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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Indictments are handed down by grand juries after they are introduced by prosecuting attorneys... who are... in regards to every indictment handed down on trump... democrats. Ever wonder about that???
  2. wait for it... the proof is coming... An eight-minute video of the interrogation of Tariq Salami Otha Abu Shlouf, a spokesperson for PIJ’s political bureau, was published by the Israeli army on Monday. In the clip, Shlouf can be heard detailing how the U.S.-designated terror group uses both Arabic and international media to create a false narrative about what is happening in the Gaza Strip. He also spoke about how terrorists have widely used all of Gaza’s hospitals and many of its ambulances while battling Israeli forces during the six-month war.
  3. Now you are entering the realm of fairness of the indictment process... their is approximately half of the USA voters who believe the system is currently rigged by the democratic party machine... who are you to say that they are wrong... will the day of reckoning ever appear... we will have to wait and see... so far all that you have are indictments... no convictions.
  4. They were no more accurate than I was... predictions about American voters habits and results has very little to do with facts... it's about voter trends... sort of like social media and beauty pageants.
  5. I read it and as I previously responded... I am in favor of prosecuting ALL criminals regardless of political affiliation... the problem is that you and the haters are not.
  6. Talk about others waking up... take your own advice... An eight-minute video of the interrogation of Tariq Salami Otha Abu Shlouf, a spokesperson for PIJ’s political bureau, was published by the Israeli army on Monday. In the clip, Shlouf can be heard detailing how the U.S.-designated terror group uses both Arabic and international media to create a false narrative about what is happening in the Gaza Strip. He also spoke about how terrorists have widely used all of Gaza’s hospitals and many of its ambulances while battling Israeli forces during the six-month war.
  7. You didn't even click on my link did you? PS... trump privately financed the Stormy case... then he was awarded compensation... https://www.npr.org › 2023 › 04 › 05 › 1168215663 › trump-stormy-daniels-defamation-lawsuit
  8. Are you a bot... the little red wavy lines under the words and phrases that you spout mean that an error has been made... a third grade teacher would fail you... or maybe not given the state of today's "educators"
  9. Ignore bob... why do you and others even reply or read what he has to say is beyond me...
  10. Read the whole charter... at what point do you decide who is evil in their intentions and who is not... iran is leading the evil scale by a wide margin... they even hate themselves and their own people.
  11. So joe is being attacked and trump is not... depends on who is looking and from what perspective... What the four Trump indictments reveal about American democracy - Vox... The Trump indictments reveal a paradox at the heart of American democracy
  12. What the four Trump indictments reveal about American democracy - Vox
  13. Thailand will learn nothing... the are culturally repulsed to accept any input from anyone on any matter...
  14. And I quote... this is just one example... sireneou said... "No need to be explained. It is really a very simple case,involving campaign finance violations and falsification business records. One defendant was convicted , and not is the turn of the other." If you fail to see the implication that's on you... I have consistently picked the side of "EQUAL" application of the law to every criminal regardless of political affiliation... trump... gulliani... joe... menendez... pelosi... clinton...
  15. Because I copied a pasted the headline doesn't make it false... wasn't meant as a shout... it just didn't reduce in size as I thought it would when I clicked on the banner... sorry if it distracted you from your denial safe place.
  16. The haters have spoken... no need for a trial... trump is guilty... string him up is the cry... pretty standard fare from the democratic party for decades now... hang him high.
  17. Care to retract??? Here it is only one day after your "gaslighting"... Israel on alert as Iran launches drones, ballistic missiles toward Jewish state | Live Updates from Fox News Digital
  18. Democratic donors paid more than $1M for Biden’s legal bills for special counsel probe... denial doesn't change facts... Democratic donors paid more than $1M for Biden's legal bills for special counsel probe | AP News
  19. Yes please do... the 10% estimate of innocents that were in gaza are the ones who evacuated... the rest are not innocent.
  20. US military shoots down Iranian drones targeting Jewish state as warnings ring out... this is the follow up just starting now.
  21. Take time to look at all the facts not just Fox who is all in on MAGA." So we should go "all in" with this liberal left pundit as being the true source of facts... that would be funny if it were not so sad... Ivy league indoctrination at it's finest... "Logan founded RacetotheWH when he was a graduate student at Columbia. He started building the foundation for the website during his Presidential Campaign Management class taught by Professor Karrine Jeanne Pierre, who would later become President Biden’s Press Secretary."
  22. You didn't comprehend the OP did you... even your conflicting statements above don't compute... the dnc went from $15000/month to $100000/month retainer for their law firm in order to defend joe.
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