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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. To kill Jews. That's their stated goal. If I was back in the States and heard someone screaming pro Hamas anti semtic and anti American crap in my neighborhood, I'd grab my 1911 just in case. Because Hamas are dangerous murderers and folks that support them are dangerous as well.
  2. Where are the Jews running through the airport screaming for the heads of Random muslims? Where are the Jews parading through the streets calling for the death of muslims? Where are the Jewish college students screaming for their heads of their fellow Muslim Students? Where are the Americans dancing in the streets and cheering the death of muslims, like the poor innocent Gazans did after 9/11? My big biatch is that we, the USA, haven't been harsh enough on these terrorist scumbags and their apologists. At least the Izzys have some balls and never forget, as Herbie Cukurs realized at the last minute. Nothing stops antisemitism better than the defensive elimination of the antisemite.
  3. You are what you are, thats the substance. I dont really argue with your lot, other than to out them.
  4. Notice the combination of anti Semitism and anti americanism.
  5. Start a war, then whine about your opponents actions after you lose. But, but, but, but, what about this, what about that, you did it too,we were provoked, sob sob sob. My position as an American is easy and based on law and morals. Utilize or threaten deady force and I am entitled to use such force as I reasonably deem necessary to end the threat or actions. If you chose to involve innocents, like hiding behind them and they are accidently killed or injured, its your fault, not mine. Hamas started shooting, now they will pay the price. Easy solution to the unavoidable civilian casualties that Hamas apparently doesnt care about (even though their neo nazi and anti semitic allies harp on those) is unconditional surrender.
  6. 88 in the user name too. Outed.
  7. As many it takes. Square is not the goal. The goal is surrender.
  8. He cant quarrel with the fact that the "kid" with the stones brought it on himself, lawfully and morally.. Someone threatens me with a weapon? Race creed colour religion sex or age, bye.
  9. That's a young man with a sling. Every normal person knows that. Only jew haters dont.
  10. I don't deal in hypothetical scenarios cleverly worded to establish anti semitic propaganda. At least you agree that stone boy deserved his bullet.
  11. Well personally, if some homicidal genocidal misogynistic fanatic terrorist was getting ready to deploy a weapon at me, Id put one in his center of mass. I leave the Kumbayas to you.
  12. Because it wouldnt support your narrative. You were outed pages ago.
  13. Intellectual dishonesty.
  14. Then clearly you know nothing of Opsec. Even if you did you wouldnt mention it.
  15. Not with a sling, or a knife, or a bomb, or a gun. Then its a dead terrorist.
  16. Your user name adequately describes the worth of that post.
  17. You should have met my ex mother in law.
  18. Oh look, they are really coming out of the basement now. Tell us all the stuff you have learned about races from Ostara and the Protocols
  19. That was established 100 plus pages ago.
  20. We should leave the Neo Nazis with their lefty loon antiamericanism/antisemitism/antiwest aside in this discussion and start looking at the geopolitical aspects, viz: 1. Iran stands in the way of Pan-Turkism 2. Israel is worth more to Turkey than Hamas 3. Israel is a strong ally of Azerbaijan 4. Azerbaijan is a Turkic nation, secular Muslim too. 5. 35% (I think) of Iran is Azeri. 6. Both Turkey and Azerbaijan have Nato aspirations Whatever Turkey does will be with the foregoing in mind.
  21. outed
  22. Hey I dont debate with terrorists or terrorist apologists,. Go find someone else to play your sophistry games.
  23. Yo Heinrich, regular old American dude here. Far as I am concerned (a thought which is shared by most Americans), the Izzies should level the entire S**hole that is Gaza, then we can make the Saudis rebuild it right. Note to scumbag Terrorists: Don't kill Americans or hold them hostage. War is hell, dont start one, and Im glad to see our Navy anti missle defenses are working.
  24. He was already outed so as a matter of course everything he says will be smeared with the lies embedded in his personal philososphy
  25. Beaches, fishing, watersports and casinos. You could build 4 casinos, infrastructure and even 400,000 apartments for less than 75 Billion dollars. Pocket change to the saudis. Place could be the Macau of the Middle East
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