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Everything posted by Brickleberry

  1. Nope. Your making stuff up again. murder and hostage taking, yes. Everything else, nope.
  2. Actually, Palestinians are legally allowed to resist their occupiers by force. 1200 innocents were not executed, for starters, there were around 700 civilians. The rest were perfectly legal targets.
  3. Two wrongs do not make a right. Both sides have committed war crimes and atrocities over the last 100 years. That doesn't mean it is acceptable though, does it?
  4. Lets just deal with the war crimes committed on day 1 of the war. It is a war crime to shut off food, electricity, and water. This is called collective punishment.
  5. It wasn't just the name of the war, or the dates. You also got the participants wrong. You said it was Palestinians, it wasn't. It was Egypt and Syria. Wrong on SO many levels.
  6. Wrong again. The ONLY Yom Kippur (or Ramadan war, or The 4th Israeli war as it is also known) war was fought on the 6th of October in 1973. Gaza happened on the 7th of October. I meant two weeks, not sure why I wrote 2 months. My old age finally getting to me?
  7. Wrong again. I can see why you don't like talking about the history, because your always wrong! 2023 is the Gaza conflict - not the 2nd Yom Kippur war.... I'm well aware it is an Israeli holiday, and in 2023, it fell in September - almost 2 months after the start of Gaza.
  8. Wrong. Arabs were always present in the area, before Jews invaded Canaan from Iraq circa 3,000 years ago. It was the Roman Empire that cleared out the Jews in the 5th century, not 'Islam' Islam cleared out the Romans and allowed Jews to live with Arabs for over 1,500 years. Crusades were to reclaim the holy land - nothing to do with mistreatment of Christians. Crusades were meant to stop the expansion of Muslim states, to reclaim for Christianity the Holy Land in the Middle East, and to recapture territories that had formerly been Christian.
  9. Nope, wrong again. Yom Kippur was Egypt and Syria attacking Israel 50 years ago, and there was only ever ONE, not two. It had nothing to do with Palestinians, or stealing any land. In fact, this war had a significant impact on the trajectory of an eventual peace process between Egypt and Israel, which culminated in the return of the entire Sinai Peninsula to Egypt in exchange for lasting peace. So actually, it was the Israelis who were giving back land they had stolen (again!!!). FYI rape & dead babies have both been found to be false.
  10. Is this agency able to do 12 month extensions based on marriage? Thai Visa are way too expensive, it's almost the same price as the dodgy volunteer visa! Looking for better options.
  11. The problem is that argument hinges on everything being the same now, as it was then in the past. Wrong! These days, acquiring land by force is illegal (unlike when Britain, France, Spain etc. took over countries). These conventions were signed after WW11, in 1945. Israel is also a signatory.
  12. You're both talking nonsense. You are talking about Israeli citizens, not Palestinians. Arab Israelis can indeed serve in the IDF.
  13. Great question. It depends on legality. For instance, do I believe that Israelis should be kicked out of Israel? No. Even though what happened in 1947/48 was immoral, Israelis have acquired rights over time, and the mandate gives them the right to live within the UN defined borders. West Bank & East Jerusalem - Yes. All Jews should be forced out of their homes, if they cannot agree to land swaps, and if the Jews do not want to live as Jewish Palestinians. The default must be international law. They acquired these homes illegally. If we take the position that international law must be followed, then Israel MUST abandon all illegal settlements. They may negotiate with the Palestinians for land swaps in good faith, but they must negotiate from a fair position, not 'I stole it, it's mine - suck it up!"
  14. Amazing. Totally OK to remove 750,000 Palestinians from their land in 1947/48, but not OK for Jews to be removed from stolen Palestinian land? Double standards.....
  15. She is a nobody. She is not an elected member of parliament, she is not in the cabinet, and she is not a senator. She has no political power, she can't make laws but she most definitely can go on holiday. I wish she'd make it permanent and take the entire Shinawatra clan with her. She is Thaksin's daughter. That is all she is. This is not Cambodia - Thailand does not (and should not) have political dynasties.
  16. Initially, no. Only the Arabs and the Jewish people who had lived there alongside them for over 1,500 years. This is international law 101; the mandate system by the LON (League of Nations) was supposed to provide the indigenous population with independence. The land (British Mandate for Palestine) was never Britain's to give away to whomever it so wished, it was supposed to hand over control of the country to the local population. Initially, mass immigration from European & Slavic countries to Palestine should never have been allowed to happen. Especially when their goal was to take over the land for a racist, Jewish supremacy. Einstein refused to go over there because he knew how stupid an idea it was, and how immoral it was to remove the native population from their lands to make way for a Jewish homeland. He believed the then Israeli political party was “akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties." In 2024, Israelis now have a decent claim to part of the land as they have accrued these rights over the last 75 years. Yes, they should not have been able to get those rights, but we are where we are. Israel exists now, and it can either become a one state with equal rights for all, or a two state solution on the original borders - with agreed upon land swaps. EDIT: This is how colonial Israel is. Vast swathes of the population are British and American citizens. This is Israeli government spokesman David Mencer - a Brit - who confuses World Central Kitchen with a British Alcopop: WKD. At 7.31 in the video he clearly says "WKD are the good guys..."
  17. No one in their right mind brings 'biblical rights' into play Richard. If they did, they would extremely foolish..... Apparently the Israelite was a group of semetic language speaking tribes descended from Jacob, a son of Abraham, who lived in what we now call Iraq, and died at 175 years old. Jacob was renamed Israel after fighting an angel. He then moved his followers to the land of Canaan and murdered the indigenous people there because God claimed it was their promised land. So Jews were never 'native' to the land. They had always been colonial settlers.
  18. Drivel. No understanding of history or facts. 2 million Arab Israelis live in Israel. Palestinians are not allowed to go back to their homes in Israel, which is why this conflict has been ongoing for over 75 years. At some point in the future, if Jews living on stolen land in the West Bank & East Jerusalem wish to become Jewish Palestinians, and the Palestinians are OK with that, then why not? I agree with you on this point. But then the Palestinians must be allowed to also go back to their homes in Israel, right? Or does it only work one way in your version of events? For the situation to be resolved, Israel MUST acknowledge that the dispossession of 750,000 Palestinians from their land was wrong, and that for years it has been stealing land and mistreating Palestinians. Ethiopian Jews (the ones you showed in the picture) didn't come over to Israel until the late 1970s. Those colonial settlers didn't cause a problem in the early 20th century as they didn't come until much later. Try again! White colonial settlers caused this my friend, you know it.
  19. Imbecilic post. They didn't settle in Israel, they were the lucky few Palestinians who were not kicked out, murdered or raped to death by the IDF. Israel is a land of colonial white settlers, using apartheid tactics to steal more and more land, and denying basic human rights to the people they stole their land from in the first place. If anyone wants to know what demonic behavior looks like, just look at Israel.
  20. Are you denying the holocaust? Damn, I'm pro Palestinian and anti Zionist, but I'm not antisemitic. The holocaust 100% happened man, and the treatment of Jewish people was horrific. That doesn't give Western powers the right to refuse Jewish people the right to return to their homelands (Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, USA, UK, France etc.) and to ship them off to Palestine.
  21. And what was I responding to.... Jeez, if only people read what people were responding to, then they wouldn't look so foolish....
  22. This is just wrong on so many levels. Christians: misogynistic - only men may become priests, women are property and must give sex to their husbands. homophobic - gays are not allowed in the bible, it is a cardinal sin. They should be killed according to the bible barbaric - how many holy wars did various British kings start? Did you see what the Brits did in the Philippines, crucifixions, hangings, beheading etc. supremacist ideology - The god given right to colonize any lands the Brits wished to and convert them to Christianity, slavery In essence, the middle eastern world has not caught up with western civilization yet. I mean, it was only 94 years ago that women were given the right to vote in the UK, blacks given the right to vote in 1965 in the USA etc. Western liberalization is quite a new thing - gay sex etc was illegal until VERY recently in Scotland - 1980.
  23. What are you talking about? When the Romans did it? That was almost 2000 years ago man, you were the one who told me to stay on topic and not to bleat on about the past.
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