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Everything posted by BananaStrong

  1. I've had 11 wives. Making friends after 40 became much harder, so I just started getting married. Cats are way, way better but you can't take a cat to a restaurant. First wife complained about the fridge not being full, TOXIC!!!!! divorced. Second was mad about something that happened at work. TOXIC!!! divorced...... One got mad the bus was late. TOXIC. choose which friends you will work with, be a real friend to, and not judge. then toxicity can't happen. Sounds like you are the toxic one, which is FINE. Understand it's you, fix yourself (might take years), but be aware it's you. If they are toxic, just stop talking with them without really telling them anything negative. let it go. If they are simply venting, decide if they are a friend or not. friends vent to friends. sounds like you are in the "Thailand, party of one" group. The number 1 thing is to have good friends, yet we come to Thailand to have no friends. Then we wonder we are not happy!!!! 555555555555555555555 Walking street!!!! OMG< I hate all these foreigners!!!!!! I want them to be my friend!!!! 55555555555555555555
  2. WRONG!!! I just spent 94,873 baht in Pattaya over the last few days and I saw TONS and tons and tons of other tourists looking for the same. Thailand is big into rice, rubber, and once they let foreigners buy houses the Chinese will spend 1000 zillion on real estate. simple solution. Remember, America was destined to go the way of Venezuela over 100 billion times in the last few hundred years, according to the experts.
  3. first RECORD yourself saying, "I'm sorry, can you repeat that please, I couldn't hear you." Play that back 10000000000000000000000000000000x times
  4. quick deal...I'll give you CASH. I buy UGLY gold!!! I buy BAD gold!!! I buy any kind of GOLD!!!! 1000 baht per kilogram, enough to buy noodle soup for an entire week!!!! well worth it. Yes, I also buy UGLY houses as well!!
  5. How many times must we tell everyone.......MOTORBIKES are very, very, very, very dangerous and the euphoria you have will not equal the pain after you crash. You will crash, it's just a matter of when, not IF. sorry, if people read my posts and listened I could save lives!!!!
  6. I also heard vitamin water in sunlight turns into water with no vitamins. lol. A green tea company told me if I buy green tea I'll reduce my chances for cancer..... there are likely 100000000000000000000000000000000000 "facts" on the internet, ALL of them trying to get you to buy something. I've tried B's before.....................I think it's overkill, personally. not recommended. not water soluable. Vit D seems to be "better," but honestly I think all of us are better without vitamins UNLESS some blood work demands it. Vit C, which is water soluble, is an exception......
  7. The most consistent finding we've learned through 85 years of study is: Positive relationships keep us happier, healthier, and help us live longer. Period This dude realized there is more to life than money, but no happy ending here. It can happen to the best of us......in search of love.......Pattaya!!!!
  8. why snitch? Did the feds give you immunity or witness protection or something? I hope you got a sweet deal. If not, things don't look so good.
  9. lots of farmers in Thailand, lots of farmland. saw someone spraying yesterday, hopefully not those death chemicals. then last night, fires. I want everyone to stop killing the Amazon rain forest!! oh, yea, money No more mining!!!! nah No more smoking!!! nah This is all just talk talk talk for headlines, but money talks and this BS is walking.
  10. I tried getting rid of sugar before but I failed over and over and over and over again..... then I bought this. นำเข้า???????? (Exp05/24) Mct Oil Natures Way Mct Oil From Coconut KETO (480ml) น้ำมัน เอ็มซีที คีโต ขายดีอันดับ 1 ในอเมริกา game changer for me!!!!! It's not that cheap at like 750 baht per bottle, but I take a teaspoon when I wake up right before black coffee and NO headaches ever, no appetite, and I'm good to roll until around 11 a.m. (wake up at 6 a.m.). Now I walk in 7-11 and wonder how I ever craved any of that "devil food". lol. If I do carbs, I'll do it for breakfast on the weekend and AFTER one hour after getting some MCT oil. ok, i've highjacked this thead maybe too much. sorry, good luck.
  11. I'm confused. Thailand's Ministry of Education has RULES. You MUST have a degree. OK, you MUST!!! So, now you have one. OK, step two. The school can CHOOSE a young kid who just finished or one with 1000000 zillion years of experience. That's a different story; however, both can be hired. A plumber who has never actually don't any plumbing? How did they get the plumbing certificate or whatever? OK, let's say they are a REAL plumber (passed the LAWS and RULES and REGULATIONS, key points), well, it's UP TO YOU to hire them. I'm sure they will be cheaper than some superstar plumber guy.......again, both are REAL plumbers. A "teacher" without a degree is NOT a teacher in Thailand, so they are not in this discussion at all. If you LEGITAMITELY have the license or whatever, then it's up to the person paying the money.... NO, I'd never want a kid to be taught by someone in a school without a degree. Bad character trait!!!!! I spent about 2 years at a private school and maybe 3 at government schools. I have NEVER met a farang I would call a real teacher, comparing them to the zillion teachers I had in America (pre-school, elementary, middle school, high school, and grad school). OK, that's not true!!!! I remember TWO bad teachers I lost all respect for back in the States. Let's not kid ourselves, you get paid like 30,000 baht in 2023 when the average McDonald's worker makes WAY more than that!!!!!! so, you get what you paid for. Don't get me started on the NNES; however, my opinion changed slightly as I came to the conclusion most Thais are sooooooooo bad at English that even a NNES might be able to help them slightly. Why so bad? Well, I'd blame the zillion bad teachers who taught them, starting from Anuban. Funny how teachers never want to blame themselves........proof is in the pudding!!!! lol. Kids loved me, schools loved me, but I absolutely failed in many, many ways as an English teacher. Sorry, kids, I tried; however, well, next time get a real teacher with a Master's in Education and pay them 70,000. My grad. degree definitely wasn't in Education.
  12. can't help, BUT I've had some luck eliminating as much sugar as possible. also, basically no more junk food. and no more fried food. less carbs, way less, and I've even been skipping breakfast but taking some MCT oil. Also, iron tablets, fish oil and some magnesium at night. Thailand lets you play doctor on yourself, and this mix of stuff has gotten rid of my IBS. Side effects..... actually, too much energy when at rest. like it puts my brain in overdrive. so, yea, playing doctor will likely kill me. lol. anyhow, cut all sugar, processed food, and maybe only carbs for one meal. I'll cut off the iron after a month or so......... blood tests were normal, but at the low end.
  13. How do we watch this space? Lol. Time to watch Russians more carefully? Remember the articles on Russian overstayers? As a farang, what do we do with this information? Lol
  14. Reasonable is 100,000 for Thailand in 2023; however, the offer will not be reasonable. Expect anywhere from 25,000 to maybe 40,000. Harvard or blah blah school in nowhere land gets the same wage. If you are from a “Top 5 school in Europe” I would hope you can figure out Thailand is one of the WORST places on Earth to make money if you are a farang.
  15. I won't judge anyone until I know all the facts, and then I still might not judge. Overstaying doesn't make him evil, and maybe he has a good reason. A long time ago, one lady lost her parents to war, had mental issues, was raped and afraid her attacker would find her again. She ran. Caught on overstay, and many posters said she is evil for overstaying. Once more information came out, these same posters became quiet.
  16. I am slightly curious percentages of foreigner deaths by suicide or murder/foreigners in Pattaya versus CM versus Phuket versus BKK....Seems like Pattaya would have the highest.
  17. Why red? Why not another color? No politics, so I won't say anymore!!!!! Thailand, where answers go to die.
  18. Why compare a pro tennis player to illegals? Prisoners don’t show a vax card, and some foreign dignitaries don’t. I’m confused. people are not people. Think Joe would show one if he came to Thailand?
  19. Take this date and add 50 years. Thailand
  20. Is that FOG? so beautiful.............bring the whole family, especially your little ones!!! good for their lungs, brain, etc....!!! saw a family yesterday with a little boy coughing as the guy was looking inside a massage shop. THAILAND!!!
  21. Nothing to see here, move along. PLEASE, talk about the strawberries, elephants, nature, noodle soup, temples, and no more commenting on anything that we would be ashamed of. We have lived here for a long time, and we obviously indirectly support all this repression, so let's just act like it's not there!!!! Hey, look, a pretty temple!!! wow!!!
  22. I want all these people ARRESTED!!!! No more school names!!!!!!!
  23. another quality tourist in Pattaya!!!!!! I would fine him 10,000 bought for littering, 10,000 baht for loitering, and 10,000 baht for no work permit for vomiting in a public area. This is your Thailand, embrace it!!!
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