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Everything posted by CharlieKo

  1. I suggest that you are no better. Unless you eat only fruit which has fallen from the tree and therefore already dead. Otherwise you are a murderer of vegetable's which have feelings also.
  2. There's a big difference in eating and animal that most people keep as a pet, compared to an animal that is raised for eating. If People did not eat them then there is no point in these animals existing.
  3. Think again. In many villages, in/up country, dogs get eaten by most of the villagers. Especially when money is tight.
  4. It seems there are substantial interests in re-criminalising the industry, as in tobacco and and alcohol companies. So this government is working for the elites, not the people. You can expect this all to be exposed if they do re-criminalise marijuana. The fight isn't over yet.
  5. I'll go further, They ****ed that up, but if the Dems win in November They will F**** the world up too
  6. Why don't you ask @georgegeorgiaHe's the one who thinks it offends minorities!
  7. They are the history of a nation. It's heritage also. If minorities feel offended tough. Get over it.
  8. If you have got something to say, say it. Don't presume to know what my mood might be.
  9. He's a liar! I don't believe they even carried out a poll.
  10. When will Americans pick a real politician as president, not some idiot personality. Or a Senile old man!
  11. If the government had achieved anything, Then why didn't he say what they were. In short they haven't done anything. All empty words. OH oh, sorry they did achieve one thing They kept Thaksin out of prison!
  12. This is a monk flying in his private jet. He did a runner and is currently living in another country!
  13. This is the end of the UK as we know it. Third world status and sharia law awaits. As a citizen of the UK. I can say there is absolutely nothing worth going back to the UK for.
  14. Actually Blackrock has bought a lot of Ukrainian land!
  15. Russia won't be invading the US from any flank. LOL If it really came to an attack on the US which is highly unlikely. It would be with missiles.
  16. Just the small matter of Ukraine can't defeat Russia, and is not yet a member of Nato.
  17. I am not saying the US has placed nukes along the Russian border. I am saying that is what they want to do!
  18. The deficit has not been reduces by $1.9 trillion. The US is projected to borrow more than $1 trillion every quarter of the financial year.
  19. No, they want Russian resources, But to get them they need to beat Russia. For some reason the US thought Ukraine was strong enough to do that.
  20. That is the Narrative. But it's all about the US/Nato expanding Nato and placing nukes along the Russian borders. So it's a lot more than coming to the aid of an invaded country. Besides, apart from the air defence systems provided to Ukraine most of the weapons the west gave Ukraine have been old and largely useless against Russian armaments. Not to mention Ukraine now don't have enough men to even defend Ukraine. They are losing.
  21. Indeed as Linsey Graham has said, It's a cheap war for the USA. As Ukraine is willing to fight to the last man. So America doesn't have to spill it's own blood. The US is Morally Bankrupt. This isn't about helping a country defend itself! This is a Proxy war where the US can fight Russia Hands off.
  22. These shop's had to apply for a license to be legally entitled to sell cannabis. So they followed the existing laws that followed decriminalisation of Cannabis products. So they should get compensation if the government re-criminalises cannabis.
  23. Surely, this is just hearsay? Unless the victim comes forward and is willing to testify in a court of law! Easy to make accusations when the person is unnamed. But for those that Trump is living in their minds rent free. Any accusation regardless of proof is another reason to rail against Trump. The polarisation of people for or against either Trump or Biden is just what the politicians want. It's called divide and rule.
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