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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. That would be one more than you... PS... It is "another think coming"
  2. This is Thailand... there is no translation for "routine" or "preventative" maintenance... never was never will be... When queried, the airline's management confessed to an initial ignorance.
  3. As expats for whatever reason is why they moved... why are they not free to choose where? You did...
  4. Why are Americans fleeing the West Coast for this deep red state? Freedom and friendliness
  5. I doubt that you have ever been there... I have and it is a dump... Political unrest, corruption and chronic economic problems have plagued its fragile democracy since it emerged from the 35-year dictatorship of the Alfredo Stroessner in 1989.
  6. You are going to confuse them with the math... 555... List of countries by number of public holidays - Wikipedia
  7. TDS much? This op is concerning hunter biden... has nothing to do with trump... typical schoolyard rant... you haters just can't help yourselves... PSSST... these are not simple charges... these are felonies.
  8. Six... if you count the children... hardly a flock... the flocks are deserting blue cities and states
  9. I agree... you don't think... Much like your hero joe... "President Trump withheld Congressionally appropriated aid to Ukraine unless they granted him a political favor," Biden tweeted as a candidate in 2019 about the impeachment push against Trump over a phone call with Ukraine that Democrats claimed was a "quid pro quo." "It's the definition of quid pro quo. This is no joke—Trump continues to put his own personal, political interests ahead of the national interest. He must be impeached."
  10. You and your ilk are the ones who do NOT understand the concept... https://link.springer.com › article › 10.1007 › s10508-018-1371-8 Consent, Coercion, and Culpability: Is Prostitution ... - Springer Prostitution will never be recognized as sexual abuse until the cash transaction integral to it is identified as coercive by its nature.
  11. Or this just in... Inflation was just 1.4% when Biden came into office. It grew to 9.1% in June 2022, 17 months later
  12. ONLY a Thai would wear this "nonsense outfit"
  13. All those events were before it once again became fashionable to hate and kill the jews once again... brought to you by the peace loving muslim community.
  14. MARC THIESSEN: I think this whole thing is helping him enormously. I feel very badly for President Trump that he has to go through this. But it's political gold for him. First of all, it's creating sympathy for him. He's facing 91 charges at the federal, state and local level. Charles Manson faced 10. Our polls show that people think this is unfair. And so it's creating sympathy for Donald Trump. Second thing it's doing is distracting us from the issues that voters say they care about. I mean, our campuses are on fire. The border is on fire. The world is on fire. We've got wars raging on two continents. We just learned that Joe Biden has threatened to cut off aid to Israel if they go into Rafah. And the left wants us to talk about a porn star. Voters look at that and they say, what are these people talking about? They're focused on the wrong thing. And then the third thing is it's forcing him into a basement strategy. So the reason Donald Trump lost in 2020 is because people liked his policies, but they didn't like his inflammatory style. They didn't like the way he behaved and the way he talked. And they were kind of tired of it. Well, he can't say anything inflammatory when he's sitting in a courtroom all day long, right? He can't say things that are offensive to people when he's in a courtroom. And so, the reality is that he's not offending people.
  15. OH NO... another upgrade... hahahaha
  16. That's right... if you can't kill all the jews the least we can do is restrict what they are allowed to participate in... what a load of garbage coming from the hateful and terroristic muslims.
  17. Why it is no longer cool to be a crazy rich Asian in China (bbc.com)
  18. Or you could read most any other sources of the news other than what you are reading... these pictures are carried by almost all of the free media and are from many different riot zones in many different universities... it is not covert if your eyes and mind are open.
  19. That's your problem right there... the palestinians have covertly supported hamas therefore they are not so innocent are they... they let the hate and terror build because they share the same muslim heritage of hate and terror so again not so innocent are they???
  20. That right there completely explains your warped point of view... 555555
  21. It's from the takeover of Hamilton Hall at Columbia... Smashed windows, piled furniture left after occupation of Hamilton Hall at Columbia University (nbcnews.com) Her is the same window after the rioter got done...
  22. She hates him because she owes him money... $300,000 left of total $560,000... Why is everyone giving her a free pass for her transgressions?
  23. This personifies stormy and the rest of the haters on here who cannot help themselves recover from TDS... "When the witness hates the person whose liberty is at stake, that’s a big d--- deal!" Honig said. "And she’s putting out tweets, fantasizing about him being in jail. That really undermines the credibility."
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