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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Clealy you dont. Give me a holler, bless your heart, the next time your crappy little country needs our help to keep you from speaking German, Chinese or Russian
  2. Well I can start the digression by asking if you realisticly beleive that Putin is an actual danger of "winning" against Nato, considering he will be fighting in the Ukraine until he dies, US aid or not.
  3. Its Friday. Another dude who doesnt know any Americans.
  4. Those who throw out soundbites generally have no cogent arguments.
  5. Do you know anybody from the US other than a tourist or two? Know any rednecks? Know any Trump supporters?
  6. Putins going nowhere after this. Drop your Cold War mindset, the hordes of Russian tanks are busting through the Suwalki Gap are nothing more than a neo cons wet dream.
  7. No one in the USA really gives a rats anus about the Ukraine except for the neo con chattering classes and their corrupt Biden enablers.
  8. Only the smart ones
  9. Yeah! He had hookers pee on his wifes bed in Moscow! He is bought and paid for by Putin! They communicate via the Alpha Bank. Thank god someone here knows the truth.
  10. Im sure the average American is equal to the intelligence of a Hungarian Truck driver, altho not as sophisticated Im sure as some wine sipping Eurotrash elitist in Brussels. But if you arent a Yank, hopw do you know?
  11. There are 330 million US citizens, Im sure a whole bunch know whats what.
  12. I go through 20 baht notes like water in Bangkok, but thats just on GOOD food service folks and taxis, or the lady that bags my groceries or the doormen/security In Siem Reap, I usually carry $20 in 1,000 reil notes ($.25). I hand them out left and right. I get treated like a king. And when you see how ordinary people live, it should matter not to you. Im from the USA, I won lifes lottery, Im not going to bregrudge folks my spare change if they are helping me out. Like carrying my groceries, folding my laundry, getting me into restricted areas in Angkor, hustling to get something done for me, watering my plants, picking up fruit, negotiating with the chicken shack girls, sitting patiently while I chat up backpackers, sharing some homebrew, carrying the plants, etc Its the ordinary people in SE Asia that make your life comfortable
  13. I can undertand how irresistable that feeling of lust is, I am frequently a victim as men, women and animals rush towards me begging for just a moment to nibble, nuzzle and suckle the giant priapus that nestles in my pants. Especially at Songkhran, when my water soaked clothes outline each perfect millimeter of my sleeping giant. Its rough out there.
  14. After breakfast and the evening US news, I smoke a few in the pool, then find an activity. Today, I am going to ride around Angkor Wat with my trusted remorque driver Phil the Shiv and smoke some more. And stop at a smoothie stand for $1 smoothies.
  15. I have a Cambodian visa and get an "enjoy shopping" greeting as I cross, even though the goal is shopping at Thermae.
  16. You know nothing. You just embarass yourslef.
  17. No I have a memory. Try it...
  18. That's what your mama said but she decided just to take me as I was.
  19. Pretty indecipherable, as befits a PBS listener.
  20. Your welcome. You forgot to capitalize "third", you now take over the lead.
  21. Im not claiiming anything. You are the one making the claims, prove them. Is a 17 year old a child by the way?
  22. PBS and VOA are not reputiable journalistic sources. If you want to promote a lie, be prepared to back it up. Are 17 year olds children btw.
  23. If you blast a gelatinous stench schmear in your rear, just ask for a good spraying to wash it out. Why look for a fountain?
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