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Everything posted by Brickleberry

  1. For Israel, the only difference worth caring about is America's veto. There is no difference under international law regarding the inviolability of embassies or consulates, but there are differences in staff privileges. Consulate heads do not enjoy immunity from prosecution, whereas an ambassador has full immunity.
  2. I already showed you the US state department website and pasted the proof where it says an 'annex' is just a building on the embassy complex. All buildings in an embassy or consulate complex are protected under international law, and are inviolable even to the host country. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/02/middleeast/iran-response-israel-damascus-consulate-attack-intl-hnk/index.html
  3. There is no difference between a consulate, embassy or annex. An annex is a building that is part of the embassy/consulate. Legally, they are inviolable. https://pathtoforeignservice.com/consulate-vs-embassy-a-comparison/
  4. Shortened your quote because this is the only part I wanted to respond to, I agree with pretty much everything else in your post. It's only an easy one to walk away from if you want to walk away . I don't think Bibi and his cronies want to walk away from this, because it is winning them global support again. What is really confusing is HOW is this madness winning approval from western nations? It is unthinkable! If Iran had bombed one of America's consulates - which is against international law - you would see condemnation from all nations, and a massive - and justified - response from America.
  5. You do not understand. Here is what the US says about annexes: https://diplomacy.state.gov/what-is-a-u-s-embassy/#:~:text=The U.S. Embassy Building,often architectural works of art.
  6. Iran is a country, not a terrorist organization. They support some terrorist organizations, but that doesn't make them terrorists. Even then, it is illegal to blow up consulates and embassies. Even more illegal to do it in a 3rd country, as you are now violating the sovereignty of two nations. Is Israel trying to blow up the middle east to hide whats going in Gaza, East Jerusalem and the West Bank? It is very convenient that the whole world was turning against Israel due to its actions in the above mentioned territories, but today we see solidarity again between the West and Israel, with most nations providing support militarily, and diplomatically. Basically, this is a win win for Israel. Well played Bibi. You're a monster, but well played.
  7. What's really depressing is watching the news. Already they are talking about retaliating. WTF is going on? Iran has NEVER directly attacked Israel previously. They only did so this time because they attacked Iranian soil - their consulate/embassy is sovereign soil under the Rome Statutes. Israel is 100% in the wrong, but it seems like the whole world is going to let Israel continue flagrantly disregarding diplomatic norms and international law. Again. Parents know they need to give kids boundaries, and punish them when they do wrong. It seems America has forgotten parenting 101: If you let them get away with murder, they will keep on murdering. I dislike the state of Iran, but they are well within their rights to respond to this attack. If Israel attacks again, this would be further provocation. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-middle-east-68737710?src_origin=BBCS_BBC
  8. This wasn't a terror attack, it was a white guy with mental health issues. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-68810428
  9. Because they want to drag the world into WW3. It's the only way they can continue their genocide in Palestinian lands.
  10. Noooooo! If it does, WW3 will definitely kick off. Israel has no right to respond, they were the aggressors.
  11. Hang on, why is the title 'Iran potentially triggers WW3"? Iran was responding to an attack on their sovereign soil - the embassy Israel blew up. Iran was perfectly entitled to respond, and have done so. Israel bombing sovereign nations is the trigger for WW3.
  12. Are you moronic? You have literally read it in black and white. Everyone with a brain cell or two can read multiple sources, and can hear from the woman herself when she says it was not an investigation. I have honestly had enough of your lies. You should be ashamed of yourself because you are not fooling anyone. Everyone with a brain cell can hear her say Israel has refused multiple investigations. You can lie and lie and lie all you like, but the facts remain: This was 10 days of walking around Israel and talking to a few people. How can they investigate and prove all of these allegations in such a short space of time, yet none of us have seen the evidence? I haven't even seen anyone from the UN say that they had found evidence. They found clear and convincing information - IE, someone told them about it, but they haven't seen anything that can prove it. UNRWA allegations were leaked how long ago? 5 months? And we still have not had a full investigation because these things TAKE TIME. Just in case you are too lazy to read it, here is a video: And here is the actual report you have been lying about:
  13. How can it be an investigation, if the author of the report specifically says: This was not an investigation. Here is more proof that you are lying through your teeth: https://www.npr.org/2024/03/04/1235824305/israel-sexual-assault-rape-hamas-attack-un-report#:~:text=The long-awaited report is,for sexual violence in conflict.
  14. Lies. The ICJ was not asked to rule on genocide. They were asked if it was plausible. The judges agreed that it was plausible, and now Israel has to fight in the ICJ to prove that it is not a genocidal pariah state. Even the Israeli judge on the panel voted with the other judges on some measures: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/jan/26/icj-ruling-israel-western-backers
  15. You are the only one lying. Why not read what the report says: https://www.ungeneva.org/en/news-media/news/2024/03/91404/civilians-israel-and-palestine-cannot-be-abandoned-says-top-un#:~:text=their eyes'%3A Patten-,UN Secretary-General's Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict,on conflict-related sexual violence. Furthermore, her conclusions were based thusly, and they also debunked quite a few of Israel's lies too:
  16. You're assuming that what this guy said as true... it is not.
  17. No, the UN did not 'investigate' anything. In fact, Israel has refused repeated UN requests to verify and investigate their claims of mass rape, and they have been denied access to investigate Palestinians claims. The UN repeatedly said in their report that this was NOT an investigation, and there was ZERO evidence for any claims on both sides. Why no investigations if you are convinced it happened? Only guilty people don't want investigations. Why is there zero evidence from any of the body cams that Hamas wore?
  18. Wrong article, and wrong author. What is it with pro Israelis not being able to read properly? I am referring to the study that was commissioned this year by the Swiss NGO - this is the same section I previously sent you. The author's name has been underlined and put in bold for you:
  19. So you read the Wikipedia article, or read the Geneva conventions? If you had, you would know what you wrote is false. Here it is in black and white: https://opiniojuris.org/2014/07/26/can-israel-cut-water-power-gaza/ Second, like the group of experts, Bothe believes that Israel does not have to formally occupy Gaza in order to have a positive obligation to provide it with water and power. The argument is dense; here is a key paragraph (p. 3): The situation of the Gaza Strip is special. At least on the basis of a first search, there are indeed no cases concerning the duty of a party to a conflict to provide water and electricity to the other side. In such a case, the argument that everything is permitted in the absence of a specific practice is incorrect. The solution has to be found in applying general principles which form part of customary law. The principle underlying the customary rules concerning relief is to ensure that the basic needs of a population continue to be met under the conditions of an armed conflict. The supply cuts discussed here would… infringe that basic principle.
  20. Yes it is. Google it. Collective punishment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment
  21. Exactly the same as the UN report on Israels mass rape claims.
  22. Here you go: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/idf-sexual-abuse-palestine-gaza-b2498888.html
  23. No, Israel shut all of these thing off, and it is illegal to do this to a group of people. It is a war crime. The ICJ, UK, US and virtually all countries recognize this as a war crime. Try again. Hamas - 30,000 fighters according to the IDF. Gaza population; Over 2 million.
  24. And there is plenty of history and current stories of the IDF and Israelis raping, murdering, mass massacres, torture, humiliation, hostage taking etc. But then again, two wrongs do not make a right.
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