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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. An ongoing problem that Thais refuse to confront like adults... "loud noise" is a right in Thailand vs "peace and respect for others. Temples are the worse offenders... followed closely by schools
  2. Corruption runs as deep if not deeper in the good ole USA as it does everywhere else in the world...
  3. It is my understanding that farang passports must be valid for 6 months... not citizen passports
  4. You find it clear because you cannot or will not carefully proof read it... for instance... what is a "local lo"? Says "lo" not "io"... so it's our fault that we don't understand what you meant... right???
  5. Enter the USA with the US Passport... return to Thailand with the Thai Passport.
  6. Travelling without a passport in a foreign land... what could possibly go wrong...
  7. Maybe if you would proof-read your original post and read it without knowing in advance what you are asking, you would be more tolerant of the confusion.
  8. I was talking about when they changed ownership law about coastal property... also Costa Rica has changed law about coastal property... No direct foreign ownership... in fact, CR has coastal property that even Costa Ricans cannot own...
  9. Maybe it would be more helpful if you could provide a link to a more updated study...???
  10. Trying to use a lightweight vehicle as a Mack truck?
  11. 80% is pretty close to the average... EV Battery Health: What 6,000 EV Batteries Tell Us | Geotab
  12. The problem with Thai IT is that their is a human being involved in everything...
  13. There's allot more than an overstay violation here...
  14. And Mexico... Costa Rica... and other countries have changed their laws about foreign ownership of property as well... They just take land previously purchased by foreigners with no compensation and say "too bad, if you don't like it leave" SO WHAT'S YOUR POINT?
  15. 020/11/yes-constitution-democracy/616949/ Editorially, The Atlantic takes a Left-Center position on most issues
  16. Yes.. I love to travel and since I retired at age 50 (25 years ago) I have had the good fortune of being able to do so... is that a bad thing in your book?
  17. No... As an Aussie you have no concept of the USA never being designed to be ruled by the majority... please study "democratic republic" and "electoral college"... then possibly you will understand... probably not though.
  18. If you had any understanding at all it would be easy to explain... however since you do not understand... I cannot help you... I would suggest reading about "democratic republic"... "electoral votes determined based on population density"... the founding fathers of the USA had no intention ever of the majority having control of anything... they saw thru the facade and knew it to be a bad decision... majorities become mobs that demand everyone toe the line...
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