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Everything posted by Jackbenimble

  1. copy/pasting selective sections of articles off the internet is as miselading as almost anything else that's on the internet. Different viewpoints from different authors saying different things.....on the exact same topic. It doesn't alter the fact that the army re-wrote the constitution and presented it for approval by the Thai populace and after it was approved the ruling junta altered it - an illegal act in any civilised country and met with surprise here but att he time nobody dare oppose them as they were merrily locking people up for disagreeing with them. Altering it effectively rendered it obsolete and unfit for purpose.
  2. Thai people didn't vote for "this" version of the constution. They for for "the" constitution and then it was amended and not put to the vote.
  3. Eh? We're at this juncture because even the Elites voted against Prayut.
  4. Asoke Towers in soi 21? That has stood there a long time. Well before TripAdvisor and even before the Internet?
  5. deliberately making one of them lose face will decrease your chances of finding a resolution dramatically and - due to the legislation in this country - put them in the right and you in the wrong. Regardless of who is to blame for the "incident" the one who has caused another to lose face is always deemed as the one who has erred. You have been here a while so should know this and should be used to it and not be surprised. I know it doesn't make it any less annoying but forewarned is forearmed.
  6. It's the vindictiveness and malice that makes me take negative reveiws with a pinch of salt. people just having a bad day write them, people without just cause (butt hink they have) write them, your competitors write them. Most negative ones are just vindictive vents.
  7. Married to a Thai for almost 15 years and she listens to nobody - even her friends grow weary of the fact she asks for but never takes their advice..........yet continues to make bad decisions. Learning from her mistakes is an alien concept. Yours will not change either.........you either find a way to "deal" with it or you accept the reality of potentially losing your marriage and your kid. Sounds very black & white but that's exactly what is is when adult conversations and compromise are not an option. Fortunately me & mine dont have kids with each other but we do have a business together and so we also live & work together day in/day out................it is "testing" to say the least. I have slowly constructed a seperate social life which helps with the irritation factor but it isn't a solution & it isn't healthy for a relationship. Your situation has a child involved which complicates things tenfold. I presume you can count to 10? Good luck!!
  8. they must find a way to overcome the safeguards Prayut putin place in preparation for this day & do it in a way where nobody loses face.
  9. shouldn't be hard to send them on gardening leave while it's decided what to do with them - give them time to see a bit of sense perhaps.
  10. and the cure for that is to amputate toes and fingers...........right.
  11. did I miss that bit? More likely she's been mis-treated to such a degree that she has miscarried. The police will need to prove that wasn't the case now.
  12. hark at you - judge and jury and seemingly a member of the "believe everything you read (when it suits me)" group .
  13. if they allowed you to buy land a) the price of land would shoot up b) there would be no land left foryour average Thai to buy and Thais would be priced out of their own property market c) some foreigners too would eventually be priced out of the market 3 very good reasons for not allowing foreigners to buy land. Disposable incomes of your average Thai is small - too small to sustain a property boom. Land should be available to foreigners to buy but only under certain criteria i.e resident for over 5 years - but not carte blanche.
  14. Get a cat..........or a dog that hunts. Problem will go away. Buy the more expensive of the sticky plates too............they work. Our place was over0run by the pesky things about 7 years ago. We didn't realise how bad the problem was until we found one in the oven.....with its babies......alive and thriving. (we never used the oven) I pet stoat or weasel will get rid of them too in no time at all.
  15. They need a single room networked to all the immigration offices and checkpoints and in that room a team of logistically minded & trained IT people of no specific nationality..........just hire the best men & women for the job and tighten the system up so that the chances of keeping the Sh*t out are increased.
  16. I disagree - it was the lack of ability to speak Thai which landed him in trouble. Speaking the language opens up a whole new and different Thailand. And a better one. Far few skirmishes like this too.
  17. would that be Thai bargirl type smoking or farang type? ^_^
  18. correct. He says you did it before so he can do it again. No more hassle. Just remember to get an exit permit each time you leave otherwise your retirment visa wont be valid when you return.
  19. now you're being a pedant. He's here and not working. He doesn't have a visa so he's getting stamped into the country on a tourist visa. What else do you thnik he is?
  20. I think you haven't seen some 50 y/o Asian women - many still look incredible.
  21. have to agree. Her constantly badgering the old man wasn't the way to approach this. That was the Banks responsibility to ensure the house was vacated prior to reselling it. Something underhand has taken place between the deceased and the Bank.
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