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Everything posted by Brickleberry

  1. No, not that UN. The UN you are describing is the one that Israel made up lies about, and didn't even provide a single piece of evidence to back up those lies. Even America hasn't seen any evidence. Let's get back to reality. If you want to believe that the elected representatives of the world are all liars and antisemitic, then there is no one left for you to trust,. Your pretty lonely out there!
  2. Yes, The UK has a culture and tradition of innocent until proven guilty. There is no evidence that any rapes occurred. So British Muslims are most definitely following British laws, and I support them. How can you deport your own citizens? This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard...
  3. I'll trust the UN thank you very much, not an Islamophobic organization hiding behind 'think tank' status. The UN was quite clear that there is no evidence, other than circumstantial, that any rape occurred. This is why independent journalists must be allowed in to Gaza. No one with a brain is going to trust information from the occupying power, the one who is doing all of the killing. It's like asking a kid to grade their own homework assignments. You'll get a good grade for sure, but that doesn't mean it's an honest grade.
  4. How much use is one submarine anyway?
  5. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the Thai constitution states that a party can be disbanded if it is seen to be under undue influence of an outsider? Thaksin is still a convict, he is on parole. After these comments today, and the ones he was making yesterday about his daughter being fit to take over at the end of this parliament - when she has never held any political office, or ever held down a serious job - PTP is running the risk of being disbanded by the CC.
  6. Why was the most important information squeezed in at the end of article? I also had a Thai female boss who used to do this. It never affected me, but several employees would lose a fair chunk of their salaries at the end. Why on earth the employees were applauding the fact that she was breaking the law is beyond me.
  7. A naturally growing plant that has been used for millennia for recreational, medicinal and religious reasons = Very dangerous, must be illegal again. Yaba, meth pills etc. = Totally OK as long as you have five pills or less. WTF?
  8. John Oliver went through this last night!
  9. The paper failed to mention that the PM was looking at a mirror, and what he saw was his reflection.....
  10. How much of the 'bad foreigner' blame will the PM accept for this? He's the moron who thought it would be a good idea to give long term tourist visas & visa free access to Chinese & Russian mafiosi.
  11. This one is confusing. Several western media outlets (AP, CNN, CH 4, BBC) have all noted that this man was one of the most senior police officers: https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-news-03-18-2024-eefc526aec97821fe5f1e845801a6640 Yes, the police are controlled by Hamas, as are all government services, but this doesn't mean he was a valid target. Many of these publications have pointed out that Israel seems to be targeting the police forces, while the UN and UNRWA have put out statements supporting this opinion. Just because someone is on the governments payroll, does not mean they are part of the military wing.
  12. It must have been buried amongst the thousands of times he claimed - and still does claim- that the election was stolen
  13. I agree with this for two reasons: First, the insurrectionists were told to do this by the President of the United States Second, they had reasonable grounds to assume the President of the United States was telling them the truth. So this is all Trump's fault for lying about the election, ergo he is the only one who should be in jail. The rest are just simpleton buffoons, products of the American Educational system not teaching them to think critically.
  14. What evidence? Israel has not shared, or given any evidence to any of its global partners. This is why so many of those countries who originally withheld funding are now backing the agency again. How people can advocate taking food and medical aid away from the Palestinians blows my mind. It is monstrous.
  15. I suggest you clean your spectacles, they might be a bit dusty: I then point you directly to where it says the figures have been inflated in the OP's post: You are wrong. Admit it, and move on.
  16. I suggest you read what was written in the OP's post, before erroneously defending the indefensible.
  17. No, they didn't. Arabs fought alongside the British against the Nazis. In return, they were promised their lands. The Grand Mufti wanted Arabs to fight with the Nazis, but they wouldn't do it. They fought against the Nazis. This is a very well documented fact. https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/when-palestinian-arabs-and-jews-fought-the-nazis-side-by-side-593052
  18. Land that they had previously said was for the administration of the local people. They also made deals with the Arabs that the land would be returned to them for their self determination. They lied, and gave it to the Zionist movement instead.
  19. EXACTLY! You can't displace almost a million indigenous people out of their homes and lands to make way for white Europeans. White European nations caused this white European Jewish problem, and they attempted to solve it by taking away the rights of non-white people - Arabs.
  20. "How the Gaza ministry of health fakes casualty numbers" is the title, and it keeps referring to the figures being inflated and inaccurate. The OP is trying to say that the numbers are lies, and we shouldn't believe them. An independent, globally respected Journal that has been around for almost 200 years disagrees, and says they are accurate. Note that I said it was written by an Israeli. I did not say it was written by a Jew, I said it was written by an Israeli. A biased source. The source is also very questionable, it is not internationally renowned, it is not peer reviewed and seems to have no specific purpose.
  21. I found it, and I replied to it earlier. Look above.
  22. An obscure journal, written by an Israeli. Lies. Why not take an actual medical journal 'The Lancet": The Lancet is a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal and one of the oldest of its kind. It is also one of the world's highest-impact academic journals. It was founded in England in 1823 https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(23)02713-7/fulltext
  23. I do not lie. Here it is. https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147217 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/22/claims-of-israeli-sexual-assault-of-palestinian-women-are-credible-un-panel-says
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