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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Speaking for many 70 year olds, I pay them to leave. Im beyond the famous 333, im a more like tired615 and they leave faster
  2. I myslef am exceedingly unattractive and the women in Thailand are a plus. The air sucks though
  3. Russians are not allowed to smile, it shows weakness.
  4. Communication? Thank god you arent a Scouse or from Manchester or one of those Geordie mumblers.
  5. Im glad you said almost 🤩
  6. Dont know why they hate you Bobby Boy, but I dont know you and find you to be obnoxious, so Im sure you are worse in person.
  7. Maybe they will like you better the second time if you refrain from acting like an entitled jerk the first time. Have you ever considered tht old adage: To know you is to hate you?
  8. Another defamer hits the net. "Likely". You know nothing about the situation other than what you read in English translation so you hide your ignorance with invective.
  9. totally hot. Maybe she will come to Cambodia when they toss her out. We have tons of those folks here
  10. Try Gourmet Market in Emporium
  11. 60 days would be wonderful
  12. Another troll topic and bs story.
  13. Big C has it
  14. Fabulous. Then I can say things about you without having to deal with an ignorant response.
  15. Oh look, another Trump thread for the trolls based on a lie.
  16. Why? Im enjoying watching you hoist even further on your own petard
  17. You would think that after 123,000 posts you could do better.
  18. The best part about this entire Orwellian Trumphate is that it is, as usual, based on a lie. 1984 indeed lol
  19. Why? Because you publicaly defamed a respected government official and got called out for it?
  20. Most Americans dont care what Eurotrash and Commie elites think of the USA. Our popularity in the world in best illustrated by our border crisis. By the way, most Americans dont have passports because it is unneccessary for travel in the USA. Isnt Texas bigger than Europe?
  21. I dont know if Putin ordered Navalnys death. I look at the whole controversey as just another excuse for the agitproppers to continue their Goebbels campaign against Trump.
  22. Well then, instead of trolling because you are bored, take a walk through areas of Phuket and ask the locals. You can get there fast, right? Speak Thai?
  23. Big Joke has rubbed certain factions the wrong way for a long time. Many of the reasons around the continual Big Joke controversies are not appropriately raised here. That being said, fill your bandwidths with all sorts of speculation, secure in the knowledge that 99% of you have no idea what you are talking about. We will see who wins in the end, just like the old Politburo
  24. So let me get this straight. You are coming here accusing the Governor of Phuket with criminal conduct in a public forum? Hmmmmmmm. OK, got evidence? Or do you just like to defame folks for your own ego needs.
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