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Keep Right

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Everything posted by Keep Right

  1. Exactly, socialized poor quality, wait a year or two, perhaps five years for proper care.
  2. And then the "green battery-whatever" people plug this green bike into a wall charger powered by coal fired power plant.
  3. Do these police officers also have the pathetic, socialized wait a year or two health plans that most have in the UK?
  4. Another knuckle dragging Neanderthal ... looking for some respect away from the ghetto. These people are one of the main reasons I moved to Thailand, to get away from them.
  5. I would have to agree with you on most of your assumptions but Filipino food is unpalatable.
  6. Yawn...........................EVs are so boring.
  7. I also own a gas car, I guess that make me "right wing."
  8. Bunny Rabbit, you got that right. Thailand is the hub of corruption and nothing will ever change that.
  9. So very true and having enough money readily available to pay for quality medical care in a Private Thai hospital.
  10. You have to be insane to ride a motorbike in Thailand, it is a death wish.
  11. "Housing is very affordable — you can rent a two-bedroom condo just minutes from the beach for around $500," Most likely a 28 sqm dump on Soi Buakhao. "Food is also more affordable, so expect savings of about 40% compared to what you spend in the U.S." And again, most likely filthy street food prepared in the street by dirty vendors. "there’s no need for cars, and if you use a mix of rideshare services and public transportation," Enjoy riding in the back of pickup truck with Katoys breathing in polluted air. "Forbes estimates that you could cover your basic living expenses in Pattaya for around $1,400 per month." And enjoy living like a slum person. I guess this is why there are so many expat losers in Pattaya.
  12. I would never get on a motorbike in Thailand, it is a death-wish.
  13. In a way, cancer negates evolution. Natural selection should have eliminated cancer millions of years ago.
  14. I once had an electric golf cart and the battery went dead right on the green during a tournament. The tournament had to be delayed because of my stupid golf cart. I will never buy an electric car.
  15. I wonder how many gold necklaces were stolen during this melee. Lots of testosterone fueled rage was evident by these so called "ladies." The "lipstick on a pig" analogy was in clear view by the cat-fight.
  16. Seems to be lots of terd tamping happening on Soi 11. I will certainly stay away.
  17. Maybe he was high on Ganja. Ganja makes a person do really stupid things.
  18. The price they pay for their perversion and debauchery.
  19. They should move all the so called Palestinian squatters to Berkeley. Put a fence around it and let these left wing snowflakes enjoy these "oppressed" people.
  20. No one wants these squatters, not even the Moslem countries.
  21. This post is a joke, correct? Jerome Adams was fired by President Biden. This guy is a loser. The United States has some of the best healthcare in the world. He can certainly afford the best healthcare. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/10/08/politics/jerome-adams-hawaii-citation-trnd/index.html
  22. But I thought the left wing Democrats in the U.S. and left wing Labour Party in the UK enjoy paying taxes as it distributes the wealth across the masses. So you should also enjoy paying taxes here in Thailand to distribute your wealth.
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