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Everything posted by CharlieKo

  1. Still at it with the BS. This is getting close to you just trolling as you still don't have anything of value to say.
  2. Indeed, what irrational nonsense are you spouting off on. It's hard to take your rantings as anything else than a crazed democrat who can't see or accept reality. So you try to deflect because you don't have a counter argument. Give it a rest.
  3. So so Pathetic. You really don' have anything to counter Biden's obvious racism with. You give it a rest, or you'll end up with Dementia! Do you mean VP as I'm not sure what VO is supposed to be.
  4. Pathetic, You know he said it. So just accept it. Besides you are the one who brought up Thinly veiled racism. I'm Just quoting the racist in Chief, you know the guy who is still President?
  5. As Biden said to an African American, " If you don't vote for me you ain't Black! hahahaha
  6. That look's awfully like Projection. You know kettle calling the pot black. Or is Biden's dementia contagious, could this become a pandemic of Covid proportions. will they need to vaccinate all the dems losing their minds! 555
  7. Lets hope he doesn't do something stupid like start a war as a parting gift!
  8. More rubbish. The same could be said about Biden's government. With dept increasing more than a trillion dollars every quarter, That interest payments on that dept will soon be the biggest expenditure. He has aslo disenfranchised 50% of the population. As for these trumped up charges against trump, overseen by loony left Democratic stooges. Funny how they all seem to be collapsing now. I'm sure the Supreme court will vacate these convictions also. A sexual assault victim who's on record as saying Rape can be exciting! As for a judge saying he's a rapist, Trump was not convicted of rape. I look forward to Trump taking these people to court to claw back the costs he has incurred, on spurious charges.
  9. Put it down to dementia, It's a trait Dems show in abundance! 5555
  10. People are overlooking the fact that RFK Jr will run against Harris for the Democrat nomination as President. He would make a far better President than Harris. He could beat Trump also!
  11. I think your the one who need to keep telling yourself that BS. The idea that somehow Harris has a real chance against Trump is laughable to say the least. The Dems really got themselves in a pickle choosing Biden and Harris as President and VP. Now the chickens have come home to roost. LOL. Even those that might stand a chance against Trump won't enter the race. At this stage of the game. Because they know it won't do them any good.
  12. It's going to be hard for Harris to find a running mate who won't make her look as dumb as she is. Is there anyone who's stupid enough to want to be her VP this late in the electoral process? Knowing they've lost before they even get started?
  13. 5555555555. What a Joke. She has no chance, Hell will freeze over before she is ever elected as President!
  14. I suggest they were conned!
  15. https://thaifonts.org/
  16. There is no acceptance of opinion from either side. People are too polarised. American Politics is <deleted>.
  17. You realise that guy @Jingthing who posted the comment "White resentment", is a Jew. That your comment comes across as racist?
  18. Rubbish, I'm not a Trumpist. Just looking for rational debate, Which some on here are incapable of doing!
  19. Please explain this stupid comment? White resentment about what?
  20. No problem, lol. I've met plenty of Americans and they are mostly paranoid. Believe me when I say I wish American military bases were not present on UK soil. Not so much looking out for Brits, more like an occupation! The Old saying, "Yanks go home" is very relevant!
  21. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But she is most definitely not the most sexiest woman alive today!
  22. So, so very true. Probably the most paranoid people on this planet.
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