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Everything posted by BananaStrong

  1. I changed my name from Billy to 1 to 2 to 3, to 4 (YES, my name is a NUMBER!!) WORKS EVERY TIME...... Been border hopping since the 70's
  2. Bill, I told you NEVER to reply to my messages!!!! oh, don't worry, I'll see you later for dinner!!!! lol
  3. do you want them to post his DNA?????? Gives me an idea. Indian with something that has to do with America. It's not a political status or biological whatever......it puts him in a category!!!!! It's all part of the master plan!!!!! Maybe he spent his whole life in India but has a great great grandfather that was once an American. Who knows!!!! Media is in your head!!!! Who cares!!!!! don't get triggered over this.........this is the master plan as well!!!
  4. hahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahha. If I had a NICKEL for every time I heard this!!!!!!!! lol bro, 2023 versus 1900? OK, 1 zillion times better. 2023 versus 1940. 1 zillion times better 2023 versus 1990. 1 zillion times better 2023 versus 2000. Not 1 zillion, but 9/11 on 2001 and the dot com bubble burst wasn't good. 1 million times better. 2023 versus 2010. Better internet, computers, cars, planes, food, sanitation, houses, etc..... America. Now 100,000 times better. 2023....................... electronic age is just ramping UP. AI is the new thing!!!!! Space exploration!!!!!!!! The glass isn't just half full, it's a WATERFALL!!!!!!!!!! lol Don't worry, another old guy will say in 2123 and 2223 and 2323 and 2423...... DOOM AND GLOOM!!!! wait until 2623 when they find out about a parallel universe and the matrix!!!!!!!!!!
  5. KhrungThai has treated me well. Another very, very common farang bank has dropped the ball so many times I thought they were Jordan!!! lol. I do think Khrungsri has a great reputation. Why do I think this? I buy A LOT of stuff and send money all the time....it's usually going to Khrungsri, which means................well, figure it out. I probably sent them 10 billion in the last five minutes!!!! lol hi so eating 20 baht noodle soup.
  6. FREE ticket to Pattaya Paradise, 10 tickets for oil massages, soapy massages with 10 girls, and endless Pattaya beauties showering him with attention!!!!!! This is my dream!!! (Note: Currently in the gulag, planning an escape!!)
  7. TRUE!!!!!! I've never, NEVER met a farang in Thailand who wasn't a little demented. 100% talk about sex, 100% talk about hookers, and 100% talk about drinking. This was in ChiangMai and the sample set was about 35 men. 100%. 100% of them had strange fantasies.....make the girls yell "daddy," stuff like that. Not hit them, or harm them, but not normal. I didn't stay I was friends with them, just jokers I met. Go back home and there is a 100% chance someone will ask you about sex in Thailand as if you were/are a sexpat. 100% they will think that about you. 100% they will be right. lol
  8. good attitude!!!!!! lol.
  9. How about: 1. Farang wife who can't speak English and has 10,000,000,000 in her bank account that will become mine 2. Thai wife who graduated from Harvard and has a PhD in molecular biology. 3. Farang wife who cannot complain 4. Thai wife who cannot complain 5. Thai wife who sees me and only thinks of prn. 6. Farang wife who buys a few houses in Thailand (under my gf's name) and lives in America 7. Thai wife who owns a 100-story condo with me and I stay in the top 10 floors by myself 8. .........
  10. they say this stuff about Americans all the time....... and just go there and see a zillion houses a zillion times nicer than houses here. Anyone with half a brain has a decent car, nice stuff, money, etc...... You might google Homelessness in America because you don't want to believe there are so many millions of people in America with cash. Big cash. I have millionaire (USD) friends, it's really not a big deal. Most houses are paid off (I'm not 30) and the average house is like 600k Maybe here it's the same thing: They own a house, car, family owns another house, etc...... It's all about liquid assets, not money in the bank. Thailand is a very cash oriented place. I can see millions keeping cash on hand, with millions having an account and cash. If someone has 50k everyday for a year, they are probably OK if a Thai. If farang, yea, probably not. Just read an article of some guy in America getting like 40 million baht and the comments were like, "Well, he can't retire so he has to work." "That's not that much anymore." "Good luck trying to survive on that." LOL. remember, it's ALL about the money until your health goes bad. It's ALL about the money until your wife leaves you. It's ALL about the money until your last friend dies. It's ALL about the money until you realize you never pursed that acting role!!!! lol
  11. I ended up writing three tests. M4 level tests for my younger gifted students (M2) and M1 tests for my laziest kids (M1) to give them confidence and never learned anything. I’d mix tests sometimes, it didn’t affect scores much. Then I’d pile on extra credit to make them all happy. I can’t teach M6 at an M6 level if they are stuck making M1 mistakes. was that bad? Maybe…….lol…….I was never a real teacher, but my master’s degree gave me confidence. Government school; overworked and underpaid. You try your best.
  12. Each person knows if the finished school. Completed their education (formal) and are abiding by Thai laws. You must have a degree. The frauds know they are frauds and shouldn’t be in a school. I’ve met some who lied to kids about their education and told me the truth. They also lacked general knowledge, loved to drink, and I couldn’t trust them. Oh, you want to teach basketball but quit your team and never did anything on the basketball court? No. I don’t care how good we all think they are. They are frauds. Lying to themselves and their kids. A failure in academia shouldn’t teach. They can choose a Zillow other careers. I don’t want a doctor who quit medical school.
  13. Tables and chairs from the 70's................always 50-years behind. Indians' dreams of Pattaya CRUSHED, RUINED, and I can only imagine the sadness and reality they won't be on walking street!!!! just go do this in America....you might get a new iPhone, but, sorry, nothing like Pattaya!!!!!!!
  14. Declare war on the Malaysia and appeal to the Western powers. Soon you will get 100 zillion baht, some planes, tanks, etc..... it's clearly a war.
  15. 443,000,000,000 442,000,000,000 was enough! give me the one billion! guess not, back to my 20 baht noodle soup watching the poor
  16. Bro, why sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mad? take a chill pill this is LOS but if it's the pollution or noise or constant look from Thais that the farang is "dirty" well, then I understand.
  17. low fat is not low fat if it turns into fat. just not called FAT on the nice label but it becomes FAT. Just run 10 km every day of your life!!!!!! Every single day. Problem sorted!!!!!!! Today I ran 89 to inspire the kids of LOS!!!!!
  18. you are CORRECT. You will DIE from a whole bunch of other stuff from that fat pork.
  19. His grandfather probably helped save the UK from being overtaken by the Germans!!!! USA, USA, USA. if only more people were "mouthy" and stood up for what is right in this world and fight the good fight against evil. Note: I'll define good and evil.
  20. 50000 baht. MINUS standard lawyer fee of 49,999. Great. Can't go broke taking profits they tell me!!!! No sir reee bob!!!!!! can't go broke taking profits!!!! work 24/7 online. took 4 satang in profit this month. Can't go broke taking profits!!!! never understood this saying. maybe they'll pay him with promotional discounts to that soi water they sell!!! you know, get liters and liters (not litres, OK!!!) for like three baht and get sick that night!!!! lol. Osmosis they call it. well, can't go broke taking profits!!! lol
  21. I feel bad the West are selling this magical devices for like 10 years salary!!!!! All this kid wanted was to feel rich, successful, envied by his friends as he has the holy grail of phones!!!!! Why is the world making such expensive things when so many are poor???? why??? why????? hahhahahhaha 21-year old kid and he's doing this mug stuff????? absolutely horrible. at 21 I was buying rare earth metals from China and selling them in America for bank!!!!!
  22. If this dude wants to keep enjoying Pattaya and Bangkok and bars and whatever, you better say LOS is the best of the best of the best, even after you get beat down ..... handcuffed and slapped!!!! great time, love it!!!! recommended for the family!!! 5 star review!!!! sure, I'm super happy, no hard feelings!!!! in America, sue everyone.......make sure it's on video, sue more people, collect 100 billion baht and THEN go to Thailand. We get off the plane knowing we might get beat down and handcuffed and it's fun!!!! lol
  23. Sex workers make 100,000,000……. Meaningless. Looked down on. plumbers crack……normal joke plumbers in <deleted> all day, horrible job. For drop outs…….. garbage men make 100 zillion, who cares. now fix my sink! it’s obvious you have never been rich before
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