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Everything posted by CharlieKo

  1. You should ask the Landlord what he means by refinishing the cabinets. Or if he really intends on doing a proper job.
  2. Then is not now. Then it was a nation united against an oppressor who had to send troops from afar! The US today is a nation divided. A nation divided is ripe for totalitarian rule. Indeed that would be the excuse the government would use.
  3. That is exactly what private pension plans are, a scam!
  4. What makes you think armed citizens can stop a totalitarian government? Who organises such citizens into a fighting force. You are out gunned before you even start. Your only hope is that the armed services come out in defence of the citizens. But that will never happen. The American constitution needs updating to deal with modern times. Again that will never happen.
  5. Any Pension provider will keep half of the Pension pot. So you only get paid out half over the time span they pay out the pension.
  6. Does HMRC know you are living in Thailand? If not that might be the reason you are over taxed. Because HMRC assume you live in the UK!
  7. Question. Do you get any other income other than the state pension which takes you over the 12,500 tax free allowance?
  8. So? Or should I say who gives a f..........
  9. Learn the lesson and don't send money to anyone in the future. Doubt Danish police could do anything. As for Thai police, If you aren't in Thailand they won't bother investigating.
  10. So you think it would be easier to find someone to do work for a few hours or a day, in other parts of the world? Get real people want full time employment. But you get the staff you are willing to pay for, offer low wages get useless staff.
  11. Find another lawyer! If your wife is Thai then get her to use the legal system to fight the Landlord and agent.
  12. That makes the investors and those who provided credit dumb for not doing due diligence!
  13. It's the other way around. The Dems make America look stupid.
  14. You really don't now what you are talking about! The reason Thai's don't do the jobs that the migrant workers do, is 1, The migrant workers get paid less than Thai's. 2, Thai's won't do the jobs the migrant workers do. As for workers on mobiles in stores, if there are no customers what are the workers supposed to do. Shuffle pieces of paper around to make it look as if they are busy.
  15. Gay Marriage has nothing to do with the economy. One of the reasons the Philippines is more attractive is low wages. Also most people get paid monthly already.
  16. There's nothing wrong with him. He's looking for sympathy and a pardon. And getting out of jail.
  17. That implies only righteous people will experience life after death. That is a load of rubbish. No such thing as pure people. Who decides who's pure? Maybe the truth is, we will never know if there is life after death. No one has ever come back and said there is such a thing.
  18. Near death is not death! We might realise we will die at the point death happens. But once the lights are out. They are out. Life after death is a made up idea pushed by religions to appease the question of "why are we here" Be a good person and you will surely go to heaven. Be Bad and go to hell. Just a way to control people. Like the ten commandments were the first laws to control societies.
  19. You must of missed the last couple of sentences? Chutkan said on Oct. 28, 2022. “It's a blind loyalty to one person who, by the way, remains free to this day." (Emphasis added.)
  20. Not so fast! lol https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/florida-man-gets-5-years-assault-capitol-riot-longest-sentence-n1286249 WASHINGTON — A Florida man was sentenced Friday to just over five years in prison for assaulting police officers during the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.
  21. So when it doesn't fit your narrative, It's made up nonsense. I wonder how many posters are interested in a fair Trail. Rather than pre judging a guilty verdict?
  22. It shows she is not fit to judge the case because she is bias. Certainly didn't say anything was inaccurate. Obviously you think Trump should be in Jail. Well that is your opinion, right or wrong!
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