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Everything posted by HugoFastor

  1. Were those photos taken with an orange filter and a soft focus filter? 😂
  2. No leg cast? That would make it even more convincing. Only just 2 braces is still a bit pedestrian.
  3. Just open an account at all of them. It costs nothing. Then use them all for a while and decide which one you like best and then dump the others if you want. I've got 4, but mainly use just one of them. Only one has an ATM card. The others I just use the bank books and the apps.
  4. I don't get monthly statements from any Thai banks so I don't know how they do it. If they do offer them online though then great. Any Thai passbook savings account won't typically provide statements at all though. So I'm assuming your KBank account isn't a passbook savings. All the overseas financial institutions I deal with do offer online statements. But some of them (by law) are still required to also send at least a quarterly or consolidated annual statement by post.
  5. The KBank statement with correct address should work. You can probably go to the bank, get your address corrected, and also get them to print a statement for you on the spot for a very small fee so that you don't have to wait a month for the next one to arrive by post. Also, Interactive Brokers offers a debit card too, but only to customers residing in the USA. I don't know about Schwab, but their debit card might also only be available to US residents.
  6. Typically bank statements are one of the best things for proof of address and are often the most widely accepted by other financial institutions. You may also want to consider Interactive Brokers as an alternative to Schwab. They are much more accommodating to investors living outside the USA.
  7. Seemingly they have no small issue on their hands if they try to criminalize flowers again or force the medical use only issue: "Estimates suggest the number of cannabis users in Thailand has rocketed 10 times to about 10 million – around one in seven people – since it became the first country in Asia to decriminalize the herb." And now you got Iron Mike on the scene too: https://thethaiger.com/news/national/mike-tysons-cannabis-crusade-lands-in-thailand Oh, my, my, my... 😂
  8. I do not claim to be an expert on this subject, but I stopped by the BBL branch in the basement at CW immigration last year to inquire about bank balance verification letters and 12 month bank statements. The woman I spoke with seemed like a senior branch officer and she provided me information about the fees for said documents. She said things could also be done while you wait. She also didn't mention anything about not being able to provide the 12 month bank statement on the same day. I assume people go into that branch multiple times per day asking for letters and 12 month bank statements. I would be surprised if they don't know what immigration's requirements are and that they would not be willing to be accommodating and provide their customers with what is needed on the spot so that people can complete their visa extensions on a timely basis. I assume it's just a matter of paying them whatever fees they require in order to get the documents from them done the same day.
  9. I hope it all works out well in the end.
  10. AFAIK Bangkok Bank does not require a deposit or withdrawal to the account to update the bank book. It can be updated anytime by just inserting it into the automated machine.
  11. FFS, this group of posts just sounds like a bunch of dawdling ninnies calling each other names. This thread actually has nothing to do with cannabis. It's only a bunch of frustrated men with too much time on their hands looking for a way to try to feel good in some way by insulting someone else. Hey bro, pass the spliff already!
  12. This is such a silly thread, has no utility at all and the whole thing should just be deleted. Driveling and winging on about nonsense. Sounds like a bunch of old drunk women in a bar nattering about rubbish.
  13. Have you been to a cannabis shop in Thailand lately? All they sell is buds. And what you see is what you get. Bro, no leaves or crushed stems in site or bulking up anything. Not even sugar leaves on the buds. Most buds are full of resin and terpenes and enough THC to give you a very solid buzz. Even that <deleted> with the green hair from the UK went around testing weed from shops around Sukhumvit last week and found most of it to be at least 25% THC. What you're talking about sounds like that cheap Thai brick weed that's still sold for a few Baht a gram around the villages. That stuff is no more than 5% THC on a good day.
  14. His videos are annoying AF. His little tour of the Sukhumvit tourist weed corridor was pedestrian at best. And all he did was tell us that the THC test level results are the same as what the weed shops are already promising. Did I miss something?
  15. Weed is cheap. The laws aren't changing. Switch to edibles. The environment will be fine. Don't worry be happy mang!
  16. An obvious insult to dirt bags.
  17. Ah, nothing like a solid dose of www! Not to be confused with doom scrolling. 😂
  18. Lol, there are probably as many cannabinoids in those drinks as there are in your hemp-made backpack. But surely they are loaded with sugar and possibly a bit of caffeine. Just like 9 out of 10 of the dozens of different drinks in 7-11, all competing using some gimmick to get that same 30 Baht out of your wallet. I remember when "green tea" first became the new herbal rage in Thailand. It became impossible to buy anything "without" green tea in it, not even toilet paper!
  19. On 1/28/2024 at 11:23 PM, CartagenaWarlock said: Technically, sending weed via postal mail is a form of distribution. Yes, presumably, it’s legal for licensed growers and licensed sellers in Thailand to post weed through the postal mail. But there are also some additional legal hurdles that apply to selling weed online. Some online sellers adhere to them, but it seems many don’t. Thus, I’m not certain if an unlicensed individual is allowed to legally send weed through the postal mail as it could be viewed as distribution and/or selling weed online.
  20. Your welcome. I think they sell on a COD basis too. Anyway, if it doesn’t work out, there are many other online sellers. Many to choose from if you go to weed.th By the way, I always find it interesting when people say they are more interested in the flavor than the THC. For me it’s the opposite. As long as the THC level is good then I can put up with any taste or smell.
  21. Surely he’s an accredited THC tester and has a work permit to be running tests on cannabis sold by legally licensed cannabis dispensaries in Thailand. 😉
  22. This looks like decent Indica hybrid, 10 grams for 2,500 Baht: https://prikpot.com/product/zensation-x-10gr-super-deal/ There is also a few more Indica here for 350 Baht a gram: https://prikpot.com/product-category/flowers/indica/ I think you will need to register on the site first to get access to those links.
  23. Not bull at all. You're in denial of the facts and now creating your own narrative to suit your own needs. 🤢 https://washingtonpost.com/travel/2022/06/14/marijuana-legal-thailand-tourists/ From the above article: "Cafes and restaurants in Thailand are allowed to serve cannabis-infused food and drinks, but food and beverage products must contain less than 0.2 percent THC to be legally sold."
  24. As a further clarification, and as the video you posted stated, they didn't create a law specifically legalizing cannabis in Thailand. All they did was take cannabis flowers/buds off the list of criminal narcotics. So they decriminalized cannabis flowers and all other natural parts of the plant. However, any product containing a THC extract above 0.2% remains on the list of criminal class 5 narcotics. This is why in my original post on this topic I mentioned that any oils containing more than 0.2% THC are illegal in Thailand and so probably most people aren't taking that path. Rather many are typically just smoking or vaping the dried flowers.
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