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Everything posted by dotcalm

  1. Inside House Republicans’ Plan to Investigate Hunter Biden as a 'National Security Threat' https://time.com/6218879/hunter-biden-investigations-james-comer-house-republicans/ Don't see any planned investigations into Trump's sphere in the vein of being a "national security threat" Give it a rest, stop with the 2 tiers of justice, go investigate real crimes and stop the persecution of the most investigated and never charged politician in American history. American's have more and bigger issues to manage.
  2. The only hint of desperation comes from the democrats and their weaponized police and DoJ. They are desperate to stop Trump for a reason, any guess why they fear Trump so much and need to attack, persecute him instead of leaving him alone, to golf and spend his billions?? Why is that? Do the dems fear his 2024 election victory?
  3. Maybe, just maybe one needs to look into the documents he declassified for further answers. Maybe, just maybe Trump has some military tribunal grade docs/material the DC regime so desperately wants deep six'd for good. And if the virus didn't emanate from a wuhan lab leak why did the Chinese refuse to cooperate with the investigation into the origins of covid. Trump knows, he stated as much and people said he was spreading misinformation, but now, it's show he's was right, right again. No surprise.
  4. it's all laughable. Probably Trump is laughing at the lefties, the DoJ/FBI, spinning their wheels trying to finish him off and put a dent in MAGA. The persecution of Trump has failed at every instance, even the Georgia G jury has morphed into a <deleted>-show, humiliation.
  5. Process crime, meh, not going anywhere with that. Biden though, OTOH, was illegally in possession of classified materials dating back to his days as senator. So, yeah, maybe indict them both, (Trump & Biden). You agree that would be fair?
  6. There's no evidence of any crimes committed by Trump...PERIOD. Even process crimes against anyone will be a stretch.
  7. Trump knew this all along, no surprise there. Coronavirus: Trump stands by China lab origin theory for virus https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52496098 Trump contradicts US intel community by claiming he’s seen evidence coronavirus originated in Chinese lab https://edition.cnn.com/2020/04/30/politics/trump-intelligence-community-china-coronavirus-origins/index.html
  8. I just listened in to the SC DA cross of defendanr Murdaugh and he is clearly devoid of evidence and at this point seems to be "letting" the defendant win the case. I'd say Murdaugh walks on murder. They need a tough and smart oak like former prosecutor Trey Gowdy to close this murder trial out in conclusive legal terms.
  9. I'll make it as simple as possible: it matters not what Tucker Carlson, or FOX news says or does about anything, what matters is the content contained within the 40,000 hours of "evidence" not seen yet by the public. That is the issue that the left is concerned about, the truth being revealed. FOX News, Tucker Carlson DID NOT make the J6 videos, they have been chosen by the House leader McCartney to release them to the public. Fox News cannot change the videos, nor can Tucker Carlson, they can only claim the fame attached to revealing the truth to the American public for all that transpired during Jan 6 2021. They have been entrusted for good reason, not CNN, MSNBC and others. Damn, it's going to be refreshing to see the evidence, the actual video evidence that does not lie. Democracy is served well by GOP McCarthy, FOX News and Tucker Carlson revealing the video evidence for truth seeking Americans. Stop trying to make this about FOX news and Tucker Carlson and let the evidence speak now. The left will maybe learn a good lesson here and cooperate to bring the facts and evidence into the public domain. The fact that FOX News and Tucker have been afforded this responsibility will be welcomed by all truth seekers and could put any J6 misconceptions to rest. You only want to hide or cover something up if you truly have something to hide you don't want the people to know. The GOP and FOX News can put this right for all to see. Thanks to the all the great efforts of Fox News and GOP in their quest for transparency.
  10. if I was a betting person, I'd bet that Trump has the J6 video collection too, by now. It matters not who releases it as much as the significance of the video evidence. Tucker is obviously light years ahead of the msm subordinates, especially CNN and maybe he's the go to guy for objectivity and will report it and not cover it up. thank you FOX News and Tucker, I look forward to the J6 videos and all they may reveal. A good day for democracy.
  11. Maybe McCarthy signed up FOX and Tucker to distribute the J6 security videos as a gift, a gesture of sorts to the FOX and Tucker haters. It is peculiar that McCarthy elected this method to release the J6 security videos. It's like he's rubbing it in the lefts face, and the non FOX, Tucker Carlson aficionados of the world And Tucker lies, by his own admission: https://news.yahoo.com/tucker-carlson-admits-lies-show-120821690.html But who cares if Tucker lies, its not about that, it's about revealing the video evidence of J6, for all to see, finally. We should all thank FOX News and Tucker Carlson and of course KM.
  12. For what, being the top rated show on cable news?
  13. Edit, as in alter? Or as in screen the videos to present only relevant, useful vids? Obviously FOX can't or won't publish all 40,000 hours, but all videos can be loaded online for all to access in the interest of transparency. The videos, if altered will be called out by the J6 presentation committee. Sit back and enjoy a dose of reality and truth based on factual video evidence.
  14. Put more faith is what you see and not what you hear. Let the security videos speak for themselves. Tucker is just the lucky slob who gets the story. Nothing to fear but the truth.
  15. Jan 6 video released to Fox News Tucker Carlson by Kevin McCarthy "On Monday, Carlson claimed that some of the footage appears to contradict "the story that we've been told for more than two years," but he was short on details or specifics. Instead, Carlson teased that his team's findings would air on his program next week." ABC News https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2023/02/21/raskin-gives-talking-points-away-when-he-smears-tucker-over-jan-6-footage-n706805
  16. "[Furthermore], when DOJ targets lawyers, it is often being done from a position of weakness in their underlying case, as a method of undermining the integrity of the defense legal team. Removal of Evan Corcoran … would serve the purpose of giving DOJ exactly what it wanted.” If the judge grants the prosecutors' motion, that means they will have determined that there is probable cause to believe a crime has been committed. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/mar-a-lago-trump-raid-legal-team-1234682771/
  17. I am trying to get it, the fact that you don't like the message, the truth about Biden's ineptness and repeated failures, buyers/voters remorse for voting for him? Now, maybe u can translate into coherence the childlike rant of Qanon, GARBAGE, hideen information, etc or maybe sleep on it, adjust your lifestyle and check with your internet resources if the swimming pool on the titanic is still full of water, thats about as much sense you make. Sorry for you. U seem angry at my message content, can explain to us why that is?
  18. DeSantis ridicules Biden's off script oil and gas comments at State of the Union, slams energy policy "Gov. Ron DeSantis said President Biden's energy policies are making it 'not worth it' for oil companies to increase production." ""We are still going to need oil and gas for a while," Biden said during his speech, which prompted laughter from Republicans for stating the obvious" https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/desantis-ridicules-bidens-off-script-oil-gas-comments-state-union-address Biden, lol, Brilliant, sharp (as a bowling ball). The sooner his crime family is held to account the sooner America can move on
  19. A study from the University of Copenhagen Statistics Denmark and Statens Serum Institute (SSI), yet to be peer-reviewed, suggests the Omicron variant is spreading more rapidly than Delta because it is better at evading vaccine-obtained immunity. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/omicron-evades-immunity-better-than-delta-danish-study-finds-2022-01-03/
  20. During his mumbling rant he was called out for being the pathetic feckless liar that he is. He's gutless, he talked only niceties as he pivots to campaign mode but very doubtful he makes it. Asking/SCREAMING: "....Tell me one person....who would trade places with Xi Jinping...." Probably half the globe would jump at that prospect. Biden's lost in is own small world, he's not well and should be sent to a care facility for the treatment he needs, or at least change or modify his medication as required.
  21. Biden’s botched Afghan exit is a disaster at home and abroad long in the making https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/16/politics/afghanistan-joe-biden-donald-trump-kabul-politics/index.html Are you talking about Donny, as in donny-JOE Biden perhaps? Trump fixed, mended things, no wars, ME peace, best economy, best energy policies and management, best border security. Biden has destroyed it all. Biden's SOTU address are just words, meaningless words and mostly all lies. His actions speak for themselves. A failure in every respect, a pathetic doddering incapable failure!
  22. Covid-19 vaccine trials won’t tell us if the shots save lives, expert notes https://edition.cnn.com/2020/10/21/health/covid-vaccine-save-lives/index.html https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33087398/
  23. President Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan left American citizens and allies behind while emboldening our enemies, diminishing our counterterrorism capabilities, and damaging trust with our allies around the globe. The administration has sought to blame the Afghans and President Trump for a failure that belongs to President Biden. https://www.rpc.senate.gov/policy-papers/bidens-failure-in-afghanistan Biden owns the Afghan disaster, everyone knows it, the evidence supports it. When Biden screws up, which often/always he tries to either blame Trump or try to say Trump did the same. Biden has no hope, no clue, he's been branded a pedophile and now the Biden crime family will be exposed by oversight, live on national TV for all to see. Not only is he am utter and total failure and embasrassment he is a disgusting sick person.
  24. There were 12 or 13 servicemen killed due to Biden's incompetence in his failed Afghan withdrawal. Just another one of his mega failures. He's useless and pathetic
  25. Big difference with the GOP and the new brand phenomenon AKA MAGA. If MAGA was not so powerful, prolific, loved, FEARED why does Biden's deep state and weaponized FBI, DOJ pester Trump...24/7...non-stop. But, now it's slow Joe's turn, watch for updates from Comer and Congress. Afghanistan debacle was a major (disaster) undertaking for Biden.
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