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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. I hope KARMA catches up to you before you continue your xenophobic rage...
  2. And you wonder why it has become harder and harder to work with immigration on visas... a few bad apples are rotting the bunch... I hope that Thailand commits to rounding up all of them and send them packing or to prison.
  3. Unlike you trump does not live in my head... also... unlike you... I recognize the damage that the democratic party is doing to America... they have lost track of what is "GOOD" for the sake of power.
  4. Finger pointing at others in order to justify one's actions is juvenile... that's what johnny does on the schoolyard... and basing the punishment for committing a crime on what other people are doing is so "woke equity thinking" that it is utterly ridiculous...
  5. Biden heads into SOTU with dismal approval ratings as he battles 1 major issue that's taken center stage Biden faces American electorate that overwhelmingly does not approve of his job performance
  6. You advocate putting the victim in jail too... what drugs are you taking that have destroyed your mind to this point?
  7. Unfortunately the noisiest peanut gallery is the one in old joe's head... I wonder what his handlers will have him try to say.
  8. Is this writing style what they teach in the UK... all the proper English teachers must have been on strike.
  9. HAHAHA... rather than being proactive the condo is reacting to the bad actors who abuse the system... typical the world over...
  10. HAHAHA... consider the source applies here... your statement should read... "Well said by a liberal left rag"
  11. You answered your own question... because the foreigners are taking Thai only jobs...
  12. The same can be said about the talking heads on cnn and fox... no facts... no solution... just blabber.
  13. Bring them here and move in with them because he will have no income more like it...
  14. You are better off googling for the information you seek... it is all available on line... rather than ask the group on this forum... all you will get is complaints about how badly tourists and farangs are treated... and the constant scamming by everyone from taxi drivers to roadside eateries... 555
  15. Lawsuit blames fallen power pole for starting Texas Smokehouse Creek wildfire | CNN ... You do read CNN don't you? Like Hawaii these blazes are more a product of mismanagement or no management of resources.
  16. The age old excuse... unlike their western counterpart... Thais are not totally money motivated... it's not about being uneducated... it's about their choice to be or do other things rather than "go for the gold" all the time...
  17. Obviously you should be writing him and the source and edumacating him... Please post your supporting link that what he stated is false.
  18. So exactly what direction is forward for THAILAND... they should model the WEST... that's mostly a failing social program... please enlighten us... SIMPLE question... WHICH DIRECTION IS FORWARD?
  19. So you wouldn't be happy anywhere...55555
  20. When I invite people into my house I expect that they will be respectful... sorry for you that you don't understand that.
  21. You mean... do all those things that they do in the WEST? Why should they if they are happy doing it their way? The slower the west encroaches on THAILAND the better for Thailand
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