 y/o? My post was about extradition.
  4. not even in the xenophobic ball park......someone made a financial decision. Nothing more. If you want to dress it up as something else that's your choice.
  5. quite - I recall they requested Taksin to be sent back to them too and the UK government declined citing an unsecure conviction in the first place. This guy hasn't even been convicted. it seems to be a storm in a t-cup & I dont say that as a sympathiser of kiddy fiddlers. I'd chemically castrate all kiddy fiddlers. But there's something aboutt his case that doesn't add up. Do we know if she is "someones" daughter?
  6. If that really is the plan then so be it but..........maybe they should seriously think about making it easier for expats to actually live here long term instead of going out of their way to make it harder. The expat community are fed up with milked and scammed. Already there are conversations about alternative places to live. THAT needs addressing if the plan is to use them to replace international travellers. This new tax law isn't going to help either.
  7. errrr..........that would likely be one of the BIB. So it's a no.
  8. Fake Thai ID cards are readily available........seeing her ID will not stop it from happening unless you know how to spot a fake one? It's sometimes very difficult to guess with any accuracy a Thai persons age.....even someone who looks "young" can be late 20's.
  9. spot on..........the bar in question doesn't seem to be under investigation.........give you 1 guess why.
  10. she wanted traction on her pathetic video......she went looking for trouble where there wasn't any.......and she dressed to attract it and then got all offended and shocked because someone approached her and spoke to her. its just a shame this influencers parents didn't have a better influence on her when she was growing up.
  11. exactly, takes one to know one I say. He/she/they can't spell either and would appear not to even know what a paedo is.
  12. It's a Red Light area, what did this trouble-making chinese tourist expect was going to be going on? Maybe she hasn't heard the expression about people in glass houses? And, for the record, the red light areas here in Thailand are some of the safest of their kind in the world. Safer than the ones in this clowns own country. I hope the police do catch up with her and cancel her visa - she seems to be working so inspect that work permit too while you're at it. This TikTok generation are just attention grabbing saddos desperate for some traction on the rubbish they post. And their followers are not much different. Kick her out.
  13. seriously - have you not tired yet of bringing up the red bull heir into as many threads as you possibly can? Dont you have any other "news" to share?
  14. the dancers at these Thai concerts in the provinces are often described as sexy and scantily clad - I have never understood why scantily clad is used to describe them though because they are never actually scantily clad! Even my wife describes them as sexy and scantily clad so it's clearly an Isaan thing to do that..........to what end though escapes me. The dancers in Ying Lees' famous pop video are also NOT scanitly clad but are described so. If they actually were scantily clad the video would have been pulled a long time ago.
  15. not in Thailand it's not. Remove your expat tinted specs and smell the coffee.
  16. I dont actually know any expats in Bangkok who drive when they know they're going out drinking - many don't drive anyway, they don't have a car. Maybe this is aimed at Thais......I know plenty who drink & drive.
  17. a refund? What for? because you decided to get p****d you think the bar owes you something back?
  18. this is Asia incase it had escaped your attention, the A-Cup hub of the world. Nothing to do with being a teenager. If you don't like small boobs you might be in the wrong place.
  19. I think the western media publishes what it thinks the western readership wants to read.........and why wouldn't they do that? They have a business to run and sex sells.....always has done. But the image they portray of Thailand is not accurate & it taints all Thais.....even the ones not connected to the bar scene or the entertainment industry which easily account for around 90% of the population. The entertainment industry and those who work in it are supposed to be there for "entertainment". Not for falling in love with and marrying. By not observing the rules we bring a lot of the troubles we read about onto ourselves....simply by not knowing or following the rules. Beyond the bar scene there is the real Thailand and there is a layer of real Thai society who are smart, honest, kind and completely normal. I've had the good fortune of encountering and working with this section of Thai society for the last 16 years and built a business around them - and the Burmese community. Thai society pays scant regard to the bar scene and the girls that work in it......they know it's there but they know the reality of the situation. I enjoy being entertained so I'm not knocking it at all, but jumping into a serious relationship with a working girl? That's for the birds.
  20. this started quite a few years ago......the girls were still going to the bar but spening most of their time on social media and dating sites (and Craigslist which was full of them back then). They often didn't appreciate being interrupted either. Oddly enough it was around this time that the footfall in the entertainment areas started tailing off and it has only got worse. Give me a hot freelancer over a bar girl anyday. Bar girls have since become less interested in a real live actual customer and more interested in a virtual one. And sadly I have to say also "who can blame them".
  21. you're the one being a pedant.
  22. Of course they did.........they do that uninvited all the time. I once reported my wallet being picked from my pocket and recalled being approached by a ladyboy the previous night and convinced myself it had to have been them. It wasn't, my wallet was at home, I'd actually hidden it from the wife when I got in the night before and totally forgot. I made a police report out too but oddly enough they weren't overly interested. This just seems to be a photo opportunity and a chance to bash the already well-bashed ladyboy community. They dont do themsleves any favours it has to be said but I think blaming them for everything will backfire.
  23. she'll be working for Claims-R-Us ^_^
  24. it's easy to lose track of time sometimes and before you know it they're closing and it's 2am. That shock will be delayed now and a few more beers will have been downed by throwing out time.
  25. Most Bangkokians are not from Bangkok, they are from the provinces. You knew that though yes?
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