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Everything posted by HugoFastor

  1. Is that alcohol I smell on your breath there matey? Ewwww...
  2. Someone with a green crack is what you want?
  3. Has anyone come across any interesting cannabis cafés in Bangkok? What I'm curious about is if there any cool venues with comfortable couches and subdued lighting where one could hang out with a friend and smoke in a relaxing atmosphere? Not sure if such a thing really exists, but maybe it does.
  4. You're right, somebody did already mention that. Had you read the first three pages, you wouldn't have wasted anybody's time with your redundant post. ☺️
  5. Bro, for men it's only the size of the bulge in the back pocket that matters. You don't believe me? Next time you are in the grocery store, stand on your fat wallet to try and reach something on the top shelf. Then see how many women come running to your rescue. 😂
  6. I would speak with her Thai boyfriend (whom she is giving money to) to see what he thinks about it all.
  7. There is a series on Netflix called Rotten which has an episode about cannabis edibles. They talk about young children in the states who accidentally eat a whole chocolate bar of their parent's cannabis edibles without knowing the chocolate contains a psychoactive drug. The kids freak out and end up in the emergency room at the hospital. Then they give them a bit of Valium and send them home. End of story. *Note-To-Self: Consume a lot of cannabis and the hospital will give you free Valium.
  8. There are negative things about cannabis? Really? Wow. You mean getting high, feeling good, and eating chocolate bars all day is a negative thing?
  9. No it doesn't: https://s.lazada.co.th/s.mCC7a
  10. Not exactly. Seems they just got donned "worst air travel hub" out of all this. So something to be grateful for!
  11. In before follow up article entitled: "British man quits Thailand for lack of job, money or long stay visa"
  12. Filing my 90-Day reports on time.
  13. Portugal: Personal use of drugs, including cannabis, has been decriminalized, meaning individuals caught with small amounts face administrative rather than criminal penalties.
  14. As long as you do 20 on the hour, every hour, then your still doing it right. 🤩
  15. Smoking? Where did I say that? Maybe you've been smoking a bit too much. 😂
  16. FFS, that's not right, I've only had 15 puffs!
  17. Hub of assumptions. Lol. Don't feel bad. It was a waste of time, but there will be someone else interested in reading your misguided tirade, just not me. So now you don't have to feel like it was a total waste of time.
  18. Starting April 1 in Germany, you can legally possess 50 grams of cannabis at home purely for recreational use. No questions asked. I think everyone in Thailand would warmly welcome the same regulation.
  19. Wow, you are suddenly becoming very philosophical, while delving into the deeper cognitive thoughts in your brain. Have you been smoking a lot of weed today? It appears to be good stuff. Care to pass the joint? 😆
  20. I don't mind the difference of opinions, but I don't debate with people who don't seem to understand the difference between cannabis, and say things like alcohol and tobacco. Alcohol and tobacco are far more harmful to the body, both physically and mentally than cannabis and yet they have no clinical prescribed medical use at all. Meanwhile, cannabis is used to successfully treat a number of medical conditions. So until people understand that cannabis is not a dangerous drug like methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine, alcohol or cigarettes, and that it also has a lot of benefits, there is a little point in debating the subject.
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