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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Big C made the mistake to go from trays of fresh meat out for the public to choose from to prewrapped portions in glass cases... I for one quit shopping there in favor of the open markets...
  2. Car wrapping is a way to customize your car using a vinyl film instead of painting... vehicles that you see with advertising on them are a type of vinyl wrapped... I had a small sports car that I wrapped in a copper colored vinyl
  3. www.rome2rio.com will tell you all the ways to travel anywhere...
  4. 555 Thais do not even know what pin stripping is much less car wrapping.
  5. And he won't for a while... this is a four or five day weekend is it not...
  6. Remember that he is trying to get a response from MG in THAILAND... fully owned and operated in THAILAND... the land of very poor customer response in all they do
  7. I also looked up and compared other local patterns in other countries and some are up and some are down... its a localized situation that cannot really be averaged out to come up with an overall prognostication... that's like saying that because there is heavy flooding in one region that it is flooding all over the world on average.
  8. Harris slammed for saying most can’t afford a $400 surprise expense: ‘Yeah, that’s called Bidenomics’
  9. Note to self... if the systems are not user friendly and reliable they are no good.
  10. The banality of this discussion is that being a sporting event "bigot" is misleading the responders. Each team has its followers which could be called bigots... the broader concept at play here is it ok to be a bigot in the world scene... everyday life... and the answer is ______... BUT is it ok to express your bigotry in a public venue with total disregard for anyone else at said venue... the answer is "NO". Freedom of speech has nothing to do with it... respect and decorum is implied along with your individual freedoms based on societal norms... IMHO that's where the "public" has lost their way... and quite frankly they have been mislead by their hero sports figures... no matter which sport.
  11. When it is broken down to specific areas... in this case the USA... some temperatures are up and some are down... so for you to say that it is global is misleading... global is all inclusive and the facts are that it is not a global trend at all but rather is a locational phenomena.
  12. The "spin" as you put it is by the activists... it's about power and control
  13. The facts debunk this report as false... the 1930's were far hotter... the 1970's were far cooler...
  14. Don't the police have to show up in order to "crack down"???
  15. I see that 3 (so far) are confused by this graph... probably dems or activists... It shows that the high temperature that we are experiencing today are just part of the continuum and it is not "global warming"... https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/not-climate-change-causing-heat-waves-this-summer-explain#&_intcmp=fnhpriver_19
  16. It is not an "extra foreigner fee"... it is the "fee"... just because the Thailand attractions, government, or whatever or whoever give Thai nationals a discount should be of no concern to you... it's a perk for Thais
  17. In is my opinion opinions are like a--holes... everyone has one and they all stink especially in broad generalizations and are a stain on the very name of human existence.
  18. Another case of getting caught out and trying to cover it up with the old "we did nothing wrong mantra"... "it's all a misunderstanding"...
  19. He read it... just can't seem to comprehend what he reads...
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