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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. I am sure that the Arabs were innocent and respectful and just politely said "no thank you"...
  2. That's the issue right there... the Buddhists and Thai government do not accept that their subjects are adults capable of making the right decisions for themselves... much like the democratic party in the USA.
  3. There are times on this forum that when I log in and read stuff like this, it makes me wonder why I do..........????
  4. You could always drop it fr now... if you ever go back just pay the penalty and pick it up again... cheaper in the long run
  5. Have you noticed that the selection is being limited more and more... no more bacon... small chicken wings... etc
  6. And yet other parts of the world are drought stricken...
  7. 20 meters is pushing the limit for "inexperienced" scuba divers... read my whole post
  8. 20 meters for an inexperienced diver is quite deep especially if the diver comes up too fast... my guess is a delayed "bends"
  9. Big C made the mistake to go from trays of fresh meat out for the public to choose from to prewrapped portions in glass cases... I for one quit shopping there in favor of the open markets...
  10. Car wrapping is a way to customize your car using a vinyl film instead of painting... vehicles that you see with advertising on them are a type of vinyl wrapped... I had a small sports car that I wrapped in a copper colored vinyl
  11. www.rome2rio.com will tell you all the ways to travel anywhere...
  12. 555 Thais do not even know what pin stripping is much less car wrapping.
  13. And he won't for a while... this is a four or five day weekend is it not...
  14. Remember that he is trying to get a response from MG in THAILAND... fully owned and operated in THAILAND... the land of very poor customer response in all they do
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