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Everything posted by Brickleberry

  1. I appreciate the effort, but BKK Brian & you have both provided the same story from one source - A Saudi Arabian fake media company based in London, that cannot be found on websites such as mediafactcheck.com. Even the Times Of Israel has acknowledged that Hamas stated very clearly why they did what they did, and Hamas has denied any involvement from Iran. So again, who are we to believe? US intelligence, Hamas and the Times of Israel, or Iran International - a Saudi media company aimed at taking down Iran? https://www.timesofisrael.com/irans-guard-corps-hamas-oct-7-attack-was-revenge-for-killing-of-soleimani-in-2020/
  2. Who do you think I'm going to believe? American intelligence, or the criminal who committed the crime? If you actually researched where this story came from, you might realize that it is tripe. The Jerusalem Post (where you found the story) is reporting on another media outlet's story: Iran International, which is owned by the Saudi government - Iran's enemy!: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_International#:~:text=Fall of Kabul.-,Ownership,by Volant Media UK Ltd.
  3. Cheap lasers are already here. The UK has been testing its successful DragonFire laser. Around $10 per shot. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-68795603.amp
  4. Whilst it is true that embassies/consulates are not on 'sovereign soil' the second part of your post is wrong. Iran might well be an awful state, but it had no direct involvement in Oct 7. Even if Iran was indirectly involved, you can't just blow up consulate buildings that are protected under international law. This is according to US intelligence: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/iran-israel-iranian-officials-surprised-by-hamas-attack-israel/
  5. Granted, but again - we should all just follow the law rather than break it.
  6. What are your thoughts on it being done in a third country? Israel didn't just violate Iran's consulate, it also violated Syria's airspace and could have endangered its citizens. I think most people agree that Iran is a pretty bad regime, but that doesn't mean we can do whatever the hell we like to people we don't like and don't agree with. If we all followed international law, this wouldn't have happened in the first place - because Israel wouldn't exist.
  7. Well it's not a consulate now that its been blown up. This is what's wrong with the world - people only care about their little patch of the world, or who is on their team. If we all played like that, this world would be on fire............. he says, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
  8. So in your warped world, I can bomb any embassy around the world, willy nilly - as long as I don't do it in my own country? Are you a few crackers short of a picnic?
  9. He was surprisingly accommodating....
  10. Yes, that's right. Sinn Fein is the political wing, IRA was the military wing. Gerry Adams belonged to both, even though he denies it! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerry_Adams#:~:text=Adams has stated repeatedly that,IRA leadership since the 1970s. Similar to Hamas really. Hama is the political wing, Whereas the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades form the military wing of the Palestinian organization Hamas. As with the IRA/Sinn Fein, several countries that list 'Hamas' as a terrorist organization, only list the military wing as a terrorist organization, not the political wing. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/what-is-hamas-what-to-know-about-its-origins-leaders-and-funding
  11. They were terrorists to the UK and the US, but they were freedom fighters to several other nations. 2 states out of 205. Interestingly, several IRA members ended up in the Irish Dail (parliament) Gerry Adams being one of the most prominent. The situation in Ireland is slightly similar to the current conflict between Hamas & Israel. Several nations consider Hamas to be freedom fighters, whilst a handful (around 20) designate them as a terrorist group.
  12. Did you not notice that the article is 4 months old? Hardly soon to be anything....
  13. I hope it isn't Rabbi Schmooley. You might wake up with one of his buttplugs and a hangover one day....
  14. What world do you live in? That's not how math or voting works! We have 205 states. 4 of which say this is a terrorist group, 201 of which have refused to designate them as a terrorist group. Therefore, they are not a terrorist group. For your logic to be correct, you would have to admit that the US, & Israel are terrorist states, as they have been labelled as such by other countries.
  15. It would make it official though, right? The fact that only 4 out of 205 states: the US, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Sweden, have said it is a terrorist group is evidence enough that only a small minority of states think this way. If it only takes a couple of states to make someone a terrorist group, then I'm pretty sure all of the world would be labeled 'terrorist'.
  16. You are right, he is wrong. There are only 4 countries that say IRGC is a terrorist organization. Therefore, it is NOT a terrorist organization, because it has not been approved by the world -a UN vote would be required. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_Revolutionary_Guard_Corps
  17. This was talked about a few pages back. The guy you're arguing with knows the building was untouchable, he knows it is illegal and he knows he is wrong. Even his friend BKK Brian admits he was wrong about the buildings. International law is VERY clear. Even if the building was being used as a military base, it is STILL untouchable.
  18. But as you participated in the discussion yesterday, you already know this is irrelevant. Consulates, embassies and any buildings on an embassy's or consulate's compound (an annex) are inviolable under international law.
  19. It is ridiculous. It's like calling the SAS a bunch of clowns. Or the Marines a bunch of P*ssies. Grow up and contribute something to the conversation, or just leave.
  20. No, they do not make any difference at all. Firstly, you assume that because the staff killed were non-consulate, then it's OK. Unfortunately, you are wrong. The buildings themselves are inviolable , and must be protected under international law. This was a massive attack, completely flouting diplomatic norms and international law. How do you not get this? It is illegal to bomb an embassy building, consulate building, annex, whatever you want to use to try and worm your way around the vocabulary, it is illegal. Period. Secondly, you mistakenly labelled the IRGC as a terrorist group. It is not. IRGC is the elite wing of the regular standing army. You may wish to call them terrorists, but they are not. Thirdly, you are wrong about him helping to plan the Oct 7 attack. This is Israeli propaganda and lies. Even if you were right, this still does not make it a legal action. Could you imagine if America bombed Ecuador's embassy in the UK to get Julian Assange? Do you think that would be OK? Of course not. We must all follow the law, or we shall all become beasts.
  21. This is just childish. Calling a country's army 'terrorists'.
  22. Voldemort. Ah, I forgot. This isn't the JK Rowling thread.
  23. Not everyone, most of the world is in agreement which is why we have so many UN resolutions against Israel. What won't 'be cool' is if Israel causes WW3 by launching a fresh attack.
  24. This map is a bit off... you should be showing the 5 UN veto states, America, China, UK, Russia, France. Nothing happens without their approval.
  25. Sorry, but you're both lying: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/02/world/europe/interpreter-israel-syria-embassy.html
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