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Everything posted by BKKKevin

  1. Yes, 20 million for married spouse... But I'm not married to my Thai partner so 10 million... What other tax free transfer options have I underestimated?
  2. Also I think your spouse would have to reside in the US to receive benefits… https://creativeplanning.com/international/insights/financial-planning/foreign-spouse-social-security/
  3. I have applied to the SSA to have my social security direct deposited to my Bangkok Bank account thru the IID system… This gives me a clean easily provable stream of incoming cash that I can say is not taxable due to treaty obligations… Then it’s my understanding that one get a 60k personal deduction, a 190k 65yo+ deduction and the first 150k has a tax rate of zero… That’s 410,000 I can transfer from my personal US account with no tax due… Anything above that I plan on transferring to my Thai partners bank account as Thai tax law allows for a lifetime 10 million baht gift tax exemption… As to whether I will be required to file a tax return here… I don’t see this happening any time soon… NO Thai government entity is capable of administering the setup of a tax ID and processing a tax return for several hundred thousand expats from 50 different countries… Just look at how well the administrate the online 90 day reporting…
  4. The link just leads to a request for you phone number so a sales person can call you…
  5. Truth Bomb!... Your about to be treated to another lame Thumper conspiracy theory thread...
  6. Why is it every time I go into Global House there is half a dozen smiling staff trying to sell me a toaster at the entrance and when I’m trying to find something in the plumbing aisle and make eye contact with a staffer they disappear?…
  7. Please as the armchair internet expert you seem to be... Tell us of the 400,000 dead solgers in Arlington who are the competently killed and who are the incompetently killed ones?... They all served their county and deserve to be honored and not be made a backdrop for a sleazy political ad...
  8. Fact… During Trump’s presidency, which ran from January 20, 2017, to January 20, 2021, there were 45 combat deaths among U.S. service members reported in Afghanistan… Those should have been the graves he should have visited…
  9. So you want an Arlington Cemetery Honor Guard to provide video evidence of his/her statements?… Nice… We can see where your loyalties lie…
  10. Surprised he didn't hand out discounted NFT cards
  11. News flash!.... Joe Biden is not running for President... #FoxNewsBubble
  12. I'd buy this trading card...
  13. Cadet Bonespurs has no business near Arlington Cemetery
  14. If one does not have a data plan and does not have data usage turned off your phone will use data until you phone balance is exhausted...
  15. I would have a 30yr Usufruct put in place so you can live on land in the event she passes before you... You don't need to worry/care about who inherits or prodate...
  16. Since you have monitored and paid the bill regularly I would doubt someone is stealing your electric or you would have seen a high bill before... I would also say your basic wiring is ok too for the same reason above... I would say the culprit is some electric device you have that wasn't used in the past 4 years that you started using regularly... My guess is you are now running an AC unit regularly that has low freon and is running the compressor constantly... Or a electric water heater that is not shutting off properly when not in use... Or did your wife bring and kitchen item that is plugged in?... Basically look at every electrical device that you turned on or added when you moved in...
  17. One could easily do the same video clip of Trump in the last two weeks saying… Joe Biden… Joe Biden… Windmills & Sharks… Joe Biden…
  18. Here us a very good video on the state of the art treatments... Sadly the focus is on Aquablation which is not yet available in Thailand... But a good watch for anyone who faces the issue...
  19. Sadly politics in the US has become big business… #$$$$$$$
  20. Please note during his speech he did not mention… His relative good looks… His crowd size… His beachfront property values… Windmils… Sharks…
  21. If I were the new Prime Minister I wouldn’t touch the digital wallet scheme unless I had a second home in London or Dubai…
  22. My guess is real estate agents in London and Dubai are lining up to show the new Prime Minister properties...
  23. My guess is the new Digital Wallet under the keen watch of the new Prime Minister and her party will be the linchpin of this new financial hub...
  24. I would highly recommend one do a couple weeks or a month and any condo building they want to rent long term or buy... You get to know the building and neighborhood... And can talk with the Airbnb about renting directly long term... And can chat with other renter/owners and get an insight into better priced rentals or units for sale... The one drawback of a popular condo Airbnb is that these buildings turn into glorified hotels that one really doesn't have a homelike feel... Here in Chiang Mai the Astra condo complexes come to mind I stayed a month there while my condo was being redecorated... It was nice but overrun with people pushing suitcases daily and the rooftop pool and gym were a crowded selfy nightmare
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