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Red Phoenix

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Everything posted by Red Phoenix

  1. That 'body of knowledge' which he just seems to have discovered, was always there but deliberately ignored and even censored. This clown has been wrong from the very start on everything, and now that the larger public is slowly discovering how they have been conned, he is backtracking.
  2. It happened Feb 3 - almost two weeks ago, but only after some local and alternative news-channels started reporting on this probably largest US environmental disaster ever, the mainstream media are now slowly and reluctantly 'breaking' the news. Key words when looking for news about it: East Palestine, Ohio Norfolk Southern (the derailed train owner) Vinyl chloride spill
  3. Yes, that's a link to the EnDex 4000 product, but it is 'out of stock' there. PM me if you need a Lazada-link to a seller that still has in it stock (300 TB + 38 THB sending costs for 12 packages of 10 tablets).
  4. Yes, instead of transferring the funds straight from your Bank abroad to your Thai bank-account, do make use of WISE. It will save you a lot in bank-charges and exchange-rate conversion. Also with WISE it is recommended - if you have time - to check the conversion rate regularly (it changes every minute) and do the transfer when it is 'high'. Currently it is approx 36,- THB per Euro (but some months ago you got +38 THB, and during high season 3 weeks ago it had dropped to 35.5 THB). cheers and success!
  5. Nope, I am only interested in EnDex 4000 as it is 100% pure Ivermectine.
  6. Send me a PM - so that I can provide you with the link to still get it on-line from Lazada. 12 packages of 10 tablets EnDex 4000 for 300,- THB (+38 THB sending costs). Dirt cheap!
  7. Better thinking too much, than too little and being screwed for some petty admin detail... Thai Immigration rules are a jungle where you can easily be led astray (especially since there is no consistency in how Immigration Offices interpret and apply the rules).
  8. As others mentioned before a Post-It note (with message Don't forget Re-Entry Permit) in your Passport on the page where you would receive the 'stamped out' will do the trick in case you are forgetful. Note that you need THB in CASH to pay for the Re-Entry Permit.
  9. Your 90-day report is meant to confirm that you are STILL living at the same official address in the Province where you applied for your Visa/extension. It needs to be done prior to your 90-day report date as mentioned on the slip in your passport, although there is a 6-day grace period when you do it in person. Your next 90-day report date is 90 days after you submitted the previous 90-day report (so it makes sense not to do it too early). When you go abroad and re-enter Thailand (even with a Re-Entry Permit) the 90-day report period is reset from the moment of entry. From the above it follows that the day report is separate from your Visa extension process. But note that at several Immigration Offices they automatically issue a 90-day report when you apply for a 1-year extension of your Visa.
  10. Having entered Thailand Visa-Exempt and then applying for the 90-day Non Imm O Visa for reason of retirement at the local Immigration Office of the Province where you are residing, is a relatively simple process. And from what you wrote you will meet all the requirements, i.e.: - Your passport, with at moment of application at least 15 days left on the Permission to stay date that was stamped into your passport when you entered Thailand; - Proof of the address where you are residing and which needs to be in the Province where you do the application (this will become your 'official address' for Immigration purposes) - A recent Bank Statement confirming that you have a personal Thai Bank-Account, and a statement by the Bank that the Account has at least 800.000 THB at the moment of application for the 90-day Non Imm O Visa for reason of retirement (bringing your updated Pass-book with you confirming the latter is also advised) - Two recent pass-photos in correct format That's basically it, and there is NO need for any health-insurance policy when applying for the Non Imm O Visa, or later for extending it. = = = = = But from what you wrote there is one PRACTICAL issue, being that you have a routine of being max 2 weeks in the country and then will be leaving again. The issue here being that your 90-day Non Imm O Visa application needs to be approved by Divisional Headquarters and that can take 2 weeks. So if you apply on the first day that you re-entered Thailand, and all your documents are OK and approved by the Phuket Imm Office, they will provide you with a Note stapled in your passport when to come back to get the actual Non Imm O Visa and 90-day Permission to stay stamped in your passport. So in your case that would be very close to the day of your departure again. But if you explain to the Imm officer handling your application WHEN you would be leaving Thailand again, they would be able to mark it URGENT so that it gets 'fast-tracked' and that the Divisional Approval of your application is in your Phuket Imm Office's possession before your day of departure, so that you can come collect it before leaving Thailand again. = = = = = NOTE that you would NOT be able to use an Agent to collect the 'approval' when you are abroad, as he will not have your passport. And as the process is relatively simple (and you clearly did do your homework) there is actually no need for making use of an agent. When it stresses you out and you absolutely dread to go to Immigration, you can engage an Agent for a 'hand-holding' service, which will consist of him checking beforehand whether your documents are correct and complete, and him going with you to the Imm Office and 'doing the talking'. = = = = = Cheers and success!
  11. Soon at Chinese and Indian border-crossings: "Please bend over for a Thai style examination"
  12. Not all Immigration Offices require the '90-day Bank-Deposit Check' after you got your 1-year extension stamp. At my SiSaKet Immigration Office it is required, but they only need to see your updated bank pass-book to check whether you met the 800K in bank requirement during the 90 days after your Non Imm O extension of reason of retirement was approved. Luckily at SiSaKet they reset the start-date of your 90-day report when applying for your extension, so the 90-day report and the 90-day Bank-Deposit check can be done at same time. However, due to the Bank-Deposit check it needs to be done not earlier than 90 days, but on the day as indicated on the slip in your passport (or in the 6 days grace-period after that date).
  13. Except that distance Chicago to Bangkok is in MILES (8.533) and distance Berlin to Bangkok is in KILOMETERS (8.598). And a mile is approx 1.6 times a kilometer...
  14. E.g. when leaving Thailand for a trip abroad and you did buy a Re-Entry Permit to protect the remaining months on your Non Imm O or O-A extension. Then when re-entering Thailand with that Re-Entry Permit, you would expect that from the date of re-entry you would have once again 90 days for confirming your official address for Immigration purposes by doing the 90-day report. But this is Thailand and logic often does not seem to apply on some of the Immigration rules. Note: If the re-entry does not affect your 90-day reporting date, and you still have to do it on the previously allocated date by Immigration (the small slip in your passport), then what about when that date did already pass during your trip abroad?
  15. Why does it matter to you that your Insurance Company faulty thinks that you only did subscribe to their insurance policy for Immigration purposes? Yes, if they have faulty perception, they will send you e-mails when your policy is about to be renewed that subscribing to their policy is necessary to meet Immigration requirements (while there is no requirement for having such policy for extending a Non Imm O Visa). And they will send you the Certificate which Immigration would ask for in case it was required (only for Non Imm O-A Visa). Just ignore their messages mentioning Immigration, and simply renew their insurance policy which you have taken for other reasons than what they presume.
  16. Unless you like to visit Vietnam and make it a holiday trip, why are you planning to fly to Ho Chi Minh city and apply there for a 60-day Tourist Visa? If you only do it for prolonging your stay in Thailand, it would be far more easy to do a simple same day border-run at a land-border closest to you. Then re-enter Thailand VisaExempt (no Visa needed) and you will be provided with a 45-day Permission to stay, which can be extended for 30 days at an Immigration Office. The process of being stamped out of Thailand, buying a Visa on arrival (or having bought it already on-line) of the adjacent country, and then re-entering Thailand providing you with a 45 day Permission to stay can be done in less than 30 minutes.
  17. The easiest would be to do a border-run prior to your Non B extension expiring. When you live close to the Cambodian, Laos or Malaysian border, a land-border hop would probably be your best option. Alternatively you can also take a return flight to a near-by country. The border-hop can be done same day, but obviously you can also combine it with a holiday/sightseeing trip in the country you are entering. You do not need to apply for a Tourist Visa for Thailand as you can simply return Visa Exempt (without a Visa) which will provide you with a 45-day permission to stay stamp in your Passport. That gives you ample time to prepare for the 90-day Non Imm O Visa at the Thai Immigration Office of the province where you are residing, and that needs to be done when you have at least 15 days remaining before expiry of your permission to stay.
  18. Officially a Residence Certificate is provided free of charge by the Immigration Office. And indeed I did not have to pay for it at my friendly SiSaKet Imm Office, and they handed it to me within 10 minutes. However, they only provide it when you have an official request form issued by the office that needs it for the service you want to apply for. Also that filled-in request form by the DLT of SiSaKet , needed to get that Res Cert was free of charge. The clinic health certificate was 60,- THB, and the 2 thai driver permit cards (one for car, one for motorcycle) were 320,- THB. Everything with a smile. Living in the sticks has its benefits...
  19. Posted 5 times - site not responding when clicking Submit, hence the quintuple posts. @mod - Please remove double messages
  20. Thais need a Schengen Visa to visit Denmark, and need to apply at the Danish Embassy in Bangkok for such Visa. The main hurdle, besides all the paperwork needed, is that they need to provide credible evidence that they will return to Thailand at the end of their visit. Being married with a Danish citizen simplifies things, but a Visa is still needed.
  21. Be aware that: - There are two entries for International Departures when leaving the departure hall, and that you need to take entry 2 as it is there after security and before the immigration desks, that the Re-Entry Permit Desk is situated. - You need to pay cash in THB (1.000 THB for a One-Time Re-Entry Permit) - If you bring your own filled in Re-Entry Permit form, you also need to bring 2 pass-photos. You can also make use of the desk in the corner that provides the service of filling in the Form for you (using your Passport details) and takes a digital photo of you, which they embed in the filled-in form. That service costs 200,- THB, also to be paid in cash.
  22. Making a trip to Middle Earth for a runny nose? Sounds a bit overdone.
  23. Because you can take a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink...
  24. No, the mask keeps the cough spit nice and cozy near your mouth and nose - making masks the ideal breeding ground for bacteria...
  25. I agree that in your case when planning only to stay between 45 and 60 days, and having the opportunity to apply on-line for the 60-day Tourist Visa, that that would be your best option. Note that depending on where you are staying in Thailand, that doing a border-run can also be an alternative instead of applying for the 30-day extension. And that option would actually be the one to go for in case you want to stay between 75 and 90 days in Thailand, as it would provide you with a 2nd 45-day permission to stay on re-entry after having left when your 1st 45-aay permission to stay almost expired.
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