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Everything posted by CharlieKo

  1. This tread is about UK politics. So keep your US politics out of it Please. UK politics isn't quite as F.....ked as US politics, Yet!
  2. That's the problem with the loony left. Stating facts makes you a racist.
  3. He's a complete idiot with No diplomatic experience.
  4. Rubbish, of course it is. Even holding out the idea that Ukraine will be part of Nato eventually is all designed to keep Ukraine fighting.
  5. Who ever the US can convince to fight. I really don't think Russia is interested in going to war with the EU. But that is the propaganda the MSM pump out to justify why Ukraine needs to keep fighting.
  6. As an American how do you feel that the US is using Ukraine to fight it's battles. That arms from the west are drip fed to Ukraine, to keep the to war going. But not enough to actually be useful. That just like Vietnam, and more recently Afghanistan, the US will decamp and leave chaos behind them. To answer your question. It is shame Ukrainians are dyeing for the US proxy war. They really need to negotiate for peace.
  7. Time will tell who's lying. When the west abandons the Ukraine to it's fate!
  8. Well, you certainly don't have an open mind.
  9. I just logged into my Wise account. There was no request to update my logging in details to facilitate an extra layer of security and certainly no request to provide details of where my money came from or any other details for sending funds to Thailand. I note that what the OP is saying may be because he is a new customer to Wise, or that he has changed some details that require doing AML and KYC again.
  10. Well, you are wrong. Just because I don't agree with you doesn't make my comments propaganda. I suggest that you are being a lefty fascist, I should accept your view or I'm a propagandist. Your not even adding anything to the debate. Which sort of makes your last two comments trolling.
  11. I am giving my own opinion. I am not stating any facts that need a source to back it up. If you don't understand my comments then there really isn't anything to debate. As for parroting, Your insistence that I provide some sort of source to back up what is just an opinion, is doing what you claim I am doing. Parroting a specific line!
  12. By reading the RT you would get another point of view, not just what the MSM want you to believe. Somewhere in the middle lays what might be the reality of the situation in the Ukraine. I am not quoting sources. I am just stating what should be a common sense approach when it comes to understanding the situation. Unless you are one of the sheeple who readily accept everything they read in the MSM because they are too dumb to think for themselves.
  13. Educate yourself! google The Maidan uprising of 2014. Then google the Minsk accords, which the west admitted they had no intension of adhering to. Then you might understand why Russia went into the Ukraine!
  14. I haven't been duped. Your comment is projection. The duped listen to and accept all the MSM have to say without seeing what the other side have to say and then making your own mind up. When was the last time you read RT? Don't tell me that RT is nothing but propaganda. It is obvious that the EU are not interested in Peace. Or they might of had supported Orban's trip to Russia if only to have an idea what Putin has said!
  15. Left wing Fascists at work!
  16. That is BS, on numerous times he has looked to start peace talks. It is the west that refuse to talk. Whence the backlash towards Orban going to Russia and the EU saying he doesn't talk for them. Amazing how the west is happy for Ukraine to fight Russia while the west watch from the sidelines. Ukraine can't win this war but the west aren't going to admit that. Just as long as they themselves don't have to fight Russia.
  17. If the west keeps on pushing the war with Russia, It isn't going to end well for anyone. Orban is right, start talking or WW3 and WMD will obliterate the world. Even America won't be able to escape that.
  18. It is so obvious the whole interview was pre recorded. If that were a live broadcast, Joe would have stumbled on the first question. In short that was a BS interview.
  19. Are you a Jew hating Jew? Do you wear tafillin every morning when you pray?
  20. They were told to leave by the Arab league, on the basis that they would return once all the jews had been killed. The 1948 war didn't turn out as the Arab armies had hoped!
  21. That is something else that is over looked. Jews are supposed to live side by side with arabs in a single state, But Arab states refuse to let jews live in their country. They were kicked out of arab countries, when the arabs lost the war in 1948.
  22. So you must be an antisemite also, if you are defending that nonsense! And of course these hostilities are only Israels fault. Nothing to do with Palestinians being willing to make peace. So so Pathetic.
  23. You obviously don't know what you are talking about!
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