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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. This just in... Now that Secretary Blinken has reverted to an old and failed formula, promoted by President Barack Obama and some of his predecessors, the Saudis apparently think they can appease their fellow Arabs by appearing to squeeze Israel into making new concessions. This is despite the fact that previous concessions have not changed the minds of Palestinian leaders who regularly affirm their desire, not just for a state of their own, but for a state that replaces the Jewish state.
  2. Don't put too much into seeing an ENT... my eustachian tubes are blocked and have been for two months now... the ENT at Bangkok Hospital does not seem to have the formula to relieve them as all that he has done is two costly procedures that I did not need... cleaned some wax out of one ear... and did a hearing test to prove that I couldn't hear as I told him... I am still looking for something to help clear my tubes but there does not seem to be any readily available cure.
  3. Try again... there no victim blaming when there are two sides to every story... I reserve my judgement until I hear the other side.
  4. Those who argue that President Joe Biden is too old to run for re-election are wrong. He’s not too old – he’s too Joe Biden. His age isn’t the problem. His competence is.
  5. Those who argue that President Joe Biden is too old to run for re-election are wrong. He’s not too old – he’s too Joe Biden. His age isn’t the problem. His competence is.
  6. Bill Maher scolded an MSNBC host who called Trump supporters at odds with "reality," retorting, "There's a lot of crazy on the left," too.
  7. Right now Skill is the best way, there is no fee, however it will cost you about $10 for every 10,000 baht in exchange rate
  8. Bill Maher scolded an MSNBC host who called Trump supporters at odds with "reality," retorting, "There's a lot of crazy on the left," too.
  9. There's a crafts and woodwork place in Hang Dong off the 108 behind or near Dukes... sorry that I can't be more specific...
  10. There is doing the job and then there is doing the job right... I like to do things right, but it is OK to just do the job when it comes to enhancing kitchen cabinets... lightly sand everything to remove the airborne grease and impurities that have settled onto the cabinets and paint with a quality oil based paint... they will look clean and new in no time... I would however, remove the doors and hardware and do the hardware side separately... then rehang the doors to finish the front.
  11. While I agree with you that there should be oversight on foreign workers. I totally disagree with the way it is administered... protecting "Thai only" jobs is counterproductive... it adds nothing of value to the work force.
  12. If you are baffled by this you are really going to stress when you get here and are faced with the rest of Thailands immigration laws and requirements... 555
  13. This is Thailand and many jobs and positions are occupied by family and friends... the merit system has failed
  14. I'm sure that the Indians were peaceful and innocent... 55555555555
  15. ‘Something to do with America?’ When asked why we observe Labor Day, these Gen Zers ‘have no clue’
  16. Wall Street Journal poll published Monday still found that 63% of voters disapproved of the president's handling of the issue, while 59% disapproved of how he's handled the economy overall.
  17. Update... View hosts in disbelief that Trump close to Biden in polls... and these are the same polls that were giving Hillary the win... the country is politically split down the middle... the swing vote last election was the "anybody but Trump" voters... they just may change after their honest review of their financial portfolios and become "anybody but Joe" voters.
  18. Modern design fully furnished 3 bedroom... 3 bath... pool villa... separate master suite with bathtub... kitchen/greatroom... koi pond to relax by... large lot. 50,000bht per month
  19. Maybe go back to India and address the third world culture problems... why don't these gurus start at home???
  20. Instead of gaming the system why don't you get a long stay visa... too cheap?
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