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Everything posted by CharlieKo

  1. You must of missed the last couple of sentences? Chutkan said on Oct. 28, 2022. “It's a blind loyalty to one person who, by the way, remains free to this day." (Emphasis added.)
  2. Not so fast! lol https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/florida-man-gets-5-years-assault-capitol-riot-longest-sentence-n1286249 WASHINGTON — A Florida man was sentenced Friday to just over five years in prison for assaulting police officers during the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.
  3. So when it doesn't fit your narrative, It's made up nonsense. I wonder how many posters are interested in a fair Trail. Rather than pre judging a guilty verdict?
  4. It shows she is not fit to judge the case because she is bias. Certainly didn't say anything was inaccurate. Obviously you think Trump should be in Jail. Well that is your opinion, right or wrong!
  5. https://www.easternprogress.com/in-her-jan-6-courtroom-judge-who-will-hear-trumps-case-is-the-pot-calling/article_a7cf3c2f-bb75-54aa-8b45-819a1e92492d.html Before sentencing Christine Priola, a Trump supporter from Ohio who pleaded guilty to obstruction of an official proceeding, to 15 months in jail, Chutkan appeared to lament the fact Trump was not yet in prison. “[The] people who mobbed that Capitol were there in fealty, in loyalty, to one man – not to the Constitution, of which most of the people who come before me seem woefully ignorant, not to the ideals of this country, and not to the principles of democracy,” Chutkan said on Oct. 28, 2022. “It's a blind loyalty to one person who, by the way, remains free to this day." (Emphasis added.)
  6. She is on record, lamenting the fact Trump was not in Jail. She could not be more bias!
  7. Your Post is more a reflection of you than the beggar's looking for a few baht. You sad person.
  8. It sounds as if you want to have electric cables run over someone else's land to get to your house. This being the shortest route to your house? assuming you have a road or a track leading to your house, the electric poles would have to follow along the edge of the road/track to get to your house. It really doesn't matter the condition of the land you want to cross. It belongs to someone else, so you would need their permission first. Doubtful you would get that permission. Maybe you should have sorted that out before you built your house! surely the builders needed electricity at some stage of the build. Did they use a generator?
  9. I took one capsule per day. After about a month or sooner you should notice a change. But do your own research. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/stinging-nettle
  10. Before you do anything. Research stinging nettle capsules. Available on Lazada. I took these and it reduced the size of my prostrate. A more holistic treatment than the drugs the doctor prescribes.
  11. From Thai PBS. After a 12-month delay, the Thai Treasury Department will put into force a new national land appraisal price list for 2023-2026 on January 1st 2023. It will see the appraisal price for land in Bangkok rise by about 3% and in other provinces by an average of 8%.
  12. People didn't have a choice! My mother was liberated from there.
  13. Open a Thai Bank account. Preferably Bangkok Bank, Kasikorn or SCB.
  14. Sorry, I mean, send funds to Wise. When it gets there make your transfer. For some reason doing it that way saves on the fees compared to initiating a transfer on Wise then sending funds to Wise.
  15. You might be able to reduce that fee a bit. You just send Euros to wise first. Then make your transfer once the funds reach Wise. I do that GBP and save on the transfer fee. Doing it that way it counts as funds in/on account. So you should get a cheaper fee for funds in/on account.
  16. Change banks. Bangkok Bank or Kasikorn Bank, or SCB. Then you can send from 1.5 to 2 million baht in one go. As already mentioned the exchange rate you get from Wise is far better than what you will get from Other banks or exchanges. So the 9 Euro fee is fair when all is done and considered. Just compare the rate from who ever you think is cheaper!
  17. Wise can't get a license to operate in Thailand. And why they work with the 3 Thai banks, Bangkok Bank, SCB and Kasikorn. As I said use Deemoney. The only other way to do it would be to buy the Euro's from the bank and wire it to Wise. Which makes no sense.
  18. I think you will find Wise cannot convert the Baht to other currencies. You need to sign up to Deemoney for that.
  19. Do you have a link? Because from what I read the tax is around 15% for crypto. I suggest you are totally wrong!
  20. https://www.bangkokpractice.com/100-export-company-in-thailand/
  21. Actually I think most people have a live and let live approach to life. I couldn't care less what you do and with who. Just don't expect people to agree that there is more than male and female when it comes to gender. If you want to live in a fantasy world, that's your right. My right is to call it a load of BS.
  22. my bad. Maybe as with the women's forum it should be a private forum. Just an idea.
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