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Everything posted by CharlieKo

  1. Do HMRC know you don't live in the UK? I have a government gateway account. As an NRL for tax purposes.
  2. They should all use an accountant to do their tax returns. The cost is tax deductible. And for some would have saved them thousands of which they may not be able to reclaim once over the 4-5 year back dated period.
  3. That won't work. HMRC only goes back 4-5 years in regards to getting a refund on over paid taxes. However HMRC can pursue you for unpaid taxes up to 7 years back dated.
  4. Not really. Biden had these documents as VP. VP's aren't entitled to hold classified documents.
  5. On that basis, Biden also broke the law by having classified documents in his garage. So maybe Biden should be charged under the same law.
  6. https://worldvapersalliance.com/eu/vapers-guide-thailand-2/
  7. BREAKING NEWS: Alan Dershowitz Explains Why He Sees No Smoking Gun In New DOJ Charges Against Trump
  8. Why would Trumps defence focus on First Amendment rights to lie? Surely that would not help his case to lie. In Fact it was Jack Smith who said It was Trumps 1st amendment right to lie. Which is like saying what ever Trump says is a lie. From the NYT https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/04/us/politics/trump-indictment-jack-smith-charges.html At the same time, the indictment hints at how Mr. Smith is trying to sidestep legal pitfalls and potential defenses. He began with an unusual preamble that reads like an opening statement at trial, acknowledging that Mr. Trump had a right to challenge the election results in court and even to lie about them, but drawing a distinction with the defendant’s pursuit of “unlawful means of discounting legitimate votes and subverting the election results.”
  9. Seems the Democrats were dumb enough to choose Biden!
  10. I think I owe you an apology. I did confuse your post with that of another poster. Sorry.
  11. Russian Victor Bout. If memory serves, extradited from Thailand to USA for arms dealing. Later exchanged for a Trans athlete!
  12. How that is putting words in your mouth, I have no idea. But hay if the cap fits wear it! You are aware that the fraudulent charge against Trump, comes from a law dated 1870 used against the KKK. And had everything to do with how slaves could or could not be treated.
  13. So your post pre edit didn't say. Jack Smith said it was trumps first amendment right to lie? Or words to that effect. Knowing it would stop Trumps Lawyers from arguing amendment rights? It must have been another poster? lol
  14. You edited that quite a bit? I think what you mean is, Smith knows he can't prove a case of Insurrection, but thinks he can on those other less than spectacular charges. Charges which seem more related to slavery and how slaves should be treated etc.
  15. Actually if you read the indictment. Trump hasn't actually been charged with insurrection in specific terms!
  16. Not my problem if most Americans have their heads up their own backsides!
  17. Which shows surveys like this are useless. Most of the world thinks Biden is a Joke and laugh at America.
  18. That isn't democracy, no matter how you try to make it seem so. The case is the Democrats against Trump.
  19. That doesn't give a definitive answer. He could but there might be problems. But no hard and fast rule that he couldn't pardon himself.
  20. I agree. Jack Smith is using something like 60 lawyers and para legals to troll through all the evidence, and this is all they can come up with.
  21. Supposedly he could still run for president from prison. If he wins he can pardon himself.
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